

在 rejected中文產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過16萬的網紅Goodbye HK, Hello UK,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「石頭」拒絕「自己的腳」 距離美帝限TikoTok要出售所有美國業務仲有幾日,Microsoft宣布佢地嘅Offer已經被拒絕,依家得返親美帝嘅Oracle呢間公司傾緊。 究竟會唔會真係執咗佢都唔賣呢? UPDATE:Oracle啱啱公布成功爭取,不過要中國同美國政府批准,點解會揀個親美帝嘅買...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過75萬的網紅志祺七七 X 圖文不符,也在其Youtube影片中提到,✔︎ 成為志祺七七會員:http://bit.ly/join_shasha77 ✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道: http://bit.ly/shasha77_subscribe ✔︎ 追蹤志祺 の IG :https://www.instagram.com/shasha77.daily ✔︎ 志祺七七 ...

rejected中文 在 Bai ling 白灵 白靈 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-13 21:53:23

This is How I see the most important day in our history, of our lives on the 6th of January 2021. 后半段是中文 I have been thinking about what is going on...

rejected中文 在 Eileen Carls 艾玲 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-01 16:59:15

#TearsOfJoy #OpenHearts #喜樂之眼淚💧#畢業典禮 #中文如下🌅⠀ This was the most touching graduation ceremony I have ever experienced♥️😭 ⠀ Instead of just handing us th...

rejected中文 在 Alfred 小雷 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-01 11:30:30

#10yearchallenge This is what i HIT the most LIKE on FB! 写英文先,中文感想在下半部... i used to be a "UGLY DUCK". I used to face a lot of judgement and criticis...

  • rejected中文 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-14 08:03:32
    有 1,228 人按讚




    (《The Guardian》:https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/sep/14/tiktok-bytedance-to-partner-with-oracle-in-us-after-rejecting-microsoft-bid)


    《The New York Times》
    Microsoft Says Its Bid for TikTok Was Rejected in U.S.-China Standoff
    推動BNO變BC嘅"Hong Kong Bill"响國會通過嘅可能性

  • rejected中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-27 10:58:53
    有 1,974 人按讚

    #Twitter戰線【天下制裁方向:科技產品、紅色資本、白手套 —— 請立即Retweet】



    #眾志國際連結 #國際戰線

    Reuters and Bloomberg just confimed that the US is likely to sanction China if it approves the hugely controversial bill that damages HK's autonomy. When Beijing insists on ignoring international responses and breaching international norms and rules, it is time for China to face the grave consequences and international backlashes for its irresponsible act of scraping an UN-filed Joint Declaration.

    In fact, the world has already expressed concern over the evil and ill-defined national security law that will kill democratic movements in HK and harm global business interest in the city. But China keeps dismissing all doubts from world leaders, business sectors and even bar associations. This law is even eviler than the extradition bill last year. China’s poor human rights records have already proved that it will undeniably use the law to crush HK’s civil society and dissents.

    For a long time, Hong Kong has been treated by Beijing as a white glove port for importing sensitive strategic commodities. Once the law is implemented, a secret police agency and a CCP-led China’s court will be imposed upon this global business centre. At that time, HK will fall into Beijing’s direct rule, and de facto becomes another city of China. Hence, all special treatments granted to HK need to be subject to reconsideration.

    In fact, countries starts to realize the changing role of Hong Kong in a bigger picture of China’s global strategy. For example, Israel’s security officials just rejected a bid from CK Hutchison Holdings for the potential security risks of Chinese involvement in a plant construction in the disguise of "HK companies”.

    To safeguard the city’s freedoms and urge China to stop further misconduct, world leaders, not only the US, should consider sanctions on China as the only effective strategic option to send a warning signal to Beijing. The sanctions should not only be restricted to personal sanctions like travel bans and asset freezes (since China won’t really realize the severity), but also partial sanctions on pro-CCP companies and dual-use technology.

    Democratic values and the virtue to respect treaties are the foundation of democracies. If China’s flagrant breach of Joint Declaration, a legally binding international treaty at the United Nations, is tolerated, it will set a bad precedent to all other treaties and agreements alike.



  • rejected中文 在 Eileen Carls 艾玲 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-02-29 19:17:05
    有 265 人按讚

    #TearsOfJoy #OpenHearts #喜樂之眼淚💧#畢業典禮 #中文如下🌅⠀
    This was the most touching graduation ceremony I have ever experienced♥️😭 ⠀
    Instead of just handing us the yoga certificates, our dear teachers surprised us one last time💕⠀
    After a month of sweat and tears, we finished the last day of training with practicing 108 sun salutation. Everyone was tired and happy, but also a bit sad because it was coming to an end. ⠀
    To end this journey beautifully, we made two rows, and everyone of us walked through, one at a time, eyes closed. While slowly walking, all of us had the chance to whisper something into her/his ears. It was so beautiful and so emotional, because we had opened our hearts to each-other. 😌⠀

    It's crazy how so many of us actually have so much love and kindness to give, but we rarely say things out loud, because we are afraid to be judged or rejected 💔👐🏽⠀
    I really hope in future I can share the same loving energy with my students as we have done here!

    This day, we all ended up crying out of joy & gratefulness. 🧡⠀
    Thank you @allyogatraining , especially @david_yogasana @selineabroad and @happynfitlife , and ALL my fellow classmates and friends ♥️ You ALL made this journey a very special one..! 💓
    這是我經歷過的最感人的畢業典禮 ♥️😭⠀


    謝謝 @allyogatraining 尤其是 @david_yogasana @selineabroad @happynfitlife ☺️⠀
    #yoga #yogalove #yogalife #yogainspiration #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogi #yogis #yogilife #allyoga #bali #nusalembongan #lovelife #positivity #grateful #lovelife #thankyou #love #passion #yogateacher #ashtanga #瑜珈 #瑜珈老師 @ Nusa Lembongan

  • rejected中文 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-09-05 19:00:19

    ✔︎ 成為志祺七七會員:http://bit.ly/join_shasha77
    ✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道: http://bit.ly/shasha77_subscribe
    ✔︎ 追蹤志祺 の IG :https://www.instagram.com/shasha77.daily
    ✔︎ 志祺七七 の 粉專 :http://bit.ly/shasha77_fb

    00:07 8月27日 林鄭不接受五大訴求
    00:45 8月28日 反送中 #metoo 集會
    01:12 8月29日 民陣申請831大遊行被拒
    01:32 8月30日 民陣上訴被駁回,取消831大遊行
    02:13 8月30日 警方「大搜捕」
    02:47 8月31日 香港城戰
    03:58 9月01日 901機場見
    04:26 9月02日 罷課行動
    05:07 9月02日 林鄭閉門會議錄音流出
    05:43 9月04日 林鄭宣佈「撤回」逃犯條例
    06:33 9月04日 示威者對「撤回條例」的反應

    【 製作團隊 】

    |剪輯助理:絲繡 & 范范


    【 本集參考資料 】

    → Exclusive: Amid crisis, China rejected Hong Kong plan to appease protesters - sources:https://reut.rs/2ZEeE6M
    → 晚報:林鄭月娥稱不接受「反送中」民間訴求,拒回應會否推出緊急法:https://bit.ly/2krAYy4
    → 晚報:傳出港府擬推緊急法後,《環時》社評籲保持香港高度自治:https://bit.ly/2lBhAia
    → 逾三萬人參與「反送中#metoo集會」,抗議警察OO力對待:https://bit.ly/2ks1HKW
    → 即時報導:香港今日凌晨多地出現大量軍車,新華社指駐港部隊例行輪換:https://bit.ly/2jXwZcf
    → 晚報:民陣召集人岑子杰遇O,其友人阻止O徒時手臂受傷:https://bit.ly/2lZtLWv
    → 早報:駐港部隊完成第22次輪換,國防部未回應記者提問是否增兵:https://bit.ly/2kh6QFK
    → 晚報:8・31前夕港警展開大搜捕,拘黃之鋒、周庭、陳浩天、鄭松泰等多人:https://bit.ly/2lD1LaL
    → 831全記錄:示威者於灣仔縱O,在港島九龍多處轉移;再傳疑似警察臥底曝光,特警進入列車攻擊乘客:https://bit.ly/2Ll6EyE
    → 9.1機場示威:機場交通受阻;示威者破壞東涌港鐵站;警方圍捕,數百人徒步數小時離開東涌,有車主徹夜義載:https://bit.ly/2lyiNH9
    → 香港830大搜捕:深夜再捕2立法會議員、被捕人數升至8人:https://bit.ly/2NHHQn6
    → 周庭黃之鋒陳浩天等多位民主派人士因香港抗議被捕:https://bbc.in/2lvn6mI
    → 反送中已核實資訊頻道:https://bit.ly/2I8Xq81
    → 香港反送中最暗夜 臥底港警開槍與無差別襲O全出籠[影]:https://bit.ly/2Lb6zyC
    → 【831遊行】警方反對831遊行及集會申請 民陣:無列明確理由:https://bit.ly/2lZsm2h
    → 【集會遊行】和平統一遊行,合法違法?:https://bit.ly/2v43sjd
    → 集會自由|維基百科:https://bit.ly/2lvnaCY
    → 不反對通知書|維基百科:https://bit.ly/2jY6IKV
    → 第245章 《公安條例》:https://bit.ly/2lyj8cT
    → 8.31香港遊行:示威者街頭放O 警察出動水炮車 - BBC News 中文:https://bit.ly/2lXsuzc
    → 9.1香港機場集會:為什麼示威者要破壞港鐵站呢?- BBC News 中文:https://bit.ly/2lYCFU8
    → 早報:路透社披露林鄭閉門會議錄音,林鄭稱自己無法辭職,中央不會出軍:https://bit.ly/2ktfEYT
    → 林鄭月娥:香港特首稱從未向北京辭職,沒有安排過錄音:https://bbc.in/2lB1qW4
    → 【多片】831警再喬裝示威者 維園向天開兩槍:https://bit.ly/2ksYBGp
    → 路透社披露林鄭月娥錄音檔(中文字幕):https://bit.ly/2lxluc9



  • rejected中文 在 AVIStralia [愛維絲 愛澳洲] Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-05-21 21:52:58

    這週整理了一些之前打工與客人對話常用的一些基本對話,希望你們能用上!可能沒有包含得很廣泛,有經驗的人也可以補充喔 (TA) ^_^/

    (原本是想說沒有要上中文字幕了,可是還是情不自禁的希望呈現最好的樣子給大家嗚嗚嗚... 希望你們可以受用!!!)


    1‭.‬ 打招呼
    - Hello how are you‭?
    - ‬Hi‭, ‬how can I help you‭?‬
    - Hi how is it going‭?
    - Morning‭, ‬how are you‭? ‬
    - I am fine, thank you! And ‬yourself‭? ‬

    2‭.‬ 服務時
    - What would you like for today‭? ‬
    - Would you‭ ‬like‭ ‬anything else‭? ‬
    - Do‭ ‬you need a bag‭? ‬
    - Would‭ ‬you like a bag‭? ‬
    - Next please‭!
    - It wont be too long‭!
    - Be with you in a‭ ‬moment‭!
    - ‬Sorry for the wait‭!
    - ‬Any drink for you‭?

    - 刷卡或付現 = ‬Pay by card or cash‭?‬
    - 如果是刷卡的話就接著說:‬Pay pass or savings‭?
    - 如果是用卡,再確認是儲蓄卡還是信用卡:Saving or Credit?
    - 插入卡後要讓客人輸入密碼就說:‬Insert your pin please‭. ‬
    - Approved 付款成功 Rejected 付款失敗
    - 如付款成功就問是否要收據:Do you need a copy of your receipt‭
    - 刷卡的機器叫:Eftpos machine‭. ‬
    - 找錢的說法I.e. $12.50 零錢 就說:Twelve Fifty Change

    - Thank you‭, ‬have a good/nice day‭! ‬
    - Have a good one‭! ‬
    - Have a good afternoon/night/weekend‭. ‬




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  • rejected中文 在 Danny One Youtube 的精選貼文

    2017-02-18 17:37:25

    謝謝朋友們出鏡。。。 (p/s 其實footage是被rejected的。。也覺得好浪費就把他用上吧 ^^?

    Ernest - https://www.instagram.com/ernestchong/
    Jonathan - https://www.instagram.com/jonathan__l/
    Denice - https://www.instagram.com/deenosaurrr/

    "一手包办词曲创作、编曲与制作的个人全新创作专辑《Lots Of Love》 ,同时也创下多个第一,其中包括全球首张以iPad完成制作的中文专辑。为了凸显专辑名称,让专辑洋溢爱的氛围,歌词本附上多达300张以iphone拍 摄关于爱的照片


