

在 severe動詞產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,913的網紅椪皮仔,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「每日英文閱讀分享#025」​ ​ Why the U.S. Still Has a Severe Shortage of Medical Supplies​ ​ 文章中作者提出幾個重要的點:​ 1. ​ Strategic National Stockpile (SNS),需要借助政府的力量,發揮...

severe動詞 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-08-22 05:08:40

「嚴重的」的同義詞 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Severe e.g. Having an unbalanced diet for a prolonged period of time can impose a severe impact on your health. 翻譯:長時間的不均衡飲食會對你的健康...

severe動詞 在 Sherlock Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-09-21 14:33:03

. 《英文作文準備方法 上篇》  今天要來和大家分享我如何準備、學習和架構一篇英文作文的。 (小提醒:範例放在圖片中哦!)  先附上人權  我學測和指考的英文作文成績都是17分(滿分20) 對於某些英文大神來說可能還好 但我想應該也是多少有點資格來分享我準備作文的方法  也歡迎...

  • severe動詞 在 椪皮仔 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-20 18:12:01
    有 10 人按讚


    Why the U.S. Still Has a Severe Shortage of Medical Supplies​

    1. ​ Strategic National Stockpile (SNS),需要借助政府的力量,發揮更大的影響力。​
    2. SNS需要獲取更全面的資訊​
    3. SNS需要更強的人才,例如了解局勢的人或是資源分析師、流行病團隊​



    Vt : to increase or add substance, strength, or power to —usually used with up money ​
    例句:to beef up its staff of professional economists— John Fischer​

    Vi : complain ​
    用法:always beefing about something​
    例句:Instead of beefing about what Mrs Martin has not done, her critics might take a look at what she is trying to do.—Collins Dictionary ​


  • severe動詞 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-01 20:00:01
    有 491 人按讚

    🔔 單字筆記最快九月中就會開放販售,請留言的學員隨時留意動態哦!

    📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 日本 🇯🇵

    📰 Shinzo Abe Will Resign as Japan’s Prime Minister, Citing His Health
    The 65-year-old leader has long suffered from an intestinal condition called ulcerative colitis

    📌 這篇文章是關於日本首相 (Prime Minister) 安倍晉三 (Shinzo Abe) 辭職 (resign)一事。副標題道出首相的健康狀況:潰瘍性結腸炎(ulcerative colitis),是個醫學專有名詞。

    TOKYO—Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he would resign because of a painful intestinal condition, ending his rule after he held the top job longer than anyone else.

    Mr. Abe, 65 years old, said he would stay in office until a successor is chosen, likely in September. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party has the power to make the choice—likely in a vote by party lawmakers and other leaders—because it controls a majority in parliament, which elects the prime minister.

    📌 這段除了重複標題和副標題的内容外,它指出安倍晉三是在任首相中最長久的,他會留任到後繼人 (successor) 被選出。執政的自由民主黨 (the ruling Liberal Democratic Party) 有權做出選擇,因為它控制國會的大多數 (a majority in parliament)。

    With its first new leader in nearly eight years, Japan faces a challenge in maintaining the ties Mr. Abe built with President Trump. The two leaders played golf together five times and have met in person or spoken on the phone more than 40 times, earning Mr. Abe some jealousy among other would-be Trump friends, and Tokyo cemented its position as the leading U.S. ally in Asia and bulwark against the rise of China.

    📌 這段講述日本將要面對的挑戰 (challenge) ,即保持 (maintain) 與美國總統川普的關係 (ties)。cement 在這裡是動詞: 鞏固的意思,在新聞寫作常用到。

    “Japan hasn’t suffered the wrath of Trump. Japan isn’t seeing the unilateral withdrawal of U.S. troops like Germany. We could say that is one of Abe’s successes,” said Shihoko Goto, senior associate for Northeast Asia at the Wilson Center in Washington.
    “I want to pay my highest respect to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a very great friend of mine,” Mr. Trump said Friday night after a rally in New Hampshire. “We’ve had a great relationship and I just feel very badly about it, because it must be very severe for him to leave.”

    📌 這段引述一位學者的意見和川普的話,目的是支持安倍晉三跟川普之間緊密關係的論點。川普說他要向安培晉三致以最崇高的敬意 (pay my highest respect)。

    On the economic side, Mr. Abe’s legacy is more mixed. After the blow from the coronavirus pandemic this year, the Japanese economy, the world’s third-largest, was smaller in the April-to-June quarter than it was when Mr. Abe retook the top job in 2012.

    Working nearly without a break on the pandemic response this year took a toll on the prime minister’s health. He has long suffered from ulcerative colitis, an autoimmune condition that can result in painful ulcers and sores in the large intestine.

    📌 這兩段針對安倍晉三在經濟方面的遺產 (legacy),以及他因為忙於處理冠狀病毒大流行病 (coronavirus pandemic) 而對自己的健康產生不好的影響 (take a toll on)。


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  • severe動詞 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-24 19:00:54
    有 28 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事

    Is Kim Jong-un Critically Ill? 👀
    💬 金正恩病危❓


    1. critically ill「病危的」:critically 常用來形容「病情危急地」。
    2. absent「缺席的」
    3. speculation「猜測,推斷」:當名詞,動詞為 speculate。
    4. credible「可信的」
    5. severity「嚴重性,嚴重程度」:當名詞,形容詞 severe。
    6. North Korean defector「脫北者」:defector「叛逃者」,指脫離原本國家、逃到對立政治立場的另一個國家者。
    7. obesity「過胖」
    8. decline「拒絕,謝絕」:比 reject 跟 refuse 要婉轉一些。
    9. in light of「有鑑於」


    On April 15, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was absent from the celebration of his grandfather Kim Il-sung’s birthday. Kim Il-sung was the founder of North Korea, and the anniversary of his birth is the nation’s most important holiday. Ever since then, there has been speculation about Kim Jong-un’s health. Kim’s last known appearance was at a Politburo meeting on April 11.
    4 月 15 日,北韓領導人金正恩缺席祖父金日成的誕辰。金日成是北韓國父,所以他的誕辰可說是北韓全國上下最重要的國定節日。自此之後,有關金正恩健康堪慮的傳言四起。而金正恩最後一次現身,是參加 4 月 11 日勞動黨中央政局會議。

    According to a U.S. official, Kim is in grave danger after undergoing surgery. And another U.S. official told American media that the concerns about Kim’s health are credible, but the severity of his condition is hard to access. What kind of surgery? Daily NK, a newspaper run by North Korean defectors, reports that Kim received heart surgery because of “excessive smoking, obesity and overwork.” On the other hand, two separate South Korean government sources have said that the reports about Kim’s health aren’t true, and that there have been no unusual signs coming from North Korea.
    一名美國官員指出,金正恩術後病危,而另一名美國官員告訴媒體,有關金正恩健康的揣測是可信的,不過嚴重程度還不得而知。那麼,金正恩做的是什麼手術?由脫北者經營的韓國媒體《Daily NK》指出,金正恩所接受的手術是心血管手術,因為他有「嚴重煙癮、過重而且過勞」。不過另一方面,兩個不同的南韓政府消息來源指出,有關金正恩的健康傳聞並非屬實,北韓看起來並沒有任何不正常的徵兆。

    When asked about Kim’s health condition, the U.S. National Security Council and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence declined to comment. The State Department and the CIA have also made no public statements. But in light of the military exercises carried out by North Korea on April 14, which included the launch of several missiles, U.S. intelligence agencies are continuing to closely monitor the situation.

    1. the U.S. National Security Council「美國國家安全會議」:簡稱國安會,是由美國總統主持的最高級別國家安全及外交事務決策委員會,處理外交與安全事務。
    2. the Office of the Director of National Intelligence「國家情報總監」:處理有關國家安全的情報事務時的主要諮詢對象,統領 16 個美國情報體系。在建立國家情報總監之前,美國情報體系龍頭是中央情報局(CIA)總監。
    3. the State of Department「美國國務院」:美國政府負責外交事務的行政部門。

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

