在 providing如果產品中有125篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,093的網紅貓的成長美股異想世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🌻這星期, 比較引起我注意的就是這幾個新聞了 ☘️美國支付公司PayPal(PYPL)宣布,將以3000億日圓(27億美元)收購日本新創公司Paidy,以強化自家「先買後付」(BNPL)產品。 熟悉美股的讀者, 應該對BNPL不陌生了. PayPal這舉動, 其實也強化了跟Amazon的關係: ...
同時也有35部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過23萬的網紅Coco哥,也在其Youtube影片中提到,撳我呢條Link下載Landlord Go即時送你100萬金幣! 仲可以享有一折課金買coin pack嘅優惠! http://bit.ly/CocoHK 開game頭七日Empire value最高嗰位觀眾,仲可以額外得到$100 giftcard! 記得喺Facebook、Instagram t...
- 關於providing如果 在 ♎︎ AKA 常定祥 ?????1002 ✈︎ Instagram 的最佳貼文
- 關於providing如果 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最讚貼文
- 關於providing如果 在 Eric Yang Instagram 的最佳解答
- 關於providing如果 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於providing如果 在 王定宇 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於providing如果 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於providing如果 在 Coco哥 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於providing如果 在 馮韋元Francois Devatine Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於providing如果 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文
providing如果 在 ♎︎ AKA 常定祥 ?????1002 ✈︎ Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-09-17 09:52:57
✨應該係我食過最好味嘅 #潮州菜 🥢「潮廳」既裝修好高貴典雅,好有舊上海既情懷,而且樓底好高,傢俬都好懷舊: 光線柔和嘅水晶燈💡、吊扇、皮凳... 環境寧靜舒適,適合傾偈品酒,想要更多私人空間既話,佢地仲有幾間廂房! 🔍呢度既滷水膽係滷水師傳自家陳年滷水,味道好細緻鮮香,唔會好似坊間個啲鹵水汁太...
providing如果 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-08-18 15:44:29
Dear friends and family, I’m so excited and proud to say 酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE is turning 1 year old! 🥳🎈🎉 I started 酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE, an omnichannel p...
providing如果 在 Eric Yang Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-09-16 05:42:30
[每日一句] The reason is twofold. Today’s phrase is used to provide a reason. You might be shifting from a general opinion to providing a reason for th...
providing如果 在 Coco哥 Youtube 的精選貼文
2021-03-21 13:00:01撳我呢條Link下載Landlord Go即時送你100萬金幣!
仲可以享有一折課金買coin pack嘅優惠!
開game頭七日Empire value最高嗰位觀眾,仲可以額外得到$100 giftcard!
記得喺Facebook、Instagram tag返我
仲有hashtag #LandlordGO 喇!
BNO VISA?? 申請失敗? 一個月後搞成點?
▶ 加入我們的patreon|https://www.patreon.com/cocogor
【如果喜歡這條影片,記得給我Like & 訂閲我的頻道 】
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄⭐️ 精選影片⭐️ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
?被動收入?累積財富??英國買樓退休?錢搵錢 話咁易❓
?住英國?香港經典食物日日有?腸粉?魚旦?臘腸 中超重有乜嘢?
?科興疫苗?你懂的?2021年必賺?復甦股?你一定要知道! biontech 掂曬
Detail of the competition for the audience:
The Competition is organized by the Reality Games, run by Reality Games (London) Ltd, located at Office 212, 15 Ingestre Place, Soho, London W1F 0JH, Great Britain, tax ID: GB199678519, company number: 08983817. („Organizer").
The Organizer declares that the Competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed, managed, or associated with the entities managing or owning the Youtube.com social network through which the Competition can participate. These entities do not bear the news in time to listen to the Competition on the claims of course participants for the position of the regulations.
Employees of the Organizer and other entities directly involved in the preparation and conduct of the Competition at the request of the Organizer, as well as members of the immediate families of these persons, cannot participate in the Competition. By members of the immediate family, it is understood: ascendants, descendants, siblings, spouses, siblings, parents, relatives, and relatives of the second degree as well as persons in the relationship of adoption.
A person who entered the Competition in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations becomes a participant of the Competition (hereinafter: Participant).
The competition runs from 21st of March 2021 to 4th of March 2021 until 23:59. The competition will be adjudicated on 5th April 2021.
By entering the competition, you accept these Regulations.
1. The goal is to achieve the highest empire value possible in two weeks' time.
2. Every player must write a phrase “teamcoco” in their in-game name.
Ex. playername_teamcoco
3. The First rule is to download Landlord Go through the affiliate link. (Player will get 1M cash if they download the game through the link).
4. The minimum empire value is 10M. Below this level players won’t be taken into consideration.
5. The competition will last 2 weeks
6. Day after the competition ends is on the 5th of March 2021, we will select the winner with the highest empire value and check whether she/he has met the necessary condition, which is to obtain a minimum 10M empire value.
7. The influencers will announce the results of the competition in the IG story after 2 weeks after the release of the contest announcement video. It is on the 5th of March.
8. The competition is only for the players who register in the game from the 21st of March 2021
9. If two players at the end of the competition get the same highest empire value the winner is the person who gets that value in a shorter time.
10. The reward will be sent at the Organiser's expense to the address indicated by the Participant within 30 working days from the end of the competition.
11. Influencer will announce the results of the competition on the 5th of April on his Instagram.
11. The Organizer is not responsible for the inability to transfer the prize for reasons attributable to the Participant, and in particular in the case of: failure to provide address data, providing incorrect, outdated, or incomplete address data.
12. The reward for the winner will be getting USD100 cash.
13. The reward for second place will be getting a package of 6500 coins in Landlord GO which is worth 50 $ in real life.
14. All complaints regarding the manner of conducting the Competition should be submitted by the Participants to the Organizer in writing.
A written complaint should include the name and full address of the Participant, as well as a detailed description and the reason for the complaint. Complaints will be considered immediately, but not later than within 14 days from the date of their receipt by the Organiser. -
providing如果 在 馮韋元Francois Devatine Youtube 的精選貼文
2021-01-05 18:00:11現代的社會都一直在玩手機!坐捷運玩手機,過馬路玩手機,坐電梯玩手機。。。
Thanks to https://unsplash.com/@apviktor for providing the sunset photo in the thumbnail -
providing如果 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文
2020-06-12 18:00:18第一個單字是 hit 達到某個程度,例句是: U.S. coronavirus cases hit 2 million.
美國確診數突破兩百萬,目前仍然是疫情最嚴重的國家,突破兩百萬,來到這個嚴重的程度,我們可以用 hit 這個動詞。疫情很嚴重,不過川普好像不太在乎捏,從下個單字,我們看得出來,他比較在乎,能不能再當一屆總統。
第二個單字是 rally 大型集會,例句是:Trump will restart political rallies this month despite coronavirus pandemic.
剛剛說到,美國疫情很嚴重,那不是應該避免大型集會嗎?No no,川普不在乎。川普說,這個月,他要開始辦造勢活動,來來來一群人擠在一起,喊個夠!什麼保持距離,免!口罩,免!大家 high 起來!這百分之百會加速疫情傳染... 這種大型集會就是 rally。https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/06/08/872588125/trump-to-restart-political-rallies-this-month-despite-coronavirus-pandemic
第三個單字是 moratorium 暫停(正式協議),例句是:Amazon announced a one-year moratorium on providing police facial recognition technology.
亞馬遜公司(Amazon)宣布,暫停提供人臉辨識科技給警察,一年後再說。事情是這樣的,亞馬遜有人臉辨識科技,原本會提供給美國的警察,幫忙辨識壞人。結果這科技,竟然也在搞種族歧視,看到無辜的黑人,常常錯誤辨識,亂認成嫌疑犯。欸,最近美國警察殺黑人,才引發大規模抗議,這個氣氛下,亞馬遜還是乖乖暫停吧。暫停是 moratorium。https://techcrunch.com/2020/06/10/amazon-rekognition-moratorium/
第四個單字是 contribute 貢獻,例句是: Afghan refugees are contributing to Turkey's fight against the coronavirus.
難民幫大忙!土耳其境內有些阿富汗難民,他們也為土耳其盡一份心力,幫忙對抗武漢肺炎。這些難民製作口罩跟肥皂,提供給土耳其人民,非常積極、非常溫暖~貢獻就是 contribute。https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/06/afghan-refugees-helping-turkey-fight-coronavirus-200610093840716.html
最後一個單字是 centenarian 百歲人瑞,例句是:Can the ‘Centenarian Olympics’ help you live longer?
你知道嗎?有個奧運大賽,只有超過 100 歲的人,才能參加。這是「百歲人瑞奧運大賽」如果想參賽,這輩子都要好好鍛鍊身體,這樣 100 歲的時候,才能跑能跳。老年生活,不用臥病在床,很幸福耶!你也可以設下這個目標,100 歲時,我們一起參加這個特別的奧運大賽!百歲人瑞,就是 centenarian。
恭喜你!今天學了 5 個新單字,還聽了 5 則國際大事!你喜歡這樣聽新聞、學英文嗎?希望你可以訂閱我們的 podcast,然後為我們留 5 顆星的評價。如果有什麼意見,歡迎留言,敘述欄裡面有連結喔~謝謝收聽,下次通勤見 ❤️
providing如果 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
🌻這星期, 比較引起我注意的就是這幾個新聞了
熟悉美股的讀者, 應該對BNPL不陌生了. PayPal這舉動, 其實也強化了跟Amazon的關係:
(from Morgan Stanley)
Provides potential for initial relationship with AMZN in Japan: We think the deal is most notable for giving PYPL its first entry into AMZN's large ecosystem, which PYPL has been trying to gain access to for some time. Paidy began providing BNPL services for AMZN in Japan in November 2019, and after the deal closes, PYPL should have a clear path to eventually sell some of its other core services to AMZN in Japan.
☘️lululemon(LULU)昨天(台灣周四凌晨)發表財報了, 股價跳漲10.47%.
Morgan Stanley:
We highlight margin expansion as particularly impressive against 1) higher eCommerce penetration, which has historically resulted in EBIT margin degradation for many other specialty retail peers, 2) the acquisition of MIRROR, which has not yet achieved profitability, & 3) already best-in-class historical operating margin levels. While some macro factors like lean industry-wide inventory levels may be partially supporting these results, in our view they point to a higher & more profitable growth trajectory for the business compared to the outlook pre-Covid. As such, though LULU’s P/E multiple sits at 46x, above the high end of its pre-Covid 18-41x range, we view current levels as merited against higher future growth & profitability. In our view, this may represent a more permanent valuation re-rating for LULU, & the stock likely continues to trade at elevated levels until results prove otherwise.
今年最會漲的FAANG個股之一, 就是GOOGL了. 如果有在follow這家公司的讀者, 應該有發現他們的營收結構跟過去幾年很不一樣了(可以看下面的表格). YouTube以及Cloud業務成為新的營收成長動能.
Picture: 畫 from National Gallery of Art; 自製的GOOGL簡單營收分類表.
providing如果 在 王定宇 Facebook 的最佳貼文
美國海軍部長提名人托羅(Carlos Del Toro),13日出席參議院軍事委員會的任命聽證會。如果你看完下列托羅的證詞,再加上不久前,美軍太平洋艦隊司令帕帕羅所說的「防止中國武統台灣是我的責任。」可以看出美國印太戰略架構中,對台的安全政策和紅線。
"It's incredibly important to defend Taiwan in every way possible," Del Toro told the Senate Armed Services Committee at his confirmation hearing. "It takes a holistic view of our national commitment to Taiwan. We should be focused on providing Taiwan with as much self-defensive measures as humanly possible.
"And if confirmed to the Navy, I am going to be exclusively focused on the China threat and exclusively focused in moving our maritime strategy forward in order to protect Taiwan and all of our national security interests in the Indo-Pacific theater," he added.
Del Toro said at his confirmation hearing that he supports the 355-ship goal. Pressed on the fiscal 2022 budget, Del Toro stressed he has not been involved since he isn't confirmed yet, but he pledged to fight for resources in the fiscal 2023 budget.
providing如果 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
To all *screen industry workers/crew/practitioners*, Iskandar Malaysia Studios wants to help you to weather through the storm. If you need help providing food for your family, please click the link below and fill up the form.
We will reach out and *deliver a box of groceries* to you as soon as possible. (Delivery within Johor Bahru & Kulai area only) If you know someone who could be benefited from this, please help *pay it forward* and spread the words. Thank you!
Kepada semua krew produksi dan pelakon di dalam industri pembikinan filem, Drama & Program TV. Iskandar Malaysia Studios (IMS) ingin menghulurkan sedikit bantuan kepada yang terjejas akibat pandemik Covid-19 ini. Sekiranya anda memerlukan bantuan, sila klik link di bawah dan isi borang tersebut untuk kami bantu anda.
Pegawai kami akan menghubungi anda dan sekotak bantuan makanan akan di salurkan kepada anda dengan segera. (Penghantaran di kawasan Johor Bahru & Kulai sahaja). Bantu sebarkan untuk manfaat bersama. Terima Kasih!
*IMS 粮食支援活动*(给于在柔佛的影视业的同伴们)
Iskandar Malaysia Studios (IMS) 对于当前受疫情影响的影视行业者及工作人保持着高度的关注,特此向有需要的同伴们提供支援。 如果您需要粮食支援,请点击以下链接并填写表格。我们会尽快与您联系,并为您安排粮食支援包的派送。 (派送只限新山及古来区) 请将信息传达给有需要帮助的同伴们。谢谢!