

在 self-assured中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過19萬的網紅八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#廸在英國:致內政大臣盧綺婷女士的公開信】 致英國內政大臣 #盧綺婷 女士的公開信 關於︰梁君彥先生之國籍放棄申請 副本抄送:英國首相 #文翠珊、下議院議長 John Bercow、外相 #莊漢生、反對黨領袖 #郝爾彬、工黨影子內政大臣 Diane Abbott /我們的總結是︰保守...


  • self-assured中文 在 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-10-17 15:03:07
    有 5,063 人按讚


    致英國內政大臣 #盧綺婷 女士的公開信
    副本抄送:英國首相 #文翠珊、下議院議長 John Bercow、外相 #莊漢生、反對黨領袖 #郝爾彬、工黨影子內政大臣 Diane Abbott






    Letter to Home Secretary Ms. Amber Rudd
    Mr. Andrew Kwan-yuen Leung’s application to renounce British citizenship

    /Our conclusion is that the Conservative government has been extremely efficient and take utterly extraordinary practice to ensure that Mr. Leung would be able to meet the election deadline for his renunciation. In short, the Conservative government has helped in putting a puppet for Beijing on the Presidential seat of the HK Legislative Council.

    The Conservative government has shown its eagerness to please the PRC during this saga, or at the very least, they had been careful to avoid offending or angering the PRC. The attitude shown in this case is so different to the self-assured image set by PM Theresa May's recent scheduling to trigger Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon. It appears as though Theresa May, of all people, has inherited David Cameron’s style of habitual kowtowing to Beijing.

    The Conservative government’s flattery to Beijing, as well as the unfathomable mess by their civil servants in response to Andrew Leung's unduly reckless request may nevertheless embarrass UK people. The discretionary power exercised by the UK Government has been arbitrary, inconsistent and violated standard practices. These acts must be an embarrassment for the British people. While the British government’s forceful escorting of a Beijing assigned candidate, against concerns of legitimacy, to the throne of Chairmanship at the Hong Kong Legislative Council, is surely disappointing to the Hong Kong people./

    Full letter: https://goo.gl/Xckuly

    Theresa May Jeremy Corbyn
    Youtube 頻道:http://goo.gl/JtEXoR
    Telegram 頻道:https://telegram.me/chu_hoi_dick

  • self-assured中文 在 自然結果 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-05-25 15:37:56
    有 45 人按讚



    Flowers in your hair

    When we were younger we thought
    Everyone was on our side
    Then we grew a little bit
    And romanticized the time I saw flowers in your hair
    It takes a boy to live
    It takes a man to pretend he was there
    So then we grew a little and knew a lot
    And now we demonstrated it to the cops
    And all the things we said
    We were self-assured
    Cause it's a long road to wisdom
    But it's a short one
    To being ignored
    Be in my eyes
    Be in my heart
    Be in my eyes ai yai yai
    And be in my heart
    So now I think that I could love you back
    And I hope it's not too late cause you're so attractive in the way you move
    I won't close my eyes
    It takes a man to live
    It takes a woman to make him compromise
    Be in my eyes
    Be in my heart
    Be in my eyes ai yai yai
    And be in my heart


    當我看著妳的髮間放著一朵花時 畫面好像瞬間浪漫了起來
    一個男孩 就只需要好好地活在當下
    但一個男人 就會開始回憶起以前的時光了
    現在 我們正向那警察說明自己的證詞
    因為人生啊 是條很長的智慧之路
    妳 反映在我的瞳孔中
    妳 反映在我的瞳孔中
    存在 我的心中
    現在我想我可以愛人了 我想愛你
    希望還不會太遲 因為你的一顰一笑 都如此地吸引我
    一個男人啊 只會固執地活著
    總需要一個女人 才能讓他妥協的
    妳 反映在我的瞳孔中
    妳 反映在我的瞳孔中
    存在 我的心中

  • self-assured中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • self-assured中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • self-assured中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

