

在 reunite中文產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅賴芳玉(生活與法律),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 哭了..... ................. 韓國紀錄片「I Met You」, ang Ji-sung是四個孩子的母親,2016 年,年僅 7 歲的次女 Nayeon 因血癌去世。 三年後在 Nayeon 的生日那天,透過先進的 VR 科技,雖然只是虛擬畫面,但 Ji-sung 再次見...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅GreatKidsLearning,也在其Youtube影片中提到,贈衛八處士 To My Retired Friend Wei 五言古詩 中文原文﹕ 人生不相見,動如參與商, 今夕復何夕?共此燈燭光。 少壯能幾時?鬢髮各已蒼。 訪舊半為鬼,驚呼熱中腸。 焉知二十載,重上君子堂。 昔別君未婚,兒女忽成行; 怡然敬父執,問我來何方。 問答乃未已,兒女羅酒漿。 夜雨剪...

reunite中文 在 Hsuan萱萱 | New York 紐約旅遊&生活筆記 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-04 07:58:20

This year, the Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋節) will fall on October 1st! (Thursday!) 🎑以下有中文 . The mid-Autumn Festival (Also known as the Moon Festival) is on...

reunite中文 在 Dena 張粹方 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-03 23:32:07

(底下有中文) Hi from San Diego peeps 🇺🇸! I am so happy and excited that I get to finally reunite with all of my closest childhood besties all at once! We ...

  • reunite中文 在 賴芳玉(生活與法律) Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-02-09 19:41:01
    有 304 人按讚


    韓國紀錄片「I Met You」,

    ang Ji-sung是四個孩子的母親,2016 年,年僅 7 歲的次女 Nayeon 因血癌去世。

    三年後在 Nayeon 的生日那天,透過先進的 VR 科技,雖然只是虛擬畫面,但 Ji-sung 再次見到她在天國的女兒了。

    這部紀錄片「I Met You」2020年 2 月 6 日南韓文化廣播公司 MBC 電視台播出。VR 團隊耗時 8 個月打造了這個 VR 互動式場景,包含用 Nayeon 生前的影像與聲音,以動態捕捉打造她的模樣與聲音。




    Mom: Where are you?

    Daughter: Mom! Mom! Mom, where were you?

    Mom: I was always..

    Daughter: Mom, did you think about me?

    Mom: Everyday.

    Daughter: Mom, I missed you alot.

    Mom: I missed you too. My dear Nayeon, Nayeon. You have been doing well right? I missed you alot. Nayeon, you are doing well right? My beautiful Nayeon, I really want to hug you in my arms, I really missed you.

    Daughter: Mom, am I pretty? I am right?

    Mom: You are really really beautiful, my Nayeon. Nayeon… I just want to be able to touch you once more…

    Mom: I’d look at the sky and talk and wave to it. If you see a crazy woman waving at the sky, thats me.

    Daughter: Mom I’m cold.

    Mom: Why are you cold.

    Daughter: Mom, put your hand like this.

    Mom: Like this?

    Daughter: Mom, its nice to hold my hand right?

    Mom: Yes, I want to hold it dearly.

    Daughter: But if you hold it up like this, we are going up into the sky.

    Mom: Really? Aw Nayeon, you are wearing those flip-flops you really like.

    Daughter: Mom, are you scared?

    Mom: No I am not scared!

    Daughter: Tada! I will show you a pretty house.

    Mom: Its Twilight!

    Daughter: My mom is visiting today! Say hi!

    Mom: Hi!!

    Daughter: Mom, sit here.

    Mom: Here?

    Daughter: Hurry!

    Mom: Alright alright, I’m sitting!

    Daughter: Mom, lets celebrate my birthday!

    Mom: Okay, one, two, three, four.

    Daughter: Can you put in more candles?

    Mom: Okay, six and seven.

    Daughter: Wow its so pretty!

    (Daughter takes a picture, Mom poses)

    Sibling: Her face is a little different

    Daughter: Lets sing happy birthday

    Mom: Happy birthday to dear Nayeon, Happy birthday to you!

    Dad: Rice cakes, small round ones, in green, pink, and white thats filled with melted sugar, Nayeon really wanted to eat them. She said when she’s out of the hospital, she wanted those rice cakes but we weren’t able to do that for her.

    Mom: Happy birthday to you!

    Daughter: I am gonna make a wish! I wish that my dad would stop smoking.

    Mom: Haha yes.

    Daughter: I wish my older brother and sister would not fight, and that my younger sister won’t get sick and I wish that my mom won’t cry.

    Together: One, two, three, (blows out candles).

    Daughter: I love the seaweed soup mom makes the best.

    Mom: I remember, you liked that dish I made the best. Still do.

    Daughter: Wow, mom the flowers are blooming!

    Mom: they are!

    (Mom waves)

    Mom: She was just over there.

    Daughter: Mom, come over here! Mom, here! (Gives flower) Mom you saw me right? I am not sick anymore.

    Mom: Yes you cant be sick anymore, you cant be sick.

    Daughter: Mom are you sad? Mom don’t cry anymore.

    Mom: I wont cry, I wont cry, I wont miss you but I will love you, love you more and more.

    Daughter: Mom, I wrote you a letter. Do you want me to read it?

    Mom: Yes.

    Daughter: Mom, we are always together right? Next time we meet, lets play a lot okay? I will cherish and remember you for a long time too.

    Mom: Thank you. I love you so much Nayeon, wherever you are, I will come find you, I have some things to do, when I am done, I will come to you. When that day comes, lets get along okay? I love you Nayeon.

    Daughter: Mom I’m tired. Mom stay beside me. Goodbye mom… I love you mom…

    Mom: Me too. Good bye~










    Ji-sung:我也好想你,(試著撫摸 Nayeon)我的 Nayeon,Nayeon... 你過得好嗎?媽咪好想見你。Nayeon,你過得很好,對吧?我可愛的 Nayeon。媽咪好想抱抱你,媽咪好想你。




    Ji-sung:是,你是這麼的可愛,我的 Nayeon。


  • reunite中文 在 Dena 張粹方 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-31 19:05:08
    有 80 人按讚

    Hi from San Diego peeps 🇺🇸! I am so happy and excited that I get to finally reunite with all of my closest childhood besties all at once! We all met through my mom’s English language cram school, Chuck! As we grew older, each of us began moving out of Taiwan for educational reasons, we’re literally scattered all over the world. I truly understand that a chance like this doesn’t just come in often, so when Jody (the bride) asked us to be her bridesmaids, of course we said YES!! (Ahhh!) It’s my first time experiencing a wedding held in America! But before I get in deeper, I want to briefly introduce you guys to these girls!
    來介紹一下我的兒時好友~我們都是Jody的伴娘🥰我們都是在我媽媽的補習班認識的!跟Jody跟Pamela是幼稚園認識的~Elena 跟 Jennifer 是小學二年級認識的!
    Pamela: known each other since 4, been on my vlogs a few times, born in the states, works in Finance in Irvine, California
    Jennifer: Known each other since 8. She’s always been the smartest. A little uptight🙊 Got into one of the best high schools and Universities in Taiwan, snabbed her business degree in London. Currently working in London as a consultant manager. 
    Elena: Known each other since 8, went to Shanghai American school since middle school, went to the states for University. Currently working for Nike in Shanghai! @ The Guild Hotel, San Diego, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel

  • reunite中文 在 Andrea So 蘇韻姿 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-06-01 00:28:39
    有 75 人按讚

    2017 vs 2002... I have known these girls since we were kids and I'm so happy we got to reunite!! ☺️☺️ 好耐冇見由細玩到大嘅小學同學!諗返起當年一齊學中國舞,返中文班,真係好多隨時,好多美好的回憶!👯💖💖 #fondmemories #childhoodfriends #dancebuddies #thegoodolddays #timeflies #wereoldnow #眨吓眼就會老 #小學同學 #由細玩到大 #太耐冇見啦

  • reunite中文 在 GreatKidsLearning Youtube 的精選貼文

    2014-05-29 00:07:33

    贈衛八處士 To My Retired Friend Wei 五言古詩


    英文翻譯 _ English Translation﹕ By Betty Tseng
    We have been unable to reunite for so long,
    We have been like morning and evening stars that never meet in the sky.
    What a night this has been?
    For us to share this candlelight.
    For how long does youth last?
    Your hair has greyed and so has mine.
    Of the old acquaintances I called upon, half of them have ghosts become,
    Aghast and gut-wrenched I cried.
    All of a sudden twenty years have gone by
    Before I could again call on where you reside.
    You were not engaged when we went our separate ways,
    You are now married with children after all this time.
    They courteously greet their father's friend,
    And my journey enquire.
    Before I could their curiosity satisfy,
    You have you son bringing out the wine.
    We nibble on spring chives just gathered in the evening rain,
    In a fresh meal that rough grains contain, abundant is pure joy as old friends reunite.
    You marvel at how unexpected such a reunion is,
    In one go you gulp down more than a pint.
    Pints after, high in spirit you are yet sober still,
    And I am grateful for your friendship so genuine.
    Tomorrow shall find us separated by mountains again,
    What the future holds is vague and undefined.