

在 rays台灣代理產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 一台讓我徹底改觀的電動車!Tesla Model 3 Performance Tuned By Jimmy Lin!加速性能驚人、底盤操控精準、內裝介面熱血、外觀低調神秘! 今晚八點車水馬龍網「秀愛車」首映 https://reurl.cc/q1g2zg #Tesla #Model3 #Pe...

  • rays台灣代理 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-21 09:36:54
    有 498 人按讚

    一台讓我徹底改觀的電動車!Tesla Model 3 Performance Tuned By Jimmy Lin!加速性能驚人、底盤操控精準、內裝介面熱血、外觀低調神秘!


    #Tesla #Model3 #Performance #Yoke
    #Recaro #Brembo #KW #Eibach #Hardrace #RAYS #Bridgestone
    Brembo 台灣汽機車總代理 豐年俐

  • rays台灣代理 在 謝佳見 Melvin Sia Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-04-12 19:38:18
    有 4,007 人按讚

    天氣好,今天帶uni在外面跑了一天,雖然遭受紫外線照射,但還好我有Skincode 「阿爾卑斯晚安面膜」,能改善色斑與蠟黃暗沉並徹夜為肌膚補水保水,展現完美白淨水嫩肌。

    我為skincode 代言,因為我信賴它的呵護~ 你呢? 想跟我一樣擁有完美肌膚嗎?

    Nice weather, so bring uni out for the whole day. Being exposed under ultraviolet rays, luckily I have Skincode brightening overnight mask, a velvety and nourishing, yet ultra-lightweight innovative gel-cream formulation, that disappears into the skin on contact. It helps to brighten and smooth the appea­rance of the skin overnight.

    The products quality and reliability convinced me to be their spokesman. How about you? Do you want to have skin complexion like mine?

    skincode 仕馨蔻德 - 台灣總代理
