

在 refuse垃圾產品中有28篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 明天要去沙滩 捡垃圾 还是很期待 明天有一起的吗?地点香港海边石澳早上9点 European Union Beach Cleaning“ Saturday September 18th – 9.30 AM to 1 PM Free and open to all. World Cleanup Da...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Sarah Tang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,快來訂閱Sarah吧►https://goo.gl/2wSaqs 追蹤我的生活►IG:https://goo.gl/2Tcnfz 又來BNO的話題!! 今次分享英國人才知道的高薪職業!!和香港人工反差實在太大了?最高薪的竟然係... 人工Source : HK:https://www2.ctgo...

refuse垃圾 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-12-15 14:37:37

EEC最近教了sort系列單字, 俐媽也提到sort可以當動詞, 有「(垃圾)分類」的意思。 仔細一查, 才發現:除了平常熟悉的寶特瓶、塑膠、玻璃、金屬、紙類、資源回收⋯之外,廢棄物也是有細項分類的唷! 且讓俐媽整理、分享給大家~ ———————————————————— 🗑 俐媽英文教室—廢棄...

  • refuse垃圾 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-17 13:46:10
    有 172 人按讚

    明天要去沙滩 捡垃圾 还是很期待

    European Union Beach Cleaning“ Saturday September 18th – 9.30 AM to 1 PM Free and open to all. World Cleanup Day
    Please refuse disposable chopsticks and cups
    For the World Cleanup Day 2021, join us to clean HK shores and show your commitment to Ocean protection. Choose your area. I am joining Harry Chan team at Shek-O

    Inviting all Ocean's lovers to join us on Sept. 18th for the World Cleanup Day . Registration at : www.sldlp.net . Free and open to all.

    Event co-organised by European Union in Hong Kong and Macao, Sous Les Déchets La Plage - SLDLP and ocean3c
    With our partners V Cycle, Harry Chan

    Act against plastic pollution with SLDLP

    Public Events Organized Every Year
    Plastic Bottles Collected
    Kilos of Trash Removed
    Volunteers Over The Years

    Hong Kong throws away 5.2 million bottles every single day: SLDLP acts to collect and recycle plastic trash, and prevents single-use plastic through education.

  • refuse垃圾 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-17 22:19:54
    有 2 人按讚

    The Price of Recycling Old Laptops: Toxic Fumes in Thailand’s Lungs

    Crouched ( ) on the ground in a dimly lit factory, women picked through the discarded ( ) innards ( ) of the modern world: batteries, circuit boards and bundles ( ) of wires.

    They broke down the scrap ( ) — known as hazardous electronic-waste, or e-waste — with hammers and raw hands ( ). Men, some with faces wrapped in rags ( ) to repel ( ) the fumes, shoveled the refuse ( ) into a clanking ( ) machine that salvages ( ) usable metal.

    As they toiled ( ), smoke spewed ( ) over nearby villages and farms. Residents have no idea what is in the smoke — plastic, metal, who knows? All they know is that it stinks and they feel sick.

    The factory, New Sky Metal, is part of a thriving ( ) e-waste industry across Southeast Asia, born of China’s decision to stop accepting the world’s electronic refuse, which was poisoning its land and people. Thailand in particular has become a center of the industry even as activists ( ) push back and its government wrestles ( ) to balance competing interests of public safety with the profits to be made from the lucrative ( ) trade.

    Last year, Thailand banned ( ) the import of foreign e-waste. Yet new factories are opening across the country, and tons of e-waste are being processed ( ), environmental monitors ( ) and industry experts said.

    “E-waste has to go somewhere,” said Jim Puckett, executive director of the Basel Action Network, which campaigns ( ) against trash dumping in poor countries, “and the Chinese are simply moving their entire operations to Southeast Asia.”

    “The only way to make money is to get huge volume ( ) with cheap, illegal labor and pollute the hell out of the environment,” he added.

    Each year, 50 million tons of e-waste are produced globally, according to the United Nations, as consumers grow accustomed to ( ) throwing away last year’s model and acquiring the next new thing. The notion ( ) of recycling these gadgets sounds virtuous: an infinite loop ( ) of technological utility.

    But it is dirty and dangerous work to extract ( ) the tiny quantities of precious metals — like gold, silver and copper — from castoff ( ) phones, computers and televisions.

    For years, China took in much of the world’s electronic refuse. Then in 2018, Beijing closed its borders to foreign e-waste. Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia — with their lax ( ) enforcement of environmental laws, easily exploited ( ) labor force and cozy ( ) nexus ( ) between business and government — saw an opportunity.

    “Every circuit and every cable is very lucrative, especially if there is no concern for the environment or for workers,” said Penchom Saetang, head of Ecological Alert and Recovery Thailand, an environmental watchdog ( ).













    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
    #高中英文 #成人英文
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  • refuse垃圾 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-08 22:25:54
    有 76 人按讚



    🗑 俐媽英文教室—廢棄物分類篇:
    ♻️ general waste 一般垃圾
    ♻️ waste paper 廢紙類
    ♻️ PET bottle 寶特瓶
    ♻️ food waste 廚餘類
    —> compost (n.) 堆肥
    ♻️ lunch and aluminum foil 便當紙盒、鋁箔紙盒類
    ♻️ tin and aluminum cans 鐵鋁罐
    ♻️ metal 金屬
    ♻️ plastic 塑膠
    ♻️ glass 玻璃
    ♻️ ceramics and tiles 瓷器、磁磚
    ♻️ refuse and recyclable material 資源回收
    ♻️ fluorescent tube 廢棄燈管
    ♻️ styrofoam 保麗龍
    ♻️ electronic waste 廢棄資訊產品
    ♻️ batteries and power banks 電池🔋、行動電源
    ♻️ discs 光碟💽
    ♻️ toxic waste 有毒廢棄物☠️
    ♻️ clothing and fabrics 廢棄衣物
    ♻️ house appliances 家電

    🏥 醫療廢棄物:
    ♻️ bio-medical waste 生物醫療廢棄物
    ♻️ general waste (diaper) 一般垃圾(尿布)
    ♻️ bio-medical waste (syringes) 生物醫療廢棄物(針筒)💉
    ♻️ bio-medical waste (needles) 生物醫療廢棄物(針頭)💉
    ♻️ bio-medical waste (scissors) 生物醫療廢棄物(剪刀)✂️
    ♻️ bio-medical waste (test-tube and culture bottle) 生物醫療廢棄物(試管、培養瓶)🧪🧫
    ♻️ medicine glass bottle 點滴玻璃瓶
    ♻️ distilled waste bottle 蒸餾水罐
    ♻️ IV bag IV(靜脈注射 intravenous)軟袋

