English Meaning: Verb: Search unsystematically and untidily through something/ Noun: An unsystematic and untidy search
中文解釋: 到處翻尋, 搜...
English Meaning: Verb: Search unsystematically and untidily through something/ Noun: An unsystematic and untidy search
中文解釋: 到處翻尋, 搜出
➡ I rummaged my bag for my keys but I actually left them at school.
➡ I had a rummage of this big box and found a lot of memorable stuffs. ||
以後用完search, look for就可以用"rummage", 仲有少少凌亂感,😂最適合形容大頭蝦嘅你。🙈
PS 因為白色小編十幾廿日冇update呢度,為咗賠罪兩位小編,嚟近20日都會白色小編負責返(同時會準備定大量posts, 以免白色小編日後有咩事都唔會增重其餘兩位小編嘅workload),有咩睇唔明inbox揾返我就得啦,最後補祝返大家開學順利!😁
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