

在 remains中文產品中有43篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,842的網紅Roger Chung 鍾一諾,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【生死教育研討會第一講】 講題 Title:「無言老師」給我們的生死課 Life and Death Education from the “Silent Teachers” 講者 Speaker:伍桂麟先生 Mr Pasu Ng 主持 Moderator:鍾一諾教授 Prof Roger Chun...

 同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過42的網紅way live,也在其Youtube影片中提到,IG: @waylive https://www.instagram.com/way.live/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/way.live8 Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/6413332737 **誠邀中文作詞者合作,請私I...

remains中文 在 ?? Heidi + ?? | HOMEKONG Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-05 14:47:57

// 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐚 飲了一次就不能自拔了,上次解釋了一點名字由來,這次說一下他是什麼~Cascara中文雖然是咖啡果肉茶,不過又不可以說他是咖啡或茶,因為他兩樣都不是哈哈~咖啡果肉是從咖啡果實取走中間種子(咖啡豆)後的物質,其實一般來說他最後會被丟或者用來堆肥~所以現在被重新利用作獨特飲品算是他...

remains中文 在 蔡奇儒 | MedEx 醫適能 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-06-03 11:23:29

超實用文【收藏❤️ 分享🔥】 常常有人練深蹲動作卻像硬舉,或是有人練硬舉常常動作像深蹲? 其實要區分這兩大動作模式有幾個很簡單的觀察點: 1. ✨膝關節彎曲程度 當膝關節在動作中彎曲伸直的程度越高,通常我們會稱為膝關節主導(knee-dominant)。 舉例來說,深蹲就是相對硬舉動作更膝...

remains中文 在 Amber Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-01 04:34:48

2019.05.20 ❤️ 有些人以為自己不是我愛的 但你們是 一直都是💕 就跟掉落地上的楓葉一樣 五顏六色 就是你們帶給我的喜怒哀樂 太露骨的話現在用中文打不出來 拜託妳們看完😚 Few months before, I always saw anyone who laughed and cou...

  • remains中文 在 Roger Chung 鍾一諾 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-28 16:05:12
    有 40 人按讚

    講題 Title:「無言老師」給我們的生死課 Life and Death Education from the “Silent Teachers”
    講者 Speaker:伍桂麟先生 Mr Pasu Ng
    主持 Moderator:鍾一諾教授 Prof Roger Chung

    日期 Date:15th May, 2021 (Sat)
    時間 Time:3:00-4:30pm
    地點 Venue:沙田澤祥街12號香港中文大學鄭裕彤樓地下演講廳1B (LT1B)
    Lecture Theatre 1B, Level 1, Cheng Yu Tung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 12 Chak Cheung Street, Shatin, N.T.

    講座內容 Synopsis:
    We are honoured to have Mr Pasu Ng, the champion behind the CUHK "Silent Teacher" Body Donation Programme and dissecting laboratory manager of the Faculty of Medicine, to be our speaker in the first public seminar of the four-lecture series on life and death education, organized by the School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK. A veteran embalmer and restorative artist, Pasu will share with us the concepts and values behind body donation, as well as reviewing and projecting the development of and the humanitarian concern behind "remains processing."

    報名 Register NOW: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/mycuform/view.php?id=1039880

    Seats are limited and first come, first served.

    生死教育 X 伍桂麟

  • remains中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-20 17:26:12
    有 3,018 人按讚

    美台合作持續在各領域發燒! 台灣登上美國教育部官方部落格!


    閱讀部落格全文翻譯: https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/zh-new-u-s-taiwan-education-initiative/

    U.S.-Taiwan cooperation is thriving on various topics. Taiwan is featured on the official blog of the U.S. Department of Education!

    As you may have heard, on December 2, 2020, AIT and TECRO signed an important Memorandum of Understanding on international education cooperation. The MOU supports Mandarin and English language learning, student and teacher exchanges, university partnerships, and more! As Deputy Secretary Zais explained, “Students who speak several languages have an advantage in many aspects of their careers and lives. I am confident our partnership can help more students gain these important skills – on Taiwan and in the United States.”

    Read the blog:

  • remains中文 在 曾馨瑩MoMo導演 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-02 15:36:32
    有 137 人按讚

    宜蘭在遠方Yilan,a Taste of Home 獲得國際影展最優秀作品賞。

    最優秀作品賞 グランプリ「持続可能な観光」をテーマにした最高の映画

    在東洋大学國際観光短編映画祭 Toyo University Tourism Short Film Festival 中,『宜蘭在遠方』,透過影片主題與導演手法的呈現,從全世界115個國家、2675件電影作品當中脫穎而出獲得評審團最高分,得到最高榮譽的最優秀作品賞,也就是最佳電影。

    (獲獎理由可從影片 06:07 開始 with English and Chinese subtitle )


    這是台灣宜蘭站上國際影展舞台的一部電影,是由我們一起打造的電影。榮耀與為宜蘭、為台灣努力的你們共享 - Le Temps 食光1998 正福茶園[Fu Tea] - 極致嚴選.完美呈現 音樂米 Music Rice 飛魚食染-鹽滷豆花專賣店 Andoni Munduate Dorronsoro CultureLab Min Yeh Richard Hsu Rocio Maeso 廖冠維

    攝影燈光 陳喬吉 林語農 混音 Jessie Cho 電影海報設計 Min Yeh


    受到日本觀光協會與聯合國世界衛生組織日本辦公室支持,並與威尼斯福斯卡里宮大學Ca’ Foscari University共同舉辦的東洋大学観光短編映画祭 Toyo University Tourism Short Festival東洋大学観光短編映画祭【持続可能な社会に向けて】,由威尼斯、日本兩國的教授與專家學者及日本影評人所擔任評審團。



    來自影展評審團 :

    A documentary following a Basque chef who visited the small town of Yilan, not far from Taipei, won the highest overall score by the judges.

    This work is not a movie about a chef.

    Yilan , A Taste of Home『The Taiwanese subtitle may be “being far away,” but the English subtitle is literally “taste of home”. It can be said that it is also a movie that simulates the journey to find the land that created one’s self. 宜蘭在遠方,電影中文標題雖為「在遠方」,但英文標題卻是「家鄉 / 家的滋味」』述說找到形塑自我的那塊土地的旅程 。

    The director pays homage to the characters, expressing them carefully, and as a result of exquisite blending instead of throwing a strong message, she succeeds in leaving us a strong assertion.


    The film after being edited using images and sounds, remains in the viewer’s body as a subject.
    It means that this film is established as a very cinematic work.




    歐洲塞爾維亞新世代影展NGFF的優選作品 Honorable Mention


  • remains中文 在 way live Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-09-29 18:33:35




    **誠邀中文作詞者合作,請私IG, Facebook 或 微博。**
    Any music inquiries please PM on IG, Facebook, or Weibo.

    關於 ABOUT:
    Raw01 is the ultimate 1st version of Vince Way's original song, recorded exactly the moment it was born. A demo is a final version in its own way - perfectly raw as it should be. May whatever blossoms from it later on, its essence remains only in version Raw01.


    Up Running
    詞 Lyrics: 弘正 Vince Way

    I've been up and alone
    Feel like I don't belong
    In a world has gone so wrong
    Yet it’s the only place I know

    Keep me safe in the zone
    Been told to keep on fighting
    Till we see a silver lining
    In between the closing door

    And I ve been dreaming
    Pleading your love
    Will you ever come

    I've been blinded too blind to notice
    Our moment has begun

    You got me
    Up up running up and running again
    You woke me up up honey up from all the lost dreams
    I ve been afraid what’s coming
    So afraid I lost it
    Wake up now honey
    Up into a new scene

    To the new scene
    A world we’ve never seen yea

    Now get up all the way
    We've never made mistakes
    Just chances that we take to see
    if anyone relate

    Aren’t we one and the same?
    Hop on a flight tomorrow
    Pack up the guilt and sorrow
    That we’re barely holding on

    And now I'm dreaming
    Pleading your love
    Could you be the one

    To get me
    Up up running up and running again
    To wake me up up honey up from all the lost dreams
    I was afraid what's coming
    So afraid I lost it
    Wake up now honey
    Up into the scene
    To the new scene
    To the new scene Yea
    To a new scene
    A world that we've never seen

    Been blinded Too blind to notice
    Our moment just begun

    Now get up all the way

  • remains中文 在 way live Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-06 20:56:35





    **誠邀中文作詞者合作,請私IG, Facebook 或 微博。**
    Any music inquiries please PM on IG, Facebook, or Weibo.

    Raw01 is the ultimate 1st version of Vince Way's original song, recorded exactly the moment it was born. A demo is a final version in its own way - perfectly raw as it should be. May whatever blossoms from it later on, its essence remains only in version Raw01.


    詞 Lyrics:
    Shoot Aim Fire
    knocking down your desire
    Lock and reload
    what do we know
    Kill in style
    lipstick in red
    Heels high
    Trophies of gold
    could it be all
    Pushing for power with all of our means
    Still seeing these faces as lost as they seem
    When buildings are crumbling down what do you really see
    The fight goes on so

    Fold up the heartache
    March as we go
    Long as you know its
    Worth fighting for
    When Home is a matchstick
    Love is the stove
    With all that is worth it
    I'm fighting for
    I'm fighting for you

    2 steps back
    Elbows up on defence
    Watch the attack
    There's pride to protect

    Punching in punching out chasing the dream
    Still up in those nights I can barely breathe
    Fighting the good fight is that all there really is
    The gloves stay on so

    Fold up the heartache
    March as we go
    As long as you know its
    Worth fighting for
    Keep fighting for
    When Home is a matchstick
    Love is the stove
    With all that is worth it
    I'm fighting for
    fighting for
    you ohh fighting for you ohh

    Embrace all the heartbreaks
    Laugh as we go
    We ll land on the surface of evernew

    Let home be the match stick
    Love be the stove
    With all that is worth it keep fighting for
    I'm fighting for you

    Lyrics by Vince Way

  • remains中文 在 way live Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-26 20:59:43




    **誠邀中文作詞者合作,請私IG, Facebook 或 微博。**
    Any music inquiries please PM on IG, Facebook, or Weibo.

    關於 About:
    Raw01 is the ultimate 1st version of Vince Way's original song, recorded exactly the moment it was born. A demo is a final version in its own way - perfectly raw as it should be. May whatever blossoms from it later on, its essence remains only in version Raw01

    So I've set you free and said
    Bye bye old melody
    I am too ashamed
    You thought Id never think of

    All those blurry nights when
    Our legs intertwined
    Always self reminding
    Press Play No rewind just

    Kiss me kiss me
    If you're wasted
    love me hate me if you need it
    Greenlight blinking in a distance
    Slowly fading in

    Take me take me on the next fight
    Leave me give this pain a new light
    Wishing after all is said and done
    I'll be the last one

    How much is enough baby
    It kills me for your touch
    Do you feel alone when
    When whole world is on the phone

    Blue as memories
    Can't unwind misery
    Red as liver bleeds still
    Hold onto your tree yea

    Kiss me kiss me if you're wasted
    Love me hate me if you needed
    Green light blinking in a distance
    Slowly fading in

    Take me take me on the next fight
    Leave me give this pain a new light
    Wishing after all is said and done
    I'll be the last one
    The last one

    The last one
    Meet me meet me on the other side
    Hold me hold me if it feels alright
    As we slowly
    Fade away

    Catch me catch me at the next flight
    We ll be giving it a new light
    Keep me safe in a dream cause I m the last one

    The last one
    I'm last one yea

    Took you by surprise
    The world ends, you survive
    If one day you come undone
    I swear ill be your last one

    Music and Lyrics By Vince Way 弘正

