
為什麼這篇prey意思鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在prey意思這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者norge (Boston)看板Eng-Class標題[請益] wire 跟 prey 在文中的...

prey意思 在 Cindy Sung Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-02-19 11:16:56

今天要介紹的單字是ferocious~ 它的意思是「兇猛的」、「激烈的」,例如 a ferocious animal 就是「一隻兇猛的動物」 🐯 或是當我們想表達某人的脾氣非常惡劣,也可以說”That person has a ferocious temper.”。本周新聞英文當中使用ferocio...


Mr. Teller said that the only time he's porperly been star-struck
was meeting Will Ferrell. But for a man who regularly submits
himself to naked self-portraits in the most undignified positions,
Mr. Teller is unexpectedly prey to performance anxiety.

請問最後一行的 prey 在這裡要怎麼理解比較好呢?


Recently Mr. Teller photographed the Bayern Munich football club.
He took his son on the trip to Germany so that he could meet his
sports heroes, and recalls them both lying in their respective beds
the night before unable to sleep: His son was wired with excitement,
he was anxious over whether he would get his shot.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1514544292.A.B2C.html
fakeID: 其實查字典就有答案了。 12/29 19:58
norge: 查字典prey是犧牲者 wire找不到合適的解釋 有人能幫忙嗎? 12/29 21:54
ewayne: 用點想像力吧,把整段看仔細點就知道了 12/29 22:16
dunchee: https://tinyurl.com/yc2rdzq5 紅色字"整個"是個有固定意 12/29 23:07
dunchee: 思的 fixed expression / idiom / ...(或是台灣常講的 片 12/29 23:08
dunchee: 語) 原文相當於 ... is unexpectedly affected by 12/29 23:08
dunchee: performance anxiety (想像 "performance anxiety" 是個 12/29 23:08
dunchee: 猛獸 ....) 文馨當代英漢辭典有這個"片語" 12/29 23:08
dunchee: https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/wired -> 1 ... 12/29 23:11
norge: 謝謝d大 原來是wired才對! 12/30 00:59

