在 previous反義產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,853的網紅玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《八寶盒:2020年催旺大人財運小孩學業運的風水大法》 8IGHT TREASURES CHEST: 2020 WEALTH & ACADEMICS FENG SHUI (English version below) 「八」這個數字,深受華族之愛戴。起初吾衹知曉,因八這個數字的諧音,接近「發」的唸...
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅林子安 AnViolin,也在其Youtube影片中提到,■ 更多林子安: INSTAGRAM:https://www.instagram.com/an__official/ FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/Anviolin/ WEIBO:http://weibo.com/u/6511795600 Spotify:htt...
- 關於previous反義 在 娜姐 Foodelicious- 台北美食 & Bistro Instagram 的精選貼文
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- 關於previous反義 在 Simon Shen 沈旭暉 Instagram 的最讚貼文
- 關於previous反義 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於previous反義 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
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- 關於previous反義 在 夫夫之道 FuFuKnows Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於previous反義 在 鍾翔宇 Xiangyu Youtube 的最佳貼文
previous反義 在 娜姐 Foodelicious- 台北美食 & Bistro Instagram 的精選貼文
2021-05-27 22:59:05
題外話: 雙北果然在星期六股票休市日升級為三級, 我必須聲明我從 5/8 上星期六吃完 RAW 的 Andre Is Back 後就沒有再進台北市, 此外,這些貼文都是之前去吃的餐廳 Review, 不要誤會喔!! 大家請多多待在家裡防疫! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📍Salotto 19 餐廳 P...
previous反義 在 王柏德Andy Wangwatthana조인성 Instagram 的最讚貼文
2020-07-04 21:00:53
🇹🇼🇹🇼來自美商航空台籍座艙長空中老爺第二次拜訪,他這一次回來的主要原因是因為他上次在櫃上買的香皂實在是太棒了,他非常的喜歡,而且香皂品質好,泡泡綿密,而且洗完皮膚有改善,所以老爺決定第二次再來美藝皂購買他最喜歡的義大利香皂,這次空中老爺買了柚子與檸檬,葡萄柚以及西洋梨。 Fernando Lin ...
previous反義 在 Simon Shen 沈旭暉 Instagram 的最讚貼文
2020-05-23 22:18:46
【香港後真相時代:林鄭月娥如何偽造國際歷史,真曼德拉究竟說過甚麼?🇿🇦】 1. 自稱年年考第一、強調自己讀社會學的林鄭月娥,在記招為歷史教育爭議護航時,引述「南非總統曼德拉名言」:「教育的崩潰就是一個國家的崩潰 (The collapse of education is the collapse o...
previous反義 在 林子安 AnViolin Youtube 的最讚貼文
2021-07-02 22:30:09■ 更多林子安:
For business, please send private message to my Instagram or Facebook fan page.
■ 更多【Cover by AnViolin】:https://bit.ly/2vWVtF5
🎶樂譜連結 Sheet Music🎶
Ed Sheeran《Bad Habits》小提琴版本
| Violin cover by Lin Tzu An of《Bad Habits》by Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran最新回歸單曲Bad Habits,上週五才剛發,在英國iTunes直接鎖死冠軍~
Bad Habits不只在音樂性展現與過去帶有鄉村風格情歌截然不同調性,反而是帶著電音感的輕快與能量,高亢旋律好像是在模擬飲酒時的瘋癲,電子鼓點也營造出亢奮的氛圍,就像是深夜裡的酒後派對般,而且在Bad Habits的MV中,我們紅髮艾德更是紅髮變成金髮,還變成了吸血鬼!
Bad Habits雖然是在探討酗酒、徹夜狂歡等壞習慣是如何地難以戒掉並且打亂生活的步調,即便明知這樣對自己和身邊的人都沒有好處,卻還是一再地在片刻歡愉的面前妥協投降。
但覺得也蠻像深陷暈船狀態人們的狀態XDDD 腦袋明知對方如何巧言令色(?)甜言蜜語,腦袋都叫你要下船,但是每當對方出現在面前,卻總無法拒絕~
可以靜下心來想想自己未來,最重要的是只能對我的音樂上癮啦 😆
Ed Sheeran’s latest Single, Bad Habits, has been sweeping iTunes in the UK since its release lats week wowwwww
Bad Habits is not only musically different from the previous style of Ed, the energy with EDM style is also the new highlight of this new Single.
Although Bad Habits is saying something like how difficult it is to quit the problems like alcoholic and all-night partying, even if those who are addicted are quite aware of the fact that its not good for themselves and for people around them, they still indulge in the moment of happiness from the addiction. Personally, I think it's quite like the situation of catching feelings with the wrong one LOL We bear in mind that we should say no, but we cannot help and ridiculously just cannot go away from the wrong one.
But it's okay =] Just being aware of the problem is good enough.
Getting better step by step, even a baby step is fine! The addiction state may be the signal telling you to protect yourself n being happy but the addition is not the only way that can make you happy, so try another way :)
During the epidemic of Covid, please dont be addicted to drugs or anything else. It's my honor if you can be addicted my music tho 😆
Should you have any request regarding cover songs, just comment below and let me know.
Also please share the video and subscribe to my channel https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ.
Don't forget to click the 🔔 bell to be notified when my videos come out!
Visit me at Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out details on my Instagram stories!
In light of the escalated measures on COVID-19 from the Taiwan government, my busking schedules are all canceled until July 12.
For more updated information , check it out on my Instagram stories!
Stay home, stay safe and stay healthy.
編曲Arrange:林子安 Lin Tzu An
混音mix:林子安 Lin Tzu An
小提琴 Violin: 林子安 Lin Tzu An
攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
文字編輯 Social media editor/manager: Lily Wu
🎻Sponsor AnViolin🎻
(Via Paypal)Sponsorship:https://www.paypal.me/Anviolin
【Cover by AnViolin】每週上傳新的小提琴cover影片,
喜歡的話請訂閱我的頻道 https://bit.ly/2EsTGMQ
還想看子安cover什麼歌?留言跟我說 !
#林子安小提琴 -
previous反義 在 夫夫之道 FuFuKnows Youtube 的最佳解答
2021-04-12 21:00:16🌈夫夫環島愛台灣上一集請點此
Please watch the previous episode 👉 https://fufuknows.pros.si/LoveTaiwanEp15
我愛你們,也愛我們。繼續用這副軀體與炙熱的心,前進。 -
previous反義 在 鍾翔宇 Xiangyu Youtube 的最佳貼文
2019-07-27 12:00:02購買實體專輯:
Follow Xiangyu on Twitter https://instagram.com/notXiangyu
Follow Ransom-Notes on Twitter https://twitter.com/ransom1992
0:00 星星之火 A Single Spark
2:52 延續和決裂 Continuity and Rupture
6:02 流言蜚語 Rumors and Slanders
8:56 夢 Dream
11:26 這不是請客吃飯 This Is Not a Dinner Party
14:50 社會主義還是人類滅絕 Socialism or Human Extinction
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5LXDWD9UWMinJpuGXfOHF9
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/album/1475720641
KKBox: https://www.kkbox.com/tw/tc/album/Po-XjuEwvaj3s0F3XnGK009H-index.html
虾米音乐: https://www.xiami.com/album/5021315036
專輯介紹: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%98%BB%E5%93%88%E5%8F%8D%E5%B8%9D%E5%9C%8B-%E9%8D%BE%E7%BF%94%E5%AE%87%E8%AA%AA%E5%94%B1%E6%98%9F%E6%98%9F%E4%B9%8B%E7%81%AB-063724380.html
繼 2018 年金音獎入圍的《炮打司令部》後,中文嘻哈界絕無僅有的共產主義饒舌歌手鍾翔宇與英國製作人 Ransom-Notes 馬不停蹄地聯手炮製出六首歌的新專輯《星星之火》,相較於上張專輯還有如〈保力達B〉、〈偶像的手冊〉等比較詼諧幽默的歌曲,這張專輯顯得更加嚴肅而深入的闡述自己的意識形態。
即使如此,這張專輯並沒有流於自我重複的說教,而是透過自己在美國成長過程親眼目睹的(台灣媒體跟好萊塢電影不告訴你的)具體事實,鍾翔宇戳破所謂的「美國夢」,一層一層爬梳嘻哈音樂如何失去最初的反抗精神、分析爭取勞動權益的困境甚至環保議題。很難想像這麼龐大的知識量被鍾翔宇精巧的放在一張不到 20 分鐘的專輯當中,這樣大膽的嘗試絕對值得你靜下心搭配歌詞細細玩味。搭配 Ransom-Notes 充滿黃金年代風格的編曲,讓嚴肅的歌詞不再難以下嚥。而鍾翔宇精心設計的多韻和不時的好笑 punchline,也展現他想讓歌曲直面普羅大眾的誠意。
批判美國的霸權和當今的社會經濟制度等於動搖了非常多人的基本信念,鍾翔宇也深知這一點。然而看到不公不義的事實而站出來發聲,這是讓鍾翔宇之所以愛上嘻哈的浪漫初衷。《星星之火》這張專輯就如同他的偶像,英國嘻哈詩人 Lowkey 的 “Soundtrack to the Struggle” 一樣,是貨真價實的革命之聲,所有真心想衝破世界當今所面對的困境的人,肯定能從鍾翔宇的音樂中得到啟發。
Shortly after his 2018 album "Bombard the Headquarters" was nominated best hip hop album by the Golden Indie Music Awards, Xiangyu, one of the few openly communist rappers in the Sinosphere, together with his comrade Ransom-Notes from the UK, began working on "a Single Spark." In comparison to his previous album, which contains comedic songs like "Paolyta B" and "the Idol's Handbook," "a Single Spark" takes on a more serious tone and delves deeper into Xiangyu's ideology.
Despite the comparatively somber tone, this new album avoids repetitive preaching. Through sharing his personal experiences and the things he saw growing up in the United States, Xiangyu debunks the so-called "American Dream." Using materialist dialectics, he tells us how hip hop has lost its rebellious essence, and also analyzes power dynamics and touches on topics such as the environment. It is difficult to imagine how Xiangyu and Ransom-Notes were able to condense such a vast expanse of knowledge into an album less than 20 minutes in length. You will not be disappointed should you decide to sit down and listen to such a bold album while studying the lyrics. Reminiscent of hip hop's golden age, Ransom-Notes' beatmaking provides the listener with the sugar that makes the pill easier to swallow. Xiangyu's carefully constructed rhymes and the occasional humorous punch line demonstrate his sincere attempt to make his agitprop more accessible to the layperson.
Criticizing US hegemony and the socioeconomic order of today is tantamount to shattering the fundamental beliefs of many, and Xiangyu is acutely aware of this. The fact that hip hop can serve as a platform for pointing out injustices is what attracted Xiangyu to the genre in the first place. "A Single Spark" is similar to "Soundtrack to the Struggle" by Lowkey, one of Xiangyu's influences, in the sense that it is truly revolutionary in content. Those who genuinely seek to transform the predicaments plaguing our world today will certainly find inspiration in Xiangyu's music.
母帶後期製作:Glenn Schick
繪圖:Bijan Nader Sharifi
Lyrics by Xiangyu,
Beats by Ransom-Notes,
Recorded by Xiangyu,
Mixed by Xiangyu and Ransom-Notes
Mastered by Glenn Schick,
Artwork by Bijan Nader Sharifi.
#星星之火 #鍾翔宇 #aSingleSpark
previous反義 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
(English version below)
那是否每個人,都可以運用「八」這當令數字?答案是是,也是不是。就好比陽光,天下萬物都需要祂。可是卻有人,就這麼容易中暑。曾經有位師兄向吾述說,每當他到碧山的Junction 8,他就感到頭暈。吾是這樣認爲,兼看用神更好不過。
媽媽們請留意哦!玳瑚師父要送禮給妳們了。本地有間名爲FOUR LEAVES的麵包店。其商標正是八運當令財星,因而它已在本地營業恰似一個成年人的歲數之久了。它也是唯一一間,打進日本超級市場的本地麵包店。這既是當令,也是當旺的運數。媽媽們應常買FOUR LEAVES麵包,給於您們家中的小朋友,當早餐或帶到學校吃,能加持她他們,學業頂呱呱,榜上有名哦!
YouTube 看完整影片 ► https://youtu.be/iS4SA1rVDRI
The number 8 is especially loved by the Chinese people. At first I only knew it was because the number 8 when spoken in Mandarin is quite similar sounding to the Chinese character “發”, which symbolises prosperity, hence it is a hot favourite among the Chinese. Later on, as I officially started studying Chinese Metaphysics, I then truly understand that this number 8 has a little-known "identity" . Those with knowledge of Feng Shui basics would know that between the Year 2004 to 2023 is known as the Period of 8, the current luck period of our world. One can say that whenever and wherever you encounter the number 8, prosperity will follow. In my previous writings, I had introduced and revealed that some shopping malls had specially changed or weaved the number 8 into their logos.
Does it mean that everyone can use the Number 8 which is currently in power? The answer is both a yes and a no. Take for example, the sunlight is needed by all living beings, yet there are some people who get a heat stroke easily. Once, a Dharma brother told me that whenever he went to Bishan Junction 8, he would feel dizzy. This is my opinion: it is best to evaluate together with your favorable element needs.
Attention all Mothers! Master Dai Hu is about to give you a present. There is a local bakery brand by the name of Four Leaves. Its logo embodies the Wealth Star of the current Period of Eight. Hence its years of operation in Singapore is equivalent to the age of an adult. It is also the only local bakery to enter the Japanese supermarket market locally. This indicates that the bakery is in the period of power and prosperity. Mothers ought to often buy breads from Four Leaves for your young children at home, as their breakfast or snacks at school. It can empower them in their quest for academic success!
The opposite of prosperity is, of course, decline. All these years, I have observed many families who no longer enjoy the same prosperity as before. What is the reason for this? The reason has always been about the erroneous thinking of people. They think they should cut back on spending whenever possible, to avoid exhausting their finances. The truth could not have been further from this. To harbour this mindset and exhibit this behaviour at the beginning of a new year, only means that you did not catch on to prosperity. Thus be prepared to scrimp and save for the entire year.
If you are sick and tired of leading life on this kind of “saver mode”, during Spring Festival, please do the following: Set up a festive formation at the area diagonally opposite your main door entrance, generating joy and happiness in both the hosts and the guests. When the Wealth God sees this from the heavens, He will naturally bestow you with good fortune and wealth. This is called riches borne by the amiability of Qi. Do you understand? Do you know how?
Place a round wooden table at the corner diagonally opposite your main door entrance. Drape a red table cloth over it, and place a pot of Zamioculcas on it. This is followed by surrounding the potted plant with festive foodstuff. Of course, there are several other methods! Let me bestow you with a little known secret technique! Get a new note of one-thousand or one-hundred denomination and paste it under your table top. Since this is supposed to be a secret, please do it in secret. Let Master Dai Hu tell you the truth. Ghosts and gods are abound in the realms of ten directions. After your life improve, you must not be lazy and over-indulge in enjoyment. You ought to be charitable at all times and give joyfully to the needy. Your sources of wealth will naturally come forth in succession. And there always be a Eight Treasure Chest in your life.
NOTE: The Feng Shui formation is valid for the entire year.
WATCH IT ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/iS4SA1rVDRI
previous反義 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
(English version below)
那是否每個人,都可以運用「八」這當令數字?答案是是,也是不是。就好比陽光,天下萬物都需要祂。可是卻有人,就這麼容易中暑。曾經有位師兄向吾述說,每當他到碧山的Junction 8,他就感到頭暈。吾是這樣認爲,兼看用神更好不過。
媽媽們請留意哦!玳瑚師父要送禮給妳們了。本地有間名爲FOUR LEAVES的麵包店。其商標正是八運當令財星,因而它已在本地營業恰似一個成年人的歲數之久了。它也是唯一一間,打進日本超級市場的本地麵包店。這既是當令,也是當旺的運數。媽媽們應常買FOUR LEAVES麵包,給於您們家中的小朋友,當早餐或帶到學校吃,能加持她他們,學業頂呱呱,榜上有名哦!
YouTube 看完整影片 ► https://youtu.be/iS4SA1rVDRI
The number 8 is especially loved by the Chinese people. At first I only knew it was because the number 8 when spoken in Mandarin is quite similar sounding to the Chinese character “發”, which symbolises prosperity, hence it is a hot favourite among the Chinese. Later on, as I officially started studying Chinese Metaphysics, I then truly understand that this number 8 has a little-known "identity" . Those with knowledge of Feng Shui basics would know that between the Year 2004 to 2023 is known as the Period of 8, the current luck period of our world. One can say that whenever and wherever you encounter the number 8, prosperity will follow. In my previous writings, I had introduced and revealed that some shopping malls had specially changed or weaved the number 8 into their logos.
Does it mean that everyone can use the Number 8 which is currently in power? The answer is both a yes and a no. Take for example, the sunlight is needed by all living beings, yet there are some people who get a heat stroke easily. Once, a Dharma brother told me that whenever he went to Bishan Junction 8, he would feel dizzy. This is my opinion: it is best to evaluate together with your favorable element needs.
Attention all Mothers! Master Dai Hu is about to give you a present. There is a local bakery brand by the name of Four Leaves. Its logo embodies the Wealth Star of the current Period of Eight. Hence its years of operation in Singapore is equivalent to the age of an adult. It is also the only local bakery to enter the Japanese supermarket market locally. This indicates that the bakery is in the period of power and prosperity. Mothers ought to often buy breads from Four Leaves for your young children at home, as their breakfast or snacks at school. It can empower them in their quest for academic success!
The opposite of prosperity is, of course, decline. All these years, I have observed many families who no longer enjoy the same prosperity as before. What is the reason for this? The reason has always been about the erroneous thinking of people. They think they should cut back on spending whenever possible, to avoid exhausting their finances. The truth could not have been further from this. To harbour this mindset and exhibit this behaviour at the beginning of a new year, only means that you did not catch on to prosperity. Thus be prepared to scrimp and save for the entire year.
If you are sick and tired of leading life on this kind of “saver mode”, during Spring Festival, please do the following: Set up a festive formation at the area diagonally opposite your main door entrance, generating joy and happiness in both the hosts and the guests. When the Wealth God sees this from the heavens, He will naturally bestow you with good fortune and wealth. This is called riches borne by the amiability of Qi. Do you understand? Do you know how?
Place a round wooden table at the corner diagonally opposite your main door entrance. Drape a red table cloth over it, and place a pot of Zamioculcas on it. This is followed by surrounding the potted plant with festive foodstuff. Of course, there are several other methods! Let me bestow you with a little known secret technique! Get a new note of one-thousand or one-hundred denomination and paste it under your table top. Since this is supposed to be a secret, please do it in secret. Let Master Dai Hu tell you the truth. Ghosts and gods are abound in the realms of ten directions. After your life improve, you must not be lazy and over-indulge in enjoyment. You ought to be charitable at all times and give joyfully to the needy. Your sources of wealth will naturally come forth in succession. And there always be a Eight Treasure Chest in your life.
NOTE: The Feng Shui formation is valid for the entire year.
WATCH IT ON YOUTUBE ► https://youtu.be/iS4SA1rVDRI