

在 reject用法產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #3D英文筆記術分析 【真實語料】Elon Musk 很霸氣,但 Tesla 的實習拒信很「客氣」 「我看過 Netflix、Tesla、Airbnb、Salesforce、Google、Uber 等各大企業的求職拒絕信。沒有任何一家公司在 “rejection letter” 裡用了 rejec...

  • reject用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-11 17:43:56
    有 316 人按讚

    【真實語料】Elon Musk 很霸氣,但 Tesla 的實習拒信很「客氣」

    「我看過 Netflix、Tesla、Airbnb、Salesforce、Google、Uber 等各大企業的求職拒絕信。沒有任何一家公司在 “rejection letter” 裡用了 reject 這個字。」

    我的課堂中幾乎有 8 成都是上班族,因此這句話是我在課堂和企業內訓時,常常跟他們分享的。我自己在學習時,很喜歡用真實的語料。所以我在教書時,與其給學生看一堆英文書中「假的模板」、或是做個表格比較「refuse / reject / decline」,我常常厚臉皮去找在海外的前學生,請他們分享給我「#台灣留學生用血淚換來的」真實語料,用在課程當中。

    日前學生跟我分享了一封 Tesla 的實習拒絕信。信件是由「最不祥」的 Thank you....開頭的。😂

    ► Thank you for taking the time to interview with Tesla and for being patient throughout this process.

    真正拒絕的那句話,囉哩八囉(=客氣) 地說了:

    ►...competition for roles at Tesla is very tight and you have not been selected at this time to advance further in the recruitment cycle for the intern position.

    大多的公司還會使用 "We have decided not to move forward at this time."

    直接一點的公司會在一開始用出 #慣用句頭: We regret to inform you that...

    回到剛剛的那句話。當我們運用 3D 英文筆記術來分析,根據前半段句我們可以抄下 Thank you for taking the time to… 這個含有一個 #詞義搭配 (take the time to) 跟一個 #文法搭配 (interview with) 的「#慣用句頭」。

    ・根據 #Linggle 語料庫 (筆記術課程會教怎麼用),我們還可以看到:

    ► Thank you for taking the time and effort to V.

    ► Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to V. / for sth

    而 Tesla 也特別用了 throughout the process (而不是 in the process),來表達一種 #從頭到尾 的感覺。 這種徹頭徹尾感、不管是時間還是空間,都可以表現。

    再次根據 #Linggle 語料庫 (筆記術課程會教怎麼用),我們可以看到:throughout the year (通年、一整年)、throughout the city (整個城市)、throughout the process (一整個過程) 等等的延伸用法。

    除了 Linggle 語料庫,課程當中也會教怎麼使用另外一個 Netspeak 語料庫輔助 3D英文筆記術的抄寫。 我很喜歡 Netspeak 的 slogan: One word leads to another. 我覺得學習英文就應該是如此。

    3D 英文筆記術的課程的募資進入倒數階段囉!感謝大家的支持,已經超過 3300% 的募資率了!我會帶給你們這輩子最不一樣、最有效的學習英文體驗。#謝謝 那麼多願意把英語學習之路交給我的你和妳:)

    ► 3D 筆記術課程連結:https://hahow.in/cr/ntealex-3dnotetaking

    ► 如果你想要看看這封 email 詳細的內容,只要幫我留言「用3D英文筆記術分析 Tesla 實習拒信」我就會內信給你喔!

  • reject用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-04-25 14:15:06
    有 300 人按讚

    [時事英文]「Not-a-doctor Trump 」再次針對疫情發言: 光與消毒劑
    “A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it.”
    1. totally into... 完全迷戀上⋯⋯;很喜歡⋯⋯
    2. find to be 發現
    3. hit the body with 以⋯⋯擊中身體
    4. ultraviolet 紫外線
    “And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting, right? ”
    5. suppose 猜想;假設
    6. brought sth inside the body 將⋯⋯帶入體內
    7. in some way 某種方式
    “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.”
    8. disinfectant (尤指用於廁所、廚房表面消毒的)消毒劑;除菌劑
    9. knock sth out 毀壞;擊倒*
    10. injection 注射
    11. do a number on sb 傷害某人;打敗某人;使某人難堪
    12. a medical doctor 醫學醫生
    *knock something out:https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/knock+something+out
    “Again, I say maybe you can, maybe you can't. I'm not a doctor. But I'm a person that has a good...you know what. Deborah, have you ever heard of that? The heat and the light relative to certain viruses, yes, but relative to this virus? ”
    13. you know what 你懂的(用於代指對話中對方可意會之事)*
    14. relative to 與⋯⋯相關;有關;涉及
    *此處之「you know what」可能為「you know what I mean/am talking about」的省略用法。川普可能是想說common sense、intuition、instinct等單詞來稱讚自己,只是臨時想不到要用哪一個單詞。
    *(you) know what I mean:https://bit.ly/3eOeSgD
    you know:https://bit.ly/2YaKwiB
    You know what?:https://bit.ly/3aCFnC8
    Please do NOT take him seriously.
    圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3azr5T6
    如何使用「時事英文」: https://bit.ly/3a9rr38

  • reject用法 在 尹俐 Julia Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-02-11 17:06:41
    有 44 人按讚

    pilot (n.) 飛行員,機師
    union (n.) 工會
    strike (n.) 罷工

    strike for
    strike (for something) to refuse to work, because of a disagreement over pay or conditions.
    striker 罷工者
    go on strike 參與罷工
    📣注意:go on strike不加冠詞「a」!
    hunger strike 絕食抗議
    sit in 靜坐
    be against/opposite to 反對
    protest 抗議
    make a protest 提出抗議
    join/participate in a protest 加入抗議
    protest against sb 反對...
    organize a protest 組織抗議
    bow to 讓步

    notification (n.) 通知
    introduce (v.) 引進
    flight attendant (n.) 空服員
    Consumer's foundation 消基會
    joint measures 配套措施
    walkout (n.) 罷工
    contestation (n.) 主張
    regulation (n.) 規定
    mechanism (n.) 機制
    reject (v.) 反對
    compromise (n.) 妥協
    guarantee (v.) 保證
    negotiation (n.) 協商
    win-win (a.) 雙贏的
    format (n.) 公式
    unprecedented (a.) 前所未有的
    evaluate (v.) 評估
    legislation (n.) 立法
    negative (a.) 負面的