

在 satisfied意思產品中有17篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,208的網紅鐵人柏青哥的休閒教室,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, https://www.tri247.com/kona/kona-2021/kristian-blummenfelt-kona-2021-target?fbclid=IwAR1L44zu9GQBHBdLEQCsHM6S1Dt_aIrTXiQRRU7KrV2wnalEqfhX1WihNP0 剛剛拿下...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅林子安 AnViolin,也在其Youtube影片中提到,■ 更多林子安: INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/an__official/ FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/Tzan0825/ WEIBO:http://weibo.com/u/6511795600 各式工作演出邀約請私訊...

satisfied意思 在 Yosuke Aizawa Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-17 14:23:16

あと3時間。 僕の意思表明。 宜しくお願いします。 俺は俺。 The theme for this season is emphasized our brand concept which is 'The field in which we wear clothes is all outdo...

satisfied意思 在 ??? ??. 雷☾ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-09-07 19:52:04

“ (好久沒発作品了) 這是my芮, 草字頭的芮 💕🌿 happy art making time with my dear magical-herbal sista @peek_a_boooboopoo !🥴 It always makes me feel satisfied to captu...

  • satisfied意思 在 鐵人柏青哥的休閒教室 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-31 10:16:14
    有 87 人按讚


    剛剛拿下奧運金牌的Blummemfelt,並沒有要休息的意思,已經返回國繼續訓練,最大目標是今年的IRONMAN KONA冠軍?!

    不過這是他第一次參加KONA大賽,過去25年內只有二位選手Chrissie Wellington (2007) 和Luc Van Lierde (1996)可以在第一次參賽就拿下冠軍,更別說今年參賽有許多可怕的對手。就連目前最強的Frodeno與Ryf第一次參賽也都只拿下第二名。



    August 15 – IRONMAN Frankfurt (confirmed)
    August 21 – World Triathlon Championship Finals, Edmonton (confirmed)
    August 28 – The Collins Cup, Slovakia (potential Captain’s pick – would he accept anyway?)
    September 5 – Super League Triathlon London
    September 12 – Super League Triathlon Munich
    September 18 – Super League Triathlon Jersey / WCTS Hamburg / IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship (qualified)
    September 25 – Super League Triathlon Malibu
    October 9 – IRONMAN World Championship (confirmed, subject to qualification)



    *資料來源: TRI247.com

  • satisfied意思 在 SU YANG , 蘇婭 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-11 11:06:24
    有 22 人按讚

    這個夢很有意思 代表我內心的渴求 狀態⋯有一陣子沒有這樣子有點複雜紛亂又清楚的夢⋯。


    在我生命中有兩個日子,刻劃很深的記號⋯11/1 和1/11~。我從來沒有覺得數字有什麼特別,但這兩個數字卻讓我永遠記得,紀念甚至感恩!❤️🌹🥰🥰






    謝謝祢總是不離不棄,在我最艱困的時候,用祢最溫柔有力的胸膛擁抱我!用祢最溫柔最有智慧的言語餵飽我,用祢最溫柔明亮的光帶領我,用祢最深最廣的愛情包裹我⋯。 使我可以在靈魂的海洋裡 大山裡面自由奔放⋯I love you,My Lord....🌷

    (馬太福音 5:9) 使人和睦的人有福了!因為他們必稱為 神的兒子。
    (Matthew 5:9) Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

    Photographer:Su 蘇婭

    I Waked up by a dream in the morning...
    This dream is very interesting. It represents the desire ,my situation in my heart....It hasn't been a somewhat complicated and clear dream like this for a while.
    I just know that today is January 11 day~1/11...❤️
    There are two days in my life, with deep marks...11/1 and 1/11~. I have never felt that the numbers are special, but these two numbers make me always remember, commemorate and even be grateful! ❤️🌹
    It was a difficult process that was unforgettable and hard to understand. ..The day 1/11 many years ago ...made me step through a door. It was a little bit like the process of having a child. The pain was so painful that you almost didn’t want to give birth to ... But to endure the most painful stage is the beginning of a new life... , it’s true! If I didn’t step forward bravely, I would not see the greenery and fullness now. ...My Life...Landscape! All the details are beautiful and wonderful...!
    I once had an experience, very cute and real! Changed my attitude in the face of injury~!
    I once had an experience, very cute and real! Changed my attitude in the face of injury~!
    The person who hurt you in particular is the one you love.
    Once I prayed to the Lord, with tears and anger... During the prayer, I saw an image, just like a movie. The person who hurt me threw a stone at me, but the stone did not hit me, so I picked it up. I picked up the stone and threw it back angrily. When I threw it over, I felt very weak and light in my hand... At first glance, what I threw over was actually a piece of bread! Suddenly I laughed...how could I be so weak! Can't even hurt people! At this time, God said to me, if someone treat you in hatred in darkness way ,would it be the same for you to treat him? What is in your heart? If you had me, you would know what to respond...
    Really, I instantly went from being angry to laughing at myself, I am so easily irritated, because my heart is filled with...it really is not this, I can give too much beautiful things and kindness...
    In the dark, you can only find a way out by becoming the light yourself...don't wait for others...
    You can become light yourself, and you yourself are the beauty! That power! That wisdom! That brave! ...But you didn't find the key...even you don't want to find it~
    Recently, I have a deep realization that no matter how much you love someone or how many people love you, no matter how many people being with you, you will eventually have to face yourself alone~ the soul of you~ If you can’t appreciate and love yourself well, and understand that you are beautiful, you can’t be comfortable and satisfied~.
    For those who hurt and broken, and those who don’t understand why they hurt you~ let it go!
    There is no need to say a hurtful sentence, because you should take more energy to see yourself loving yourself and becoming...the beautiful you~! Make people happy when they see you! As satisfied as if they had bread! ❤️🌹

    Today on January 11, 2021~~This is the day that once made me cry, I give my thanks to my Lord~
    Thank you for always staying true to me. In my most difficult time, hug me with your most tender and powerful chest! Feed me with your tenderest and wisest words, lead me with your softest and brightest light, and wrap me with your deepest and broadest love... So that I can be free in the ocean of the soul...I love you, My Lord...🌷


  • satisfied意思 在 小提琴家林子安 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-01 23:28:25
    有 701 人按讚

    【我也念過淡江 | New Video Out】
    所以我們看劇的時候會有共鳴,會因為劇情手指蜷曲、會用上帝視角看著主角木頭(?)也會因為悲劇結尾跟著一起哭,Happy ending的時候一起感到滿足!
    請大家訂閱我的Youtube頻道(林子安 AnViolin)。

    歡迎大家在沒有下雨的週末到信義區香堤大道,聽cover歌曲的live版喔!詳細演出相關資訊,都會更新在限時動態! ⠀
    A Dandelion's Promise is such Jay Chou's signature R&B style with the lyric by Vincent Fang telling us the sweet and sour time when we were young☺️
    The melody was from the movie《Secret》 directed by Jay Chou himself and maybe he likes it sooo much that he developed the interlude into a romantic song!

    The melody is sentimental, and it speaks out those words the boy didn't tell the girl.
    That's literally our real life, isn't it lol
    Not until many years later do we realize that the friendship was misunderstood as the indistinguishable love. (sighhhhh)
    Therefore, when we watch dramas/TV series/movies, we will resonate with the stories therein.
    We will cry when they are tragedy in the end, or be satisfied when they are finally happy ending!

    It's like taking the time machine when listening to this as a grown-up.
    The song takes us back to the time when we were innocent and shy moments with "that one." BTW, it's interesting to think that the promise of growing up together was so sincere for me but now I call it as a dandelion’s promise.
    I'm wondering if it's because that no matter how sincere the promise was, after growing up, we will eventually be led to our own ways as if it's meant to be 🙃

    Feel free to come to Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out on my Instagram stories! ⠀⠀
    小提琴 Violin:林子安 Lin Tzu An
    攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W

  • satisfied意思 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-01 22:08:05

    ■ 更多林子安:
    For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.

    ■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5


    | Violin cover by Lin Tzu An of A Dandelion's Promise by Jay Chou


    也會因為悲劇結尾跟著一起哭,Happy ending的時候一起感到滿足!


    歡迎大家在沒有下雨的週末到信義區香堤大道,聽這些cover歌曲的live版!詳細演出相關資訊,我都會更新在我的Instagram 限時動態!


    A Dandelion's Promise is such Jay Chou's signature R&B style with the lyric by Vincent Fang telling us the sweet and sour time when we were young☺️
    The melody was from the movie《Secret》 directed by Jay Chou himself and maybe he likes it sooo much that he developed the interlude into a romantic song!

    The melody is sentimental, and it speaks out those words the boy didn't tell the girl.
    That's literally our real life, isn't it lol
    Not until many years later do we realize that the friendship was misunderstood as the indistinguishable love. (sighhhhh)
    Therefore, when we watch dramas/TV series/movies, we will resonate with the stories therein.
    We will cry when they are tragedy in the end, or be satisfied when they are finally happy ending!

    It's like taking the time machine when listening to this as a grown-up.
    The song takes us back to the time when we were innocent and shy moments with "that one."
    BTW, it's interesting to think that the promise of growing up together was so sincere for me but now I call it as a dandelion’s promise.
    I'm wondering if it's because that no matter how sincere the promise was, after growing up, we will eventually be led to our own ways as if it's meant to be 🙃

    Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
    Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
    Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!

    Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!

    小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
    攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
    文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu


    【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
    喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ

    Paypal : https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin
    For Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin

    還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !



