

在 pristine翻譯產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅翁琬柔 Joyce,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 拜登的就職典禮上,有個鎂光燈焦點,她是22歲年輕非裔詩人Amanda Gorman,也是有史以來美國總統就職典禮上朗讀詩歌的最年輕詩人,她下台後,美國媒體一致好評,說她的亮眼表現簡直偷走了整個舞台,她ig也硬生生從不到九萬人追蹤,到現在已經有將近兩百六十萬個追蹤者,機會來了,Amanda Gorma...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅Bmon's Live,也在其Youtube影片中提到,▫公主IG:https://www.instagram.com/dorabmontw ▫FB觀眾場社團:https://www.facebook.com/groups/BmonTeamFight ▫FB粉絲團網址:https://www.facebook.com/DorabmonVideo ▫...

  • pristine翻譯 在 翁琬柔 Joyce Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-22 06:32:57
    有 532 人按讚

    拜登的就職典禮上,有個鎂光燈焦點,她是22歲年輕非裔詩人Amanda Gorman,也是有史以來美國總統就職典禮上朗讀詩歌的最年輕詩人,她下台後,美國媒體一致好評,說她的亮眼表現簡直偷走了整個舞台,她ig也硬生生從不到九萬人追蹤,到現在已經有將近兩百六十萬個追蹤者,機會來了,Amanda Gorman成功抓住,也是新的美國夢的代表。

    Amanda Gorman來自自由的洛杉磯,去年從哈佛畢業,還在就學的時候就已經嶄露頭角,2017年成為美國第一位National Youth Poet Laureate得主,一直以來她的作品都聚焦在種族平等、反性騷擾等議題,點開影片看看她的朗誦,站在全美國人、全世界的人面前,她台風穩健、絲毫不怯場,用自己的詩作The Hill We Climb抓住了所有人的目光,但我們沒看出來的是,她從小患有語言障礙,無法發出部分字母的音,能這樣站在台上,不知道在台下花了多少努力。

    Amanda Gorman在朗誦中強調:「美國人已經體驗過不願同甘共苦、分裂國家的那種力量,這股勢力為了拖延民主發展,也會導致國家被摧毀,但這項行動沒有成功,雖然民主可能遭到耽誤,但是卻永遠不會被擊敗。」她也說:「一個瘦巴巴的黑人女孩,身為奴隸後代,被單親媽媽扶養長大,但是卻能夢想有一天當上總統,現在正在為總統朗誦詩詞。」


    當晨曦來臨時 我們可以走出火焰帶來的陰影
    When day comes, we step out of the shade of flame

    絲毫不畏懼地 讓黎明綻放 只要我們自由釋放
    And unafraid, the new dawn blooms as we free it

    只要我們足夠勇敢 就永遠能見證光芒
    For there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it

    If only we’re brave enough to be it


    以下是Amanda Gorman 《 The Hill We Climb》全文 :

    When day comes, we ask ourselves

    Where can we find light in this never-ending shade
    The loss we carry, a sea we must wade
    We’ve braved the belly of the beast
    We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace
    And the norms and notions of what just is
    Isn’t always justice
    And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it
    Somehow we do it
    Somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed
    A nation that isn’t broken but simply unfinished
    We, the successors of a country and a time
    Where a skinny black girl descended from slaves
    And raised by a single mother
    can dream of becoming president
    only to find herself reciting for one
    And yes we are far from polished, far from pristine
    But that doesn’t mean
    We are striving to form a union that is perfect

    We are striving to forge a union with purpose
    To compose a country committed
    To all cultures, colors, characters, and conditions of man
    And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us
    But what stands before us
    We close the divide because we know
    To put our future first
    We must first put our differences aside
    We lay down our arms
    So we can reach out our arms to one another
    We seek harm to none and harmony for all
    Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true:
    That even as we grieved, we grew
    That even as we hurt, we hoped
    That even as we tired, we tried
    That we’ll forever be tied together
    Victorious not because we will never again know defeat
    But because we will never again sow division
    Scripture tells us to envision that everyone
    Shall sit under their own vine and fig tree
    And no one shall make them afraid

    If we’re to live up to our own time,
    Then victory won’t lighten the blade
    But in all the bridges we’ve made
    That is the promise to glade
    The hill to climb if only we dare it
    Because being American is more than a pride we inherit
    It’s the past we step into and how we repair it
    We’ve seen a force that would shatter our nation rather than share it,
    Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy
    And this effort very nearly succeeded.
    But while democracy can be periodically delayed,
    It can never be permanently defeated.
    In this truth, in this faith we trust
    For while we have our eyes on the future
    History has its eyes on us.
    This is the era of just redemption we feared
    At its inception we did not feel prepared
    To be the heirs of such a terrifying hour

    But within it we found the power
    To author a new chapter
    To offer hope and laughter to ourselves
    So while once we asked, how could we possibly prevail over catastrophe?
    Now we assert: how could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?
    We will not march back to what was but move to what shall be,
    A country that is bruised but whole,
    Benevolent but bold, fierce, and free
    We will not be turned around or interrupted by intimidation
    Because we know our inaction and inertia
    Will be the inheritance of the next generation
    Our blunders become their burdens but one thing is certain:
    If we merge mercy with might and might with right
    Then love becomes our legacy, and change our children’s birthright
    So let us leave behind a country better than the one we were left
    With every breath from my bronze, pounded chest
    We will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one
    We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the west
    We will rise from the windswept northeast
    Where our forefathers first realized revolution
    We will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the Midwestern states
    We will rise from the sunbaked south
    We will rebuild, reconcile, and recover

    In every known nook of our nation, in every corner called our country
    Our people diverse and beautiful will emerge, battered and beautiful
    When day comes, we step out of the shade of flame
    And unafraid, the new dawn blooms as we free it
    For there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it

    If only we’re brave enough to be it

    影片來源:Biden Inaugural Committee

  • pristine翻譯 在 Prudence Liew 劉美君 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-08-09 09:31:06
    有 9 人按讚

    Love my best friend's page, gotta share...

    Teachings from Red Hat Lama Shamar Rinpoche
    ( PLEASE SHARE 請分享)

    'Wherever there are world systems and beings,
    May I be like the lotus, not clung to by water,
    And the sun and the moon, unhindered in the sky.'
    ‘諸惑業及魔境, 世間道中得解脫, 猶如蓮花不著水, 亦如日月不住空’

    The lotus flower is used as a metaphor to illustrate the bodhisattva's conduct along the path. Bodhisattvas are not far removed from sentient beings. They don't live in mountain caves, but are very close to all beings and always have the desire to help and liberate them. Lotuses have their roots in dirty mud, but yet, their pure white blossoms remain pristine and untouched by the mud. In the same way bodhisattva practitioners along the path are not contaminated by the habitual tendencies and karma of the sentient beings that they are trying to liberate.

    If we harbor no hatred, no anger toward another sentient being, and the motivation for our actions is rooted in bodhicitta, then even in times of aggression we can still attain enlightenment, because our activities are uncontaminated by any affliction. With genuine bodhicitta in our mind, we do not hope for any return for our deeds, such as wanting to gain any wealth or fame in return as a reward for practicing generosity. Just as the sun and the moon benefit the world spontaneously and have no concept of "What would be good for me?" in the same way, our genuine bodhicitta is not tainted by the hope for any return. Rather, our mind is imbued with pure wishes to spontaneously benefit all sentient beings.

    “The King of Prayers, a commentary on The Noble King of Prayers of Excellent Conduct”, pg. 28. (英文版『普賢行願王論著』第28頁。)

    When we are fully awake, mind is free of the object with which it connects to through thoughts, perceptions and feelings. Mind is unobstructed. You neither have a single thought nor many thoughts. Mind does not exist substantially. Mind is no longer ignorant or stupid in the deepest sense. But we should understand that self-realization is not like being in a coma. Instead, there is clarity and power. Self-realized mind is free from the influence of phenomena. It is mind free from all need to occupy itself; it is now an independent mind.

    “From Calming Our Minds is the First Step, teaching given at Bodhi Path Washington, DC Metro Area in Spring 2004.”

    As long as we perceive and experience the various sense objects, but are not self-aware at the same time, we react in a kind of autopilot mode. Such a preoccupied state of mind is actually a kind of stupor or drowsiness, and is based on the ignorance of dense mental states in which self-awareness is lacking. It is an automatically occurring ongoing series of cognitive acts and reactions that take place without our being in touch with the self-reflective, self-aware aspect of our mind. In short, the reflective capacity of the mind that is the basis of wisdom remains inactive. Mental activity that proceeds without our being connected with mind's pervasive self-aware capacity is simply ignorant mental activity. It is a kind of noise that serves to distract mind from its actual nature.
    只要我們感知和體驗各種感覺對象,但同時不自覺,我們會以一種自動駕駛模式進行反應。 這種心識狀態其實就是一種昏睡或嗜睡,是基於缺乏自我認知的遲鈍精神狀態的無知。 這是一連串的自發性認知行為和反應,並沒有經心識自我反思和自我認知。 簡而言之,作為智慧基礎的心靈的反思能力沒有啟動。 簡單地說,沒有跟我們心識的完全自知能力所聯繫起來的都是無知的心識活動。這是一種噪音,會讓心識對自己實際的性質分心。

    Once training in mindful calm abiding has tamed and pacified the cascade of thoughts, inner images, and emotions, mind's awareness that is aware of itself can emerge on its own accord. In this sense, moments of clarity arise naturally.

    "Boundless Awakening", pg 16-17. (英文版『無量覺』第16-17頁)


  • pristine翻譯 在 Bmon's Live Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-02-02 14:36:02


    ———Music used———
    「Kevin MacLeod」創作的「Doh De Oh」是根據「Creative Commons Attribution」(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) 授權使用

    Pure 100% & Dream Hackers - Lazer Beam
    Music provided by The Arcadium.

    始原のビート ~ Pristine Beat
    From 東方輝針城


  • pristine翻譯 在 米靈岸 Miling'an Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-02-13 10:19:38

    邀演接洽:02-2916 1666
    米靈岸 FB :https://www.facebook.com/www.milingan...

    芮斯歸來-04-Lai Sue之歌

    i ya i yo la vu lu vu lani li va lu
    li ya i ye sue li a ye sue i la
    i na na a o i na ne
    i ya i yo la vu lu vu lani li va lu
    li ya i ye sue li a ye sue i la
    i na na a o i na ne
    i ya i yo la vu lu vu lani li va lu
    li ya i ye sue li a ye sue i la
    i na na a o i na ne


    Musical Conductor 音樂指導/ Hung Yi Huang 黃宏一
    Drums 擊鼓/ Hung Yi Huang黃宏一
    Percussion Toys 打擊音效/ Hung Yi Huang黃宏一
    Guitar 吉他/ Vunkiatt Kataddepan文傑‧格達德班
    Recording Studio 錄音室/ Stars Ferry 擺渡人
    Recording Engineer / Jason Sun 孫仲舒, Rock Lee李皖阜
    Mixing Engineer / Jason Sun 孫仲舒
    Art Design平面設計 / Civi Cheng 鄭司維
    (點石設計KEYSTONE creative & graphic design)
    Photography / David Hartung
    Copy Writer 文字編寫 / Su Ying Yu 于蘇英, Allia Hu 胡健
    English Translation 英文翻譯 / Constance Woods, Andrew Ryan
    French Translation 法文翻譯 / Odile Lai 賴怡妝, Pristine Communications精粹有限公司

    Special Thanks 特別感謝 /
    National Culture and Arts Foundation財團法人國家文化藝術基金會
    Constance Woods
    Wa Kin Chau 周華健
    Sue Ying Yu 于蘇英
    Terri Lai 黎慧芳
    Chi Ho Lai 黎志浩
    Hung Hau Chen 陳宏豪
    Yung Long Chen 陳永龍
    Jason Sun 孫仲舒
    Rock Lee李皖阜
    Roma Mehta
    Stars Ferry擺渡人
    U-TECH Media Corporation 鈺德科技股份有限公司

    National Culture and Arts Foundation財團法人國家文化藝術基金會
    RS Legend RS 傳唱者
    Taiwan Aboriginal Handicraft, Research & Development Association.

    發行日期 2004/04

  • pristine翻譯 在 米靈岸 Miling'an Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-02-13 10:10:31

    邀演接洽:02-2916 1666
    米靈岸 FB :https://www.facebook.com/www.milingan...


    lu-li-ma-i i ye i yo a i i ma lu la i a ya i
    lu-li-ma-i i ye i yo a i i ma lu la i a ya i
    lu-li-ma-i i ye i yo a i i ma lu la i a ya i
    i ye i yo i
    i ma lu la i a ya i
    lu-li-ma-i i ye i yo a i i ma lu la i a ya i
    i ye i yo i



    Musical Conductor 音樂指導/ Hung Yi Huang 黃宏一
    Drums 擊鼓/ Hung Yi Huang黃宏一
    Percussion Toys 打擊音效/ Hung Yi Huang黃宏一
    Guitar 吉他/ Vunkiatt Kataddepan文傑‧格達德班
    Recording Studio 錄音室/ Stars Ferry 擺渡人
    Recording Engineer / Jason Sun 孫仲舒, Rock Lee李皖阜
    Mixing Engineer / Jason Sun 孫仲舒
    Art Design平面設計 / Civi Cheng 鄭司維
    (點石設計KEYSTONE creative & graphic design)
    Photography / David Hartung
    Copy Writer 文字編寫 / Su Ying Yu 于蘇英, Allia Hu 胡健
    English Translation 英文翻譯 / Constance Woods, Andrew Ryan
    French Translation 法文翻譯 / Odile Lai 賴怡妝, Pristine Communications精粹有限公司

    Special Thanks 特別感謝 /
    National Culture and Arts Foundation財團法人國家文化藝術基金會
    Constance Woods
    Wa Kin Chau 周華健
    Sue Ying Yu 于蘇英
    Terri Lai 黎慧芳
    Chi Ho Lai 黎志浩
    Hung Hau Chen 陳宏豪
    Yung Long Chen 陳永龍
    Jason Sun 孫仲舒
    Rock Lee李皖阜
    Roma Mehta
    Stars Ferry擺渡人
    U-TECH Media Corporation 鈺德科技股份有限公司

    National Culture and Arts Foundation財團法人國家文化藝術基金會
    RS Legend RS 傳唱者
    Taiwan Aboriginal Handicraft, Research & Development Association.

    發行日期 2004/04