

在 self-abnegation產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,961的網紅Charlotte In White 林偉欣,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #SixAurasStudies : V I O L E T {sprituality / visionary / passion} 王廷琳 . 舞蹈家 及 編舞家 - 【感知・感動】 「紫色的質感,介乎熱情的紅和神秘的黑之間。」Andy的熱情很內斂,有種藏在眼內的神秘感。 他的...


  • self-abnegation 在 Charlotte In White 林偉欣 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-05-20 19:35:00
    有 77 人按讚

    #SixAurasStudies : V I O L E T
    {sprituality / visionary / passion}

    王廷琳 . 舞蹈家 及 編舞家




    Andy Wong 王廷琳,著名舞蹈家和編舞家,創辦舞團,帶領舞蹈天使,將舞蹈藝術帶入社區,和不同生活背景的人分享。


    Andy Wong . Dancer & Choreographer

    “Violet’s texture, lies between the passionate red and the mysterious dark.”

    Andy’s energy is intense but concealed, mystical and deep. You always feel naked in front of him, because he is also naked in front of you. “Perception and sensitivity have a special linkage. I erase word felt a state of self-abnegation and dissolution in a recent dance display. I raised my head, saw a mother in tears with a child in her brace, I stepped over and touched her hand very lightly…” For Andy, dance forms a bridge with the self. In dance, he expresses for the desire to feel and to connect with others. Channeling inspiration through choreography, he perceives the end of each movement, which flows at the verge of the unknown. “This premonition is my vision, because I see what is coming.”

    Andy speaks and does not speak. He communicates through words eloquently but by more - he transmits and receives through his mind. “I have always imagined Violet to be the colour of only two personal friends.” He thinks a person’s aura change according to his inner thoughts. He’d have wished himself to be a certain golden yellow, with a tint of melancholic blue. “But I didn’t know Violet seems to communicate well with me, too.”

    Andy Wong, renowned dancer and choreographer, lives in the present, spreading love with his DancingAngels, bringing the art of dancing to communities, sharing life with humans with no boundaries.

    #SixAurasStudies Photography Exhibition by Charlotte In White is now on:
    #WhiteTherapy 2.0
    Location: HKFYG Organic 21 (60 Staunton Street, Central.)
    Time: 12noon - 9pm (Everyday except Wednesday)

  • self-abnegation 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

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  • self-abnegation 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • self-abnegation 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

