

在 prove三態產品中有22篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【國立臺灣大學109學年度畢業典禮 致詞代表 心理學系林世峰】 Student Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021 Shih-Feng Lin from the Department of Psychology . 校...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅浪哥Holiday,也在其Youtube影片中提到,這不是九陰真經2 !! steam新遊試玩 #9Dragons : Kung Fu Arena "九龍:功夫競技場”(9Dragons : Kung Fu Arena)是一項基於“九龍在線”歷史的武術戰鬥皇家項目,受到全球700萬用戶的喜愛。通過加多島的血腥戰場,擊敗所有其他僱傭兵,找到“龍之...

prove三態 在 Yong Shin 陳詠芯 (Cindy) Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-03 19:42:03

#抽獎 #giveaway 紐約時裝周我終於來了 整酥來自plainme造型讓我在紐約人模人樣🙏 本次明信片活動最終彈!!! 活動如下: 🎁臺灣時間2/7早上10:00 1.到 @oqliq 觀賞時裝周直播截圖我出現的時刻 2.發至個人限時動態tag我 3.完成後在此篇文下面留言讓我知道步驟完成...

prove三態 在 BiBi Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-02 06:35:59

繼美國第一次買槍後,緊接而來是美國第一次車禍🤷🏻‍♀️ 首先,我真心要講,肇事者如果態度好我們原本還想說算了,因為S表示他打臘打的掉。 - 事情是這樣的,下午三點半我們在ㄧ個路口等左轉,大家都停好好的在等,前面車不知道幹嘛,突然倒車,「碰」ㄧ聲,雖小如我們就被撞了。 S下車看,前車的白人婦女也下來...

prove三態 在 麥明詩媽媽-麥何小娟 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-21 13:03:39

【扭轉逆境 邁向光明】 我們的社會,今天面對着50年來從未遇過的艱難時刻。整個社會都充斥着憂慮、憤恨甚至失望的感覺。面對着這困境,我們更應以正向思維、扭轉逆境、邁向光明。 有研究顯示,想像正面後果時,用視覺影像(positive visualizations)的人,比起用口頭句式的人,較快樂和...

  • prove三態 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-26 15:00:18
    有 778 人按讚

    【國立臺灣大學109學年度畢業典禮 致詞代表 心理學系林世峰】
    Student Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
    Shih-Feng Lin from the Department of Psychology





    我回想起大三的一晚,我陪高三的學弟妹們為大考奮戰,原本想說幫忙解題而已,但最後他們卻對我說 :「學長,我讀書感覺好空、好累、好悶……」、「學長,我學這些到底為了什麼……」






    President Kuan, distinguished guests, professors, parents, graduates, and friends on the screen, Hi! I am the valedictorian on behalf of graduates. I am Lin, Shih-Feng from the Department of Psychology.

    The past transient four years brought me lasting remembrance. We made friends with classmates at Orientation Camp, searched for geese at Drunken Moon Lake, watched languid birds, Malayan Night Heron, on Zhoushan Road, biked to Wenzhou Street like a hipster and took a bite at the Lane 118. Although I dream that serene days live on, Covid-19 pandemic and the tragic loss of young lives suddenly happened. Hence, we have become the most puzzled and unique graduating class of 2021.

    The events on campus were abruptly suspended. Online courses were augmented. The graduation prom and the feast at Palm Boulevard were cancelled. Even the onsite graduation ceremony and the banquet for thanking professors have become impossible but eternal regrets. One of my friends was forced to relinquish the opportunity to exchange abroad. And I could not fulfill my internship program of which I dream in Finland. Facing the disruption of planning and uncertainty as normalcy, we meet myriad challenges.

    One day, I read a sentence written by James Carse in a second-hand bookstore on Wenzhou Street. To my astonishment, the philosopher categorizes human activities as two kinds of games. He said that "a finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.” All of a sudden, I realized that my struggling study arises from the trap of finite game. The limited learning like a sprint aims to prove superiority as means that we spare no effort to renew resume and acquire labels.

    Reflecting back on one evening in my junior year, I accompanied third graders of high school who strived to prepare university entrance exam. I thought I could help answer their questions but eventually they said to me that “I felt aimless, exhausted, and suffocated…"“What is the purpose for learning indeed…?”

    Right. Studying for exams and labels without inquiring into meaning and value could ensnare us within emptiness, exhaustion and pains. Therefore, I found NTU Avizure Education Club in partnership with peers from more than 20 departments. Students from over five universities including those from Hong Kong and Canada enter the community and guide middle and high schoolers to explore the meaning of learning and the value of self through application of what we have learned, leading to promising careers in the future.

    While viewing the past and thinking of Finland, wasn’t it the ideal that I wish to accomplish after return to make learning more meaningful? The pandemic is an invisible stern teacher who teaches us to cherish each other in times of turmoil, to pursue dreams step by step in homeland, and to discover again. Learning is infinite grand journey embodied in a purpose, improving oneself to benefit others, exploring unknown, and creating value.

    With joint endeavors of faculty and students, National Taiwan University today draws more attention to counseling resources. The Device of Epidemic Prevention No. 1, Azalea Festival online, and the University of Future project allow us as the most puzzled class to transform into the most unique and perseverant class with self-awareness. We firmly believe that anything that brings to the life gives meaning. Regardless of gradation and end of class, members of NTU would continue to consider and learn as well as proceed to accomplish in the infinite game of life. And the resonance of ringing the Full Bell in our mind never ceases.

    I would like to extend my gratitude to professors, fellow classmates, family, friends, parents and grandparents in my path. Thank National Taiwan University for urging us to change. I expect each student and myself to transcend ourselves and to be compassionate toward others as active learners during trying times. We together create stories of common good and embrace the spirit to contribute to the universe. I am Lin, Shih-Feng. We are brave upon graduation. Thank you all.


    #臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #學生致詞代表 #臺大心理學系 #林世峰

  • prove三態 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-01 23:31:21
    有 248 人按讚

    #葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂要聞揀三條


    ▼ 1.As Disneyland Reopens, Visitors and Many Workers Eager to Return: ‘I Can Already Feel the Magic’(https://flip.it/AbzdA_)

    睽違13個月的加州迪士尼樂園終於打開大門再度迎接客人。這史無前例的13個月停擺,不管園區內園區外都已經天翻地覆:Disney 因此損失69億美元,並且資遣了3.2萬名員工。即便目前的執行長是過去主管主題樂園業務的 Bob Chapek,都無法阻止 Disney 在過去幾個月內激烈改組將營運重心完全轉向串流業務 Disney+。Disney 努力召回放無薪假的員工,並開始在園區裡大聲播放《Beauty and Beast 美女與野獸》的經典歌曲〈Be Our Guest〉為員工暖身。不過加州迪士尼樂園的重啟並沒有像競爭對手環球影城那樣大膽。迪士尼樂園將改採預約制,並且暫時只准加州人入園,不像環球影城那樣接受接種過疫苗的非加州旅客入園。主題樂園產業距離完全回復正常還有很長一段路要走。

    ▼2. Tony Award-Winning ‘Come From Away’ Lands At Apple - - Will More Broadway Shows Pivot To Streaming?(https://flip.it/sDd243)

    紐約市長 De Blasio 宣佈紐約市預計從7月1日起完全重啟,整個百老匯產業已經蓄勢待發地準備打開劇場大門再度為觀眾服務。問題在於:觀眾真的願意回來嗎?在百老匯得到這個答案之前,好萊塢已經虎視眈眈地準備接收百老匯的觀眾。Apple 宣佈他們已買下以911事件為主題的百老匯劇目《Come From Away 來自遠方》的權利,準備在近期召回演職員回到劇場拍攝。在此之前,去年 Disney+ 已經以 Lin Manuel Miranda 的賣座音樂劇《Hamilton 漢米爾頓》吸引到大量觀眾。而 Lin Manuel Miranda 的另一部作品《In The Heights 紐約高地》則已經由導演朱浩偉拍成電影,即將在6月在電影院上映並同步上架 HBO Max。百老匯缺席的一年內,這些劇目已經捲入了美國串流大戰,成為各家串流服務的籌碼。

    ▼ 3. No one likes awards shows anymore, and the dismal Oscar ratings prove it(https://flip.it/Iu0_MA)

    英國獨立報的專欄作者 Fiona Sturges 已經為整個頒獎典禮季蓋棺定論:再也沒有人想看頒獎典禮了。今年奧斯卡頒獎典禮總計有1040萬美國觀眾收看,較上一次(2019年)的2360萬等於攔腰斬了一半。然而二十多年前《Titanic 鐵達尼號》獲得11項大獎的那一夜,有5700萬美國人打開電視看了頒獎典禮。問題不在得獎者,也不在整個頒獎表揚各產業傑出工作者的精神。是負責典禮策劃執行的電視業搞砸了。如今的觀眾每個人都訂了十八種串流服務,隨時都有數百小時的待看進度必須儘速趕上。因此已經沒有人有耐性面對窮極無聊的紅地毯訪問、典禮主持人各種洋洋得意的挖苦橋段、永無止盡的頒獎類別、惺惺作態的輸家表情、長篇大論的贏家政治演說以及很少有驚喜的現場演出。即便排除掉 COVID-19 因素,整個頒獎典禮的形式早就已經爛掉,而電視產業辜負了其他產業(電影、百老匯、流行音樂....)的付託,未能及時發現並重新發明這個節目類型。觀眾則默默地轉台追劇去了。

  • prove三態 在 吳品儀 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-01-24 08:35:07
    有 114 人按讚



    S下車看,前車的白人婦女也下來,她自逕摸了摸我們車頭說:「it’s fine ,it’s nothing」,然後因為這台是我的車,S沒有說什麼,示意要我自己也下車看、叫我決定。

    我下車後,白人女摸了摸她車屁股又再跟我們說,「你看剛那樣,我車也有被刮到,但這不嚴重」、又再ㄧ次的「it’s nothing lalalalalala....」吧啦吧啦的。

    原本想說走的,但這態度我真的不行,給了Sㄧ個眼神+ㄧ個搖頭,就麻煩S報警了,然後那女的瞬間就大聲:「come on,seriously?你又沒有東西可以prove 」





  • prove三態 在 浪哥Holiday Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-06-09 17:07:18

    這不是九陰真經2 !! steam新遊試玩 #9Dragons : Kung Fu Arena

    "九龍:功夫競技場”(9Dragons : Kung Fu Arena)是一項基於“九龍在線”歷史的武術戰鬥皇家項目,受到全球700萬用戶的喜愛。通過加多島的血腥戰場,擊敗所有其他僱傭兵,找到“龍之玉”,揭示九龍遺產的傳說。











    About This Game
    Nine Dragons, selected by 7M global players has returned with a brand new type of gameplay and dynamic Martial-Art action.

    From the Gado island, the mysterious place that has a rumor of nine dragon’s legacy, overcome the adversity which comes from deadly enemies and hopeless environment to prove yourself the worthy one to be a master of nine dragon’s world.

    [Gado Island]
    Gado island became a bloody battleground by 50 unknown mercenaries who try to obtain the nine dragon’s legacy because of the rumor that tells whoever obtains the legacy, will gain enough power to rule the nine dragon’s world.
    As one of the mercenaries, without any allies, you must fight through the battleground to find “Dragon’s Jade” which is the key to enter the place that nine dragon’s legacy is hidden and reveal the ancient mystery.
    [Prepare for the battle]
    You will be dragged to the island with nothing to help you fight or survive and therefore, must search for supplies and farm yourself before you face another mercenary with nothing in your hand.
    Even a single dumpling could cause a serious difference during the combat. To maintain survivability and chance to win the battle, we recommend checking every item that you find and make a way to use it in your own way. Like just said, every item has their own way to support your gameplay.
    Sometimes, you will be able to find a hidden item from the unexpected place or a mysterious NPC and of course, it will be a game changer once you find it.
    There are several weapon types and various socket items that you can insert to the weapon. Experience every weapon type you can find, build your own combat style and choose them strategically to cope with all the situations you may face during the gameplay.
    [History will only remember the survivor]
    Remember, it is not honor that keeps you alive on the battleground and wins the battle, and the only one who can discuss the honor is the one who survived from the battle.
    Sometimes you'll learn to turn your back on your enemies and run away promising the next opportunity, and when the opportunity comes, you'll learn how to use all the things that are given for victory, even if it’s way far from the honor.

    [The Dragon’s Jade]
    There are nine ruins that use to be a clan house for each nine clans of this world in Gado island and three of those ruins have the dragon’s Jade which is the key to the chamber that nine dragon’s legacy is hidden.
    The key will show the location of the chamber in your map by a mark, and once the key gets out from the ruins, it will show the chamber’s location to every people after a certain time after it.
    Some of you will try to visit the ruins while some of you will search for the one who already has key. It’s obvious in this world when you kill someone, you take everything that they had.

    [It is only the beginning]
    Do not be disappointed when you hear someone already got the key and revealed the legend of nine dragon’s legacy. We’re going to provide another thrilling adventure to you in an early day.
    #浪哥 #holiday1977 #drholiday #1977

    #浪哥 #holiday1977 #drholiday #魔獸世界 #wow #PVP #warrior #經典版 #懷舊服 #戰士

    ....➤Twitch直播: https://www.twitch.tv/Holiday1977
    ....➤Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DrHoliday1977
    ....➤Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dr.holiday1977

    ....🔴加入Youtube頻道會員: https://is.gd/xdy6sA

  • prove三態 在 Heyo Fok Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-01-05 21:37:40


    訂閱 Heyo

    Facebook page:



    ♫ Moov

    ♫ Joox

    ♫ KKbox

    ♫ Spotify

    呢首歌,算係一個宣言,play hard,更要 work hard!
    人生萬變,隨時唔只 36 計!

    Heyo -《我玩「固我」在 》Feat. Doughboy (Audio)

    曲詞: Heyo / Doughboy
    說唱: Heyo / Doughboy
    Saxophonist: Dickson
    Photo: Raymond Hung


    成世人係鐘意玩 仲未玩厭
    我既過度活躍係天生 係要反轉
    呢個框框 最後我連工都唔洗返
    炒左幾個老闆 我接二連三
    出得蒞玩 又打算要我幾時還?
    你地監生 要我揀 我仲慘 過要加監
    我條爛命 係生正 我啱玩 數白欖
    唔係果範 冇得扮 格硬
    攞啲豉椒 炒碟芥蘭 你咪是Q爛旦
    我鐘意咪踢拖 再加多件底衫
    邊洗咁cute 挫 挫 挫 你挫條泥鯭
    畢加索既畫 係咪畢氏生產?
    只係睇你地點樣去揀 冇話啱 抑或唔啱
    睇你點樣玩 玩(scratch) 你d 時間

    Left to tha right left left to da right
    Left to tha right left left to da right
    Left to tha right left left to da right
    Left to tha right left left to da right
    我連 Grad din 都冇裝老西
    (你有張良計 我有過牆梯)

    Dough Boy:

    At a thousand degrees Celsius I make MCs melt
    Forget a record deal I appear courtesy of myself
    Them trophies don't make u I know what I'm worth
    From the dope beats I gave you to the flows on the verse
    Uh. You will see it in time
    They told me put some Chinese in my rhymes
    I make beats for the best to ever step into the booth
    So when I'm rapping myself what do u think I'm tryna prove
    Huh.. This reminds me of them better times
    The kinda grind I wanna rewind aw nevermind
    The kinda vibe that make your girlfriend wanna dance
    They know who they dream man why should we pretend
    Everybody hands up when we come around
    2 of the best reporting live straight from the underground
    When we die u know why u remember the name
    After we come and go the game is forever changed

