

在 remain動詞產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Ken's Portable Classroom,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🔔 進度報告: 🚚 09/21依訂單順序開始出貨,選擇【店到店】寄送的學員,已開始寄送。近期務必留意手機簡訊,攜帶證件至門市取貨哦! 📰今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】 🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 美國奧勒岡大火 🇺🇸 📰 West Coast Fires Fueled by Winds as D...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#影片敘述欄 #有詳細講義喔 賓狗的更多英文學習資源:https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual · 全英文 podcast · 視訊家教 · 不定時線上課程 1 【administer 投藥;給藥】— 動詞 Nearly 2 million ...

remain動詞 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-02 08:48:49

「安靜」的同義詞 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Quiet e.g. Mary is a quiet girl who seldom talks. 翻譯:瑪麗是個安靜的女孩,很少說話。 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Silent e.g. Please remain silent throughout the sole...

  • remain動詞 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-19 21:42:43
    有 257 人按讚

    🔔 進度報告:
    🚚 09/21依訂單順序開始出貨,選擇【店到店】寄送的學員,已開始寄送。近期務必留意手機簡訊,攜帶證件至門市取貨哦!

    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 美國奧勒岡大火 🇺🇸

    📰 West Coast Fires Fueled by Winds as Dangers Continue
    Blazes tear through small towns; ‘It looks like a bomb went off’

    📌 這篇文章關於美國西岸 (West Coast)大火,這些大火是被風激起的 (fueled by winds),危險持續存在 (dangers continue)。blaze (烈火) 是fire的同義詞。

    TALENT, Ore.—Residents and officials have begun surveying the vast destruction in Oregon’s small towns while gusty winds and low humidity continue to propel wildfires that have burned millions of acres and displaced thousands of people across the Western U.S.
    Conditions remain dire, and a top Oregon official said Tuesday that control of the conflagrations—two of which have been burning since mid-August—could still be weeks away.

    📌 這兩段說明居民 (residents) 和官員 (officials) 已經開始調查(survey) 美國 Oregon 的小鎮 (small towns) 廣泛破壞 (vast destruction)。大風 (gusty winds) 和 低潮濕 (low humidity) 繼續推動(propel) 野火wildfires)。displace是常見的動詞。當地一位高級官員說還要幾個星期才可以控制大火災O (conflagrations)。

    At least 34 people have been killed so far in the wildfires in California, Oregon and Washington state, part of a wider outbreak that has scorched more than 4.7 million acres in 11 states, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. In California alone, an area larger than the state of Connecticut has been burned this summer.
    The National Weather Service issued a Red Flag Warning early Tuesday for parts of Northern California and Oregon, indicating extreme fire conditions exacerbated by wind and drier air.

    📌 這兩段告訴讀者,在美國三個州的野火,到目前為止,至少奪走34條人命。這些野火是更大的爆發 (wider outbreak),影響了美國11個州。國家氣象局 (the National Weather Service) 發出紅旗警告 (Red Flag Warning),表示極端大火狀況 (extreme fire conditions),會因為風和乾燥的空氣 (drier air) 而惡化 (exacerbate)。

    On Tuesday, Sandra Spelliscy, Talent’s city manager, toured the streets, passing by whole neighborhoods and commercial areas that were destroyed last week. “Half of Talent is gone,” she said.
    About 700 homes and businesses were leveled in the city of 6,400 people, and officials estimate that as many as 20% of them are now without a place to live. Ms. Spelliscy and her staff are still tallying up the financial losses. “I cannot even begin to wrap my head around what it’s going to take for the city to get through this, to recover financially,” she said.

    📌 這兩段報導城市經理 (city manager) (即負責管理城市的官員) 參觀街道,經過上周被破壞的鄰近地區 (neighborhoods) 和商業區(commercial areas)。市内約7000個家 (homes) 和事業(businesses)被夷平 (leveled),其中20%無家可歸 (without a place to live)。tally up (計算)、financial losses (財務損失) 和 wrap one’s head around something (明白某東西)是道地用語。

    A day earlier, Michael “TonTon” Antonopoulos surveyed the twisted metal, charred beams and piles of ash that were the remains of TonTon’s Artisan Affections, his cafe known for its vegan Mediterranean food and lively parties.

    “It looks like a bomb went off,” the 50-year-old Mr. Antonopoulos said.
    The cafe was wiped out along with hundreds of other businesses in Talent and neighboring Phoenix by last week’s fast-moving Almeda Drive Fire, which also killed four people. A downtown stretch where TonTon’s once stood along with several other shops is now a smoky ruin. The bookstore, the antique store and another building that Mr. Antonopoulos was turning into an event space are all gone.

    📌 這三段引述一家咖啡店 (cafe) 老闆一天前視察 (survey) 店的殘餘(remains)。他說破壞像炸彈爆發 (a bomb goes off)。wipe out (徹底摧毀)也是常見的片語。


    📰 全文請至
    📰 作者
    Zusha Elinson and Alicia A. Caldwell
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  • remain動詞 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-15 20:58:42
    有 303 人按讚

    🔔 進度報告:
    🚚 09/18筆記完成印刷,09/21開始依訂單順序出貨。

    🔴 🟠 🟡 🟢 🔵 🟣 ⚫️ ⚪️ 🟤 🟠 🟡 🟢

    🔟 九月訂單已額滿,暫先不開放私訊了。欲購買《Ken的高頻單字筆記》的學員,請您等到十月再私訊我哦!

    🚫 九月已預購筆記的學員,請勿將匯款資料留言在貼文下方,避免個資外洩,謝謝大家的配合!

    💲 匯款後,還沒回報郵寄資料的學員,麻煩盡速私訊我!

    📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 中印緊張關係 🇨🇳 🇮🇳

    📰 India-China Border Tensions: What We Know
    Tensions are rising in remote Himalayan area between two nuclear-armed neighbors

    📌 這篇文章關於印中邊界緊張關係 (India-China border tensions)。文章主要用了問答方式 (Questions and Answers) 呈現時間的來龍去脈。副標題提到印度和中國是擁有核能的鄰居 (nuclear-armed neighbors)。

    Monthslong tensions between China and India flared again in recent days as the two sides exchanged claims the other’s troops crossed into their territory.

    📌 第一段解釋兩國之間的糾紛:兩國都聲稱 (claim) 對方闖進自己的國土 (territory),作者用flare這個動詞很到位。

    On Tuesday, the two sides traded accusations that the other fired warning shots in violation of agreements to avoid using weapons in disputed areas. Those would be the first shots by soldiers fired in anger along the disputed border in decades, though both sides denied firing any rounds.

    While the troop movements, including what India described as an effort to block Chinese troops from taking control of a strategic high-altitude peak, didn’t result in any injuries this time, the confrontation between the two countries did erupt into a deadly clash in June that left 20 Indian soldiers and an undetermined number of Chinese soldiers dead.

    India and China have been negotiating since then over ways to calm the border.

    📌 這三段告知讀者兩國邊界的衝突細節:士兵 (soldier) 在爭議地方 (disputed areas) 開槍,在六月發生的致命衝突 (deadly clash)有20名印度士兵死亡,中國士兵死亡人數未確定的 (undetermined)。

    What caused the exchange of accusations?

    India said its troops acted on Aug. 29 to stop Chinese troops from crossing into territory India considers to be on its side of the disputed border and taking control of a strategic area along a lake in the Himalaya mountains. Indian troops from a special covert team scrambled ahead of a group of Chinese soldiers to control several crucial Himalayan heights on the southern bank of the lake, placing Indian forces in a strategically advantageous position to observe Chinese activities along the north bank of Pangong Lake, according to Indian officials.

    China countered that it was Indian troops that crossed illegally beyond what it considers its side of what is known as the line of actual control, the de facto dividing line between the two countries since they fought a war in 1962.

    📌 這兩段解釋什麽導致互相的指控 (accusation)。注意這些常用的字詞,strategic (戰略的),scramble (爭奪),crucial (重要的), advantageous (有利的),de facto (實際的)。

    What happened in June?

    What precisely happened remains unclear. The Indian government said that 20 of its troops died in a clash in an area known as the Galwan Valley and that casualties resulted on both sides. The Chinese government didn’t comment on casualties for either side, confirming only that a clash took place after Indian soldiers crossed into an area it considers under Chinese control.

    📌 這段解釋六月發生的事情。需注意常用用語包括 precisely (精確地)、casualties (傷亡者)和comment on (評論)。

    Why are India and China fighting?

    The two countries fought a war in 1962, a little more than a decade after their births—India in 1947 and the People’s Republic of China in 1949—over the delineation of their borders. China dominated the short but intense war, focused on the eastern stretch of boundary between the countries. But the war didn’t settle the matter, and much of the 2,000-mile border remains in dispute.

    📌 這段解釋爲什麽兩國打戰:作者回顧歷史,兩國在1962打戰,雖然在那場戰爭中中國佔上風,但是戰爭沒有解決問題 (settle the matter),兩國的2000哩的邊界仍然存在爭議 (remain in dispute)。


    📰 全文請至
    📰 作者
    Bill Spindle and Niharika Mandhana
    📰 訂閱請至

  • remain動詞 在 魯曼英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-06 20:39:58
    有 17 人按讚

    曲名: A Thousand Years
    原唱: Christina Perri
    1. color 有”藉口”的意思。
    2. Time stands still. 中的stand是”保持某種狀態”的意思,為一連綴動詞,用法同於keep/remain後接形容詞,不是”站立”。
    3. And all along I believed I would find you. 中的” all along ”是 :"始終”的意思,不是”一直沿著”。
    魯曼英文祝天下有情人終成眷屬相愛千 千萬萬年XD
    utube連結=> https://youtu.be/r-vgUjETnak

  • remain動詞 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-13 21:00:13

    #影片敘述欄 #有詳細講義喔

    · 全英文 podcast
    · 視訊家教
    · 不定時線上課程

    1 【administer 投藥;給藥】— 動詞
    Nearly 2 million doses of influenza vaccine have been administered so far.

    影片中口誤說成「2 百多萬」,應該是「將近兩百萬」

    2 【inundate 淹沒】— 動詞(正式用語)The downpour has inundated central Vietnam.

    3 【disputed 有爭議的】— 形容詞
    A Turkish research ship has returned to disputed waters.

    4 【turmoil 震盪;混亂】— 名詞
    Despite the turmoil, Australia and China remain close trading partners.

    5 【the purpose of life 生命的意義】— 名詞
    The purpose of life is for the universe to experience itself through us.

    1)administer 投藥
    2)inundate 淹沒
    3)disputed 有爭議的
    4) turmoil 震盪;混亂
    5)the purpose of life 生命的意義

  • remain動詞 在 映像授業 Try IT(トライイット) Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-04-12 16:48:07

    【Try IT 視聴者必見】

    この映像授業では「【高校英語 構文】 見かけだけ肯定(実は否定)」が約14分で学べます。身につけたいポイントは「見かけは肯定文でも、訳は否定文のようにするケース」です。映像授業は、【はじめに】⇒【ポイント】⇒【練習】⇒【今回のまとめ】の順に見てください。



    ・英語構文 英文の眺め方

    ・英語構文 前置詞+名詞の眺め方

    ・英語構文 動詞の眺め方

    ・英語構文 準動詞の眺め方

    ・英語構文 関係詞の眺め方

    ・英語構文 等位接続詞の眺め方

    ・英語構文 従属接続詞の眺め方

    ・英語構文 It構文の眺め方

    ・英語構文 名詞構文の眺め方

    ・英語構文 比較の眺め方

    ・英語構文 否定の眺め方

    ・英語構文 倒置の眺め方

    ・英語構文 仮定法・その他構文

  • remain動詞 在 映像授業 Try IT(トライイット) Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2016-02-02 20:47:13

    【Try IT 視聴者必見】

    この映像授業では「【高校 英語】 SVCの形を取る動詞」が約8分で学べます。身につけたいポイントは「SVCの形をとる動詞は be,become,look,feel,remain など」です。映像授業は、【はじめに】⇒【今回のポイント】⇒【今回のまとめ】の順に見てください。



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    高校英文法 受動態

    高校英文法 助動詞

    高校英文法 不定詞

    高校英文法 動名詞

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    高校英文法 仮定法

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