

在 shrine神龕產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Yilianboy,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, . 信仰 English translation: @benkongenglish . 高架的捷運軌道 平視透著紅光的頂樓玻璃窗 一間又一間淨空的白牆紅地磚 一座又一座莊嚴的神龕 庇佑著虔誠的家 紛亂的城市 我這麼信仰著 . 記憶中 夏威夷原民文化村 導遊解說著他們如何尊敬神靈和祭祀 台東卑南文化...

shrine神龕 在 游泳教練 yilian Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-16 13:20:34

. 信仰 English translation: @benkongenglish . 高架的捷運軌道 平視透著紅光的頂樓玻璃窗 一間又一間淨空的白牆紅地磚 一座又一座莊嚴的神龕 庇佑著虔誠的家 紛亂的城市 我這麼信仰著 . 記憶中 夏威夷原民文化村 導遊解說著他們如何尊敬神靈和祭祀 台東卑南文化...

  • shrine神龕 在 Yilianboy Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-14 16:46:38
    有 1,483 人按讚


    English translation: @benkongenglish
    庇佑著虔誠的家 紛亂的城市
    一邊筆記 一邊笑他們的可愛
    當然不怪他們 因為他們不知道
    The high-rise tracks of MRT horizontally look at the windows of the attic that radiate red light from within.
    One after another pure white wall with red brick floor.
    One after another sacred shrine
    Overlooking piety families and the intricate city
    That’s what I believe
    In my memories,
    the guide explained how the indigenous people served and worshiped their god and performed rituals at the Hawaii Indigenous Culture Village
    Another guide told us at Beinan Site in Taitung that the bottom of stone coffins are always pointing towards Dulan Mountain.
    While I was taking notes, I thought it’s ok for them not knowing feng shui is the reference regarding where to put the coffin.
    And only buddy and Guanyin can bless us.
    They must believe in this faithfully just like me.
    These are all faith anyway.

  • shrine神龕 在 親愛的英文,我到底哪裡錯了? Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-04-24 14:33:36
    有 58 人按讚


    ★ zen [zɛn] 禪
    When I went up to the top of the mountain, I had a real feeling of zen.

    ★ bonsai [ˋbɑnzaɪ] 盆栽
    My neighbor has got some beautiful bonsai trees. You want to go take a look?

    ★ otaku [oˋtaku] 宅男
    He’s a total otaku. He just wants to stay inside and play computer games all day.

    ★ tycoon [taɪˋkun] 大亨/巨頭(其實,很久以前是從中文的「大君」來的!)
    I like to read books about tycoons. I want to study their methods.

    ★ kimono [kəˋmono] 和服,日本女生傳統的穿著
    I love watching old Japanese movies, and seeing the ladies in their kimonos.

    ★ manga [ˋmaŋɡə] 日式漫畫
    My friend loved to read manga about baseball teams when he was a kid.

    ★ anime [ˋænɪmeɪ] 日式動畫
    My friend loves anime, but I think the stories are confusing. I have no idea what's going on!

    ★ origami [͵ɔrəˋgɑmɪ] 折紙
    I love origami. I even made an origami bird for my boyfriend!

    ★ judo [ˋdʒudo] 柔道
    A Taiwanese girl was an Olympic judo champion!

    ★ karate [kəˋrɑtɪ] 空手道
    Americans love karate because of a movie in the 1980’s called “The Karate Kid”.

    ★ sumo [ˋsumo] 相撲
    Scott is big enough to be a sumo wrestler. {wrestler = 摔跤運動員}

    ★ shinto [ˋʃɪnto] 神道
    I saw some beautiful shinto shrines on my vacation in Japan. {shrine = 神龕}

    ★ emoji [ɪˋmoʊ.dʒi] 表情符號
    Taiwanese women love to use emoji in Line and Facebook Messenger.

    ★ geisha [ˋgeʃə] 藝妓/歌伎/藝者
    I thought the movie “Memoirs of a Geisha” was pretty interesting.

    ★ honcho [ˋhɑntʃo] 大人物、大老闆、首領
    (英文通常會出現在 head honcho 片語裡面)
    Well, you’ll have to ask George. He’s the head honcho around here.

    ★ kawaii [ka ˋwaɪ i] 可愛
    It takes a while for Americans to get used to Asia’s kawaii culture.

    ★ rickshaw [`rɪkʃɔ] 人力車
    I saw some rickshaws in a movie about old Shanghai.

    ★ sudoku [sʊˋdɒku] 數讀
    I do sudoku on the train to kill time.

    ★ tsunami [tsuˋnɑmi] 海嘯
    You really have to watch out for tsunamis after earthquakes.

    and don’t forget to add your kawaii emoji to the comments!

