

在 salty翻譯產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,072的網紅Vegan Kitty Cat,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 為什麼我吃的素食是「全食物蔬食」,而不只是純素食而已呢? 首先,「全食物蔬食」(WFPB)指的是完整、未經加工的食物,也就是從土裡長出來的真食物:蔬菜、水果、全穀物、種子、堅果等。 我14年前由葷轉蛋奶素、11年前由蛋奶素轉純素,3年多前又開始吃全食物,主要有兩個原因:一,在營養學組織Nutri...

 同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過61萬的網紅{{越煮越好}}Very Good,也在其Youtube影片中提到,急凍豬扒變梅頭肉 https://youtu.be/GgmEyzypg_c 瘦肉變滑肉https://youtu.be/cCHFhEet7hU ?豬(系列)播放清單 [豬肉 排骨 豬扒]等 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?li...

salty翻譯 在 肥宅教主 ? 安蕾 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-11 00:51:15

台灣的大家吃完晚餐ㄌㄇ?還餓嗎? . 今天是義大利文課第一天 老師用義大利文講解義大利文 真的是很任性... 明明是beginners的課程 但大家已經都會講義大利文ㄌ 我真的滿頭問號捏 不是說好可以零基礎ㄇ . 昨天又到#duomo 附近亂晃 Via Torino整條街都是平價服飾店 昨天在pul...

  • salty翻譯 在 Vegan Kitty Cat Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-22 22:08:23
    有 313 人按讚




    那我是無時無刻都這樣嗎?當然不了。😛 我家裡沒有油、糖或鹽,也不會買精緻穀物,所以在家做飯的時候確實是百分之百實踐全食物蔬食。要是外食,我還是不會吃炸物,也盡量避免白米、白麵條這類的,但對油、糖或鹽就沒有這麼挑惕了。要是很想吃個vegan甜甜圈或起司蛋糕時,我也不會克制自己。重點不是要時時刻刻完美,而是讓健康飲食成為習慣,然後盡力就行了。



    p.s. 配圖是我去年底擔任北京的ChinaFit素食大會主持。


    Why am I mostly whole food plant-based (and not just vegan)?

    First of all, “whole food plant-based” (WFPB) refers to foods that are unprocessed. So in other words, real foods that grow from the ground: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, etc.

    I went mostly whole food plant-based three years ago for two reasons: 1) When you work for NutritionFacts.org and watch video after video about the health benefits of a WFPB diet, it’s hard not to walk the talk. 2) My body naturally doesn’t like foods that are too heavy, oily, salty, or sweet. It just doesn’t feel good to consume those foods.

    Do I do it 100% all the time? Of course not! 😛 I don’t have oil, salt or sugar at home, and I don’t buy any refined grains. So when I cook at home, I’m 100% WFPB & SOS-free. But when I eat out, I’m more flexible with SOS. I still wouldn’t eat deep-fried foods even when I eat out, and avoid white rice or white noodles as much as I can. But when I crave a vegan donut or cheesecake, I also won’t stop myself. The point is not to do it perfectly all the time, but to make it a habit to eat healthy and just do the best you can.

    People go vegan for different reasons. I didn’t care about health when I first started my vegetarian/vegan journey 14 years ago, and I was even proud of it. But I always strive to expand myself, so going WFPB seemed like a natural next step. When I eat clean, I see the difference in my level of energy, cognitive function, and most notably - my skin. I also think it’s a pity to see people who went vegan reverse back to eating meat because they encountered health issues that have nothing to do with being vegan or not, but are actually about eating healthy/real foods vs. processed junk, not supplementing correctly (B12, for example), or not maintaining an active lifestyle.

    Taking the environment into consideration, unprocessed fruits and vegetables also don’t require much packaging, unlike vegan patties or nuggets that usually come wrapped in plastic. Nature is not something outside of us - we are nature, and our health is interconnected with the health of the planet. So feel free to reach out if you have any questions, or even better, follow NutritionFacts.org ❤️

  • salty翻譯 在 李問 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-16 17:51:42
    有 3,225 人按讚

    🚁雖然船班因為風浪取消,我們搭乘直升機到東引的 鹹味島合作社 Salty Island Studio 幫在地的小朋友上英文課。畢竟活動時間已經公告了。
    燈塔 Lighthouse
    燈塔管理員 Lighthouse Keeper/Lightkeeper
    家族 Family
    別墅 Villa
    懸崖 Cliff
    帆船 Sailboat
    補給船 Supply Boat
    煤油 Kerosene
    油漆 Paint
    候鳥 Migratory Birds
    洋人 Foreigners
    反共救國軍 Anti-Communist National Salvation Army

  • salty翻譯 在 家樂福Carrefour Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-10-04 20:38:06
    有 173 人按讚

    Take your barbecue on an authentic flavor journey in Thailand! 🇹🇭

    I found a delicious satay Thai peanut sauce at Carrefour. Perfect to share with your family and friends around a barbecue! 🍢
    It is great with all grilled meat and BBQ chicken. Try to dip your chicken satay in the sauce and you will see how amazing the combination is! 🍗It is the perfect balance between sweet and salty with roasted crunchy peanuts… 😋

    Keep tuned to discover my next product next week! 🤗

    / 阿福翻譯年糕 /


    敬請期待下週來看我的開箱 🤗

    #家樂福 #ElisabethInCarrefour

  • salty翻譯 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-25 07:00:00



    [豬肉 排骨 豬扒]等

    ?雞( 系列播放清單)

    ???我有1000多條片?大家入呢個網址 ?全部可以睇曬?
    https://goo.gl/cuyAZa hip???

    ??I have more than 1000 movies?Everyone enters this URL ?All can be viewed ?
    https://goo.gl/cuyAZa hip??

    ⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


    1. 雞扒,清水解凍。
    2. 雞扒解凍後,倒去水分,用粗鹽乸5分鐘,去除雪味、雞腥味及加入少許鹹味。
    3. 雞扒,清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水,用廚紙索乾。
    4. 土魷,清水浸5分鐘,擎乾水。
    5. 豆腐,切一舊舊,放好在碟上。
    6. 雞扒,去皮及脂肪,切大粒,放碗內。
    7. 土魷已浸軟,除去軟骨,切大粒,放雞肉內。
    8. 雞肉調味:
    a. 生粉1湯匙
    b. 糖1湯匙
    c. 生抽半湯匙
    d. 蠔油半湯匙
    e. 胡椒粉少許
    f. 油半湯匙

    1. 大火燒熱1鑊水。
    2. 大火蒸豆腐20分鐘。
    3. 過了10分鐘,用筷子攪鬆雞肉,令它們更容易蒸熟。
    4. 蒸好,放上辣椒粒及蔥粒。
    5. 完成,可享用。

    Steam tofu with dried squid and chicken cubes

    Tofu 2 cubes
    Frozen chicken steak 2 pcs
    Dried squid 1 No.
    Chili 2 Nos.
    Green onion 1 No.

    1. Chicken steak, defrost with water.
    2. Pour away water after defrost. Season with cooking salt for 5 minutes to remove unpleasant smells and add some salty tastes to it.
    3. Chicken steak, rinse thoroughly. Drain. Dry with kitchen towels.
    4. Dried squid, soak in tap water for 5 minutes. Drain.
    5. Tofu, cut in cubes. Put on plate.
    6. Chicken steak, remove skin and fat. Cut in big cubes. Put in a bowl.
    7. Dried squid, has been soaked and turns soft, remove bones. Cut in big cubes. Put in tbe chicken.
    8. Season the chicken:
    a. Tapioca starch 1 tbsp
    b. Sugar 1 tbsp
    c. Light soya sauce 0.5 tbsp
    d. Oyster sauce 0.5 tbsp
    e. Pepper little
    f. Oil 0.5 tbsp
    Mix well. Season for 10 minutes. Put on top of tofu.

    1. Heat up a wok of water at high flame.
    2. Steam tofu at high flame for 20 minutes.
    3. Stir the chicken with a pair of chopsticks after 10 minutes to make it more easy to steam well.
    4. Steam well. Put chili and green onion cubes on top.
    6. Complete. Serve.

    Steamed Chicken with Dried Squid & Tofu? Layers of Texture with Added Umami Flavor?


    Steamed Chicken with Dried Squid & Tofu

  • salty翻譯 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-14 07:00:07

    ⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


    1. 急凍雞髀,清水解凍。
    2. 雞髀,倒去水分,用粗鹽乸15分鐘,去除雪味、腥味,及加入少許鹹味。
    3. 雞髀,清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水,用廚紙索乾。
    4. 雞髀,加入調味:
    a. 五香粉半茶匙
    b. 黃薑粉半茶匙
    c. 雞粉半茶匙
    d. 生抽半茶匙
    e. 花椒半茶匙
    f. 油半茶匙

    1. 光波爐,用250度,預熱5分鐘。
    2. 放雞髀入光波爐。
    3. 第1次,用200度燒20分鐘。
    4. 第2次,用200度燒20分鐘。
    5. 最後,反轉雞髀,用200度燒10分鐘。
    6. 薯仔、紅蘿蔔及粟米做好成沙律,放在碟上,雞髀放另一邊。
    7. 完成,可享用。

    Chicken leg salad with halogen cooking pot

    Frozen chicken legs 3 Nos.
    Potatoes 2 Nos.
    Carrot 1 No.
    Corn 3 Nos.

    1. Frozen chicken legs, defrost with tap water.
    2. Chicken legs, pour away water. Season with cooking salt for 15 minutes to remove unpleasant smells and tastes and add some salty tastes to them.
    3. Chicken legs, rinse thoroughly. Drain. Dry with kitchen towel.
    4. Season the chicken legs:
    a. Five spices powder 0.5 tsp
    b. Tumeric 0.5 tsp
    c. Chicken powder 0.5 tsp
    d. Light soya sauce 0.5 tsp
    e. Sichuan peppercorn 0.5 tsp
    f. Oil 0.5 tsp
    Mix well. Put into refrigerator and season for 1 hour to dry the chicken legs properly at the same time.

    1. Halogen cooking pot, preheat at 250 C for 5 minutes.
    2. Put chicken legs in the pot.
    3. First round, bake at 200 C for 20 minutes.
    4. Second round, bake at 200 C for 20 minutes.
    5. Finally, flip over the legs, bake at 200 C for 10 minutes.
    6. Make salad well with potatoes, carrot, and corn. Put on plate. Put chicken leg on plate as well.
    7. Complete. Serve.




    ???我有1000多條片?大家入呢個網址 ?全部可以睇曬?
    https://goo.gl/cuyAZa hip???

    ??I have more than 1000 movies?Everyone enters this URL ?All can be viewed ?
    https://goo.gl/cuyAZa hip??

    Roast Chicken Leg Quarters with Japanese Potato Salad?Easy One-Dish Dinner?


    Roast Chicken Leg Quarters

    Chicken Leg Quarters with Potato Salad

  • salty翻譯 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-31 07:00:46

    ⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️



    1. 薯仔,清水洗淨,預備1鑊水,放薯仔,大火滾起後,烚10分鐘。
    2. 鳳尾蝦,清水解凍。
    3. 薯仔已烚了10分鐘,用筷子試一試是否已腍身,如果未夠腍,再烚多5分鐘。
    4. 薯仔已烚好,熄火,夾起放碟上,攤凍。
    5. 蝦,已解凍,倒去水分,加入粗鹽半茶匙乸3分鐘,去除雪味及加入少許鹹味。
    6. 煙肉,打橫切一半,打橫切1厘米1條,放碟上。
    7. 放煙肉入光波爐,用250度,焗15分鐘。
    8. 蝦,清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水,用廚紙索乾。
    9. 薯仔已攤凍,去皮,壓爛,加入:
    a. 芝士2片,攪勻
    b. 鹽半茶匙,攪勻
    c. 牛奶50毫升,攪勻
    10. 薯蓉,倒入玻璃盤內。
    11. 煙肉已焗好,取出,放薯蓉入光波爐,用250度,焗30分鐘。
    12. 薯蓉已焗至金黃色,打開蓋,芝士撕開一條條,放上面,煙肉鋪上面,再焗餘下的時間。
    13. 蝦,再用廚紙索乾,加入少量鹽及少量生粉,撈勻。
    14. 打開光波爐,排好蝦在薯蓉上,再焗餘下的時間。
    15. 蝦已轉橙色,表示已焗熟。
    16. 完成,可享用。

    Cheesy mashed potatoes with bacon and shrimps

    Potatoes 5 Nos.
    Cheese 5 slices
    Fresh milk 50ml
    Bacon 100g
    Frozen pheonix~tailed shrimps 10 Nos.

    (Little salt for seasoning)

    1. Potatoes, get it rinsed. Put potatoes in a wok of water. Heat up at high flame. Soak for 10 minutes after boils up.
    2. The shrimps, defrost with tap water.
    3. Potatoes have been soaked for 10 minutes, use a pair of chopsticks to check if they are soft enough. If not, soak for 5 minutes more.
    4. Potatoes have been soaked well, turn off fire. Put them on plate and wait for cooling down.
    5. Shrimps have been defrosted, pour away water. Season with cooking salt 0.5 tsp for 3 minutes to remove unpleasant smells and add some salty taste to it.
    6. Bacon, halfly cut horizontally. Cut it with 1 cm wide horizontally. Put on plate.
    7. Put bacon in halogen cooking pot. Bake at 250 C for 15 minutes.
    8. Shrimps, rinse with tap water. Hang dry. Dry with kitchen towel.
    9. Potatoes have been cooled down, get them peeled and squashed. Add:
    a. Cheese 2 slices, mix well
    b. Salt 0.5 tsp, mix well
    c. Fresh milk 50ml, mix well.
    10. Mashed potatoes, is to be put in a glass ware.
    11. Bacon, has been baked well, take it out. Put potatoes into cooking pot, bake at 250 C for 30 minutes.
    12. Mashed potatoes has been baked into colour of golden yellow, take up lid. Put sliced cheese and bacon on top. Continue baking for the rest of time.
    13. Shrimps, dry with kitchen towel again. Season with little salt and tapioca starch, mix well.
    14. Open the cooking pot, put shrimps in row on top of mashed potatoes. Cook for the rest of time.
    15. Shrimps have been turned into colour of orange, that means it has been cooked well.
    16. Complete. Serve.





    Cheesy Mashed Potatoes with Bacon & Shrimps?Rich, Smooth, Filling, Delicious?

    Shrimp Mashed Potatoes