

在 reunited意思產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,330的網紅賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🔊 點擊聽發音 ❤️ 喜歡按愛心 【runaway kids 逃家孩童】 Greyhound offers runaway kids willing to be reunited with their family free tickets home. (灰狗巴士提供服務,讓自願回家的逃家孩童能...

reunited意思 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-02 11:49:36

如果你想話一個人好情緒化,你會話佢... emotional? [#日常英語🌋 ] [#Synonyms🌋 ] 當我地話一個人「情緒化」,通常都帶有負面既意思,即係話人少少事都會令佢有情緒波動,簡單嚟講就係喜怒無常。 咁我地嚟睇返 emotional 本身既意思先。根據Cambridge Dic...

  • reunited意思 在 賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-07 11:59:05
    有 10 人按讚

    🔊 點擊聽發音 ❤️ 喜歡按愛心

    【runaway kids 逃家孩童】

    Greyhound offers runaway kids willing to be reunited with their family free tickets home.

    💡Greyhound 灰狗巴士是美國的長途巴士公司
    💡runaway 的連音,點擊圖片,聽 Bingo 解釋
    💡reunite 是再次聚首的意思
    💡右滑有 runaway kids 可能遭遇的處境,記住 runaway kids 的畫面,不用死背「逃家孩童」喔

    #賓狗發音教室 的單字選自我們的 #5個單字系列 ,「5 個單字系列」結合新聞議題及英文單字,「賓狗發音教室」著重單字發音及用法。全部服用,效果最好 😂❤️

    【留言練習】你會怎麼翻譯這一句話呢 👉 「其實許多逃家孩童,也想要跟家人團聚」
    期待看到你的留言 😉

    #runawaykids #逃家孩童 #逃家 #bingobilingual #英文單字 #學英文 #英文學習 #單字卡 #英文發音 #英文 #翻譯

  • reunited意思 在 陳鈺萍醫師 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-05-09 11:09:27
    有 69 人按讚


    The Early Sensitive Period
    The crucial importance of skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth was demonstrated by the finding that a two-hour separation period immediately after birth inhibited the development of positive effects on social interaction and stress buffering. The mother-infant dyads reunited after a two-hour separation period after birth, behaved like those that were separated not only in the labor ward, but also during the four-day stay at the maternity ward.
    These results point to a particular role of skin-to-skin contact during the first two hours after birth, “the early sensitive period.” More surprisingly, the group in which the babies wore clothes differed from the skin-to-skin group, suggesting that clothes act like an insulator from real skin-to-skin contact (Bystrova et al., 2009).

    Dad had requested skin-to-skin in the OR from the moment that he stepped foot in the hospital... he must have mentioned it a dozen times.

    He + his wife were preparing to welcome twins in to the world after losing their first-born to Krabbe Leukodystrophy at the young age of 20 months.

    Staff told him that it would be tough since he would have two babies and needed to be in a scrub suit over his clothes ... So he promptly and without question explained that he had a large arm-span that was ready and waiting to hold his two boys and then took his shirt off and zipped up his scrubs announcing, 'well then.. problem solved!'

    This nurse made sure to advocate for him to all 24 other people in the OR that day -- and personally made sure that his request was fulfilled. <3

    Hershey, Pennsylvania

  • reunited意思 在 Novel小說. Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-09-28 15:42:00
    有 86 人按讚

    By Mr.V


    埃及王子1 Reawakened
    洛基之狼(諸神小鎮系列一)Loki's Wolves
    幽影王冠2:血王座 One Dark Throne
    獵書遊戲2:被詛咒的寶藏 The Unbreakable Code
    機密永眠(女王心機系列六)Seven Minutes in Heaven
    愛的現在式(致珍藏的你系列二)P.S. I Still Love You
    荊棘路(天使三部曲之三) The Watchers
    迷霧之子執法鎔金番外篇1:自影 Shadows of Self
    千萬別惹我(傑克李奇第二十部) Make Me

    再死一次 Die Again

    水底的女孩 Into the Water

    奧丁渡鴉(諸神小鎮系列二)Odin's Ravens
    烈焰雙生Ⅲ The Forever Ships
    飢渴者(哈利霍勒警探系列十一) The Thirst

    黑寡婦2 Red Vengeance
    埃及王子2 Recreated
    雛鳳歸巢(黑寡婦系列二部曲) Dark Triumph

    召喚師(Ⅲ)異域決戰 The Battlemage
    異能時代Ⅲ Written in Fire
    奇蹟之城:階梯之城Ⅲ City of Miracles
    幻城之戰3:新興王朝 Un nuovo regno
    蜚滋與弄臣〈刺客系列3〉:刺客命運 Assassin's Quest
    迷霧之子執法鎔金番外篇2 The Bands of Mourning

    殘酷之冠:紅皇后前傳 Cruel Crown
    第七天(第七號牢房二部曲)Day 7
    紙與火:墨水戰爭三部曲之二(暫譯) Paper and Fire
    絕對服從系列三 Reborn
    依舊還是我:遇見你之前三部曲(暫譯)Still Me
    灰燼與鵝毛筆:墨水戰爭三部曲之三(暫譯) Ash and Quill
    秘密歷史(迷霧之子三部曲外傳)Secret History
    紅皇后Ⅳ War Storm
    風之影四部曲:靈魂迷宮 El laberinto de los espiritus
    以眼還眼的女孩 The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye
    鋼鐵德魯伊9 Scourged

    星謎檔案2 Gemina
    神棄者終章 ?

    提靈女王3 The Fate of the Tearling
    魔法學院Ⅳ The Silver Mask

    埃及王子3 Reunited

    星謎檔案3 Obsidio



