

在 presumably意思產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過19萬的網紅Claudia Mo/毛孟靜,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #Excuse #my #French 這句習語 .. 很少機會用得上;即使用,恐怕亦會流於做作 .. 真的想用,可考慮先戴「頭盔」.. ————— #講法文要抱歉? 明報英文 | 毛孟靜 //先看這句話: "Excuse my French, but you look like shxt." 直...


  • presumably意思 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-07 12:11:10
    有 364 人按讚

    #Excuse #my #French
    這句習語 .. 很少機會用得上;即使用,恐怕亦會流於做作 .. 真的想用,可考慮先戴「頭盔」..
    明報英文 | 毛孟靜
    "Excuse my French, but you look like shxt." 直譯是「對不起我的法文不太好,但你看起來像一堆 X 。」


    Excuse my French 在英語世界中,其實是一個口頭習語,used to apologise for swearing,預先為後面的不雅字句致歉。
    · Excuse my French, but you are an axxhole. 抱歉(要說髒話),你是個屁 X。

    Cambridge Dictionary(《劍橋字典》)提供的例句是:
    · Pardon my French, but that is a damned shame! 對不起這真是天殺的遺憾!

    When English people used French expressions in conversation, they would often apologise for it, presumably because many of their listeners were not familiar with the language.


    漸漸, Excuse 或 pardon my French就給戲謔地視為在要說一些禁語之前的「事先聲明」。今日,不論講與聽這話的人,都知道說的不是法文,也根本跟法文無關,純粹是日常的一個不正規的 informal、幽默的 humourous 或 lighthearted嬉戲的表達方式罷了。情况有點像我們口語中的「鬼佬」gweilo,起初或包含一點不懷好意,但現代一般已理解為無傷大雅 harmless、甚至帶點親切感的稱謂。

    原也以為,excuse my French 已屬老一輩的語言,至新世代該已式微。但原來不對,因為本文開頭引述的一句對白,來自不過數月前出版的一本美國流行小說,足證仍是北美的日常用語。


    · Like they say 像他們說的, "Excuse my French"...

    · To borrow what you'd say 借用你會說的, "Pardon my French"...//

  • presumably意思 在 台北市議員梁文傑 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-07-14 20:37:25
    有 69 人按讚

    打臉來打臉去,目前可確定菲律賓確實有拿姜皇池的文章來証明太平島的淡水不足。但我認為,第一,區區一篇報紙文章不會是作成判決的主要証據,否則太過可笑; 第二,要判斷是不是島,淡水足不足也不是重點。像小琉球也是淡水不足,直到1981年從牡丹水庫連接小琉球的海底水管鋪設完成,才解決水的問題。澎湖的淡水更缺,蓋了海水淡化廠才解決。





    Day 4 Monday, 30th November 2015
    Hearing on the Merits and Remaining Issues
    of Jurisdiction and Admissibility


    Mr President, no further corroboration is needed, but there is more if you would like to see it. Professor Chiang Huang-chih, one of Taiwan's pre-eminent authorities on law of the sea, who teaches public international law and law of the sea at the National University of Taiwan, and is the author of International Law and Taiwan and Introduction to Public International Law and Law of the Sea, published an article in April 2015 which said this about Itu Aba: "There is no oil or food on the island. There used to be fresh water, but after decades of over-extraction there is nothing left and water must be imported from Taiwan. All necessities, except sunlight and air, have to be supplied from outside the island."[52]

    [52] Chiang Huang-chih, "Itu Aba claim a distracting waste", Taipei Times (27 Nov. 2015), available at http://www.taipeitimes.com/…/editorials/archives/2015/04/02…, p. 1. Hearing on Merits, Annex 839.



    太平島變礁 菲大法官的論點居然用這個[影]
    2016/07/13 19:34


    太平島遭指水枯 4月學者登島飲水成反證
    2016/07/13 22:01



    苗博雅 MiaoPoya 2016年7月13日 22:40




    重點是姜皇池的這段:「There is no oil or food on the island. There used to be fresh water, but after decades of over-extraction there is nothing left and water must be imported from Taiwan. All necessities, except sunlight and air, have to be supplied from outside the island.」


    新聞稿(Press release,共11頁)


    427. At the Hearing on the Merits, the Philippines summarised its view of the evidence concerning Itu Aba as follows:
    (1) there is no fresh water on Itu Aba suitable for drinking or capable of sustaining a human settlement;
    (2) there is no natural source of nourishment on the feature capable of sustaining a human settlement;
    (3) there is no soil on Itu Aba capable of facilitating any kind of agricultural production that could sustain human habitation;
    (4) there has never been a population on the feature that is indigenous to it;
    (5) excluding military garrisons, there has never been human settlement of any kind on Itu Aba;
    (6) there was not even a military occupation prior to World War II
    (7) the Taiwanese troops that are garrisoned at Itu Aba are entirely dependent for their survival on supplies from Taiwan, and apart from sunlight and air, they derive nothing they need from the feature itself;
    (8) no economic activity has been or is performed on Itu Aba.



    584. Ultimately, the Tribunal notes that the freshwater resources of these features, combined presumably with rainwater collection, evidently have supported small numbers of people in the past (see paragraph 601 below) and concludes that they are therefore able to do so in their natural condition, whether or not that remains the case today.



  • presumably意思 在 喜劇演員 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2013-03-12 21:20:53
    有 27 人按讚

    著名的“大狗”美國軍用機械狗——LS3 Big Dog

     說到智能機械四腳怪獸,怎麼能不提到美國國防部先進研究項目局(DARPA)著名的“大狗”軍用機械狗——LS3 Big Dog。近日,DARPA 公佈了“大狗”最新的展示視頻,在新的視頻中,“大狗”的靈性似乎更上一層樓,聽懂人類的語言。

      在視頻中,Big Dog 的訓練員冷酷而威嚴地對它發出命令,命令它準備好上路,命令它跟緊了。大狗聽了之後都能一一照做,跟着訓練員走過地形崎嶇的樹林,有意思的是,大狗不小心滑倒後,在泥潭裡滾了幾圈就自己重新站起來,非常了不起。有些人還不一定能那麼快速爬起。如果新訓練的大狗日後應用在戰爭中,相信它會聽到不少類似“大狗,踩死他!”這樣的命令吧。

    The funny little DARPA "puppy robot" is not puppy and funny anymore! It is a MONSTER now.
    The World's Scariest Robot Now Listens to Its Human Master.

    Sam Biddle
    There's nothing on the planet that's equal parts terrifying and spectacular quite like DARPA's LS3 "Big Dog" robot. It has the horrific realism of an actual dog, mixed with the horrific robot quality of... a robot. Now it's even more powerful.
    In the latest demo, DARPA shows Big Dog with some new tricks. Instead of just roaming around looking for kibbles/human skulls to chew, the robotic quadruped packmule will follow a human leader—it'll also follow its commands. By uttering "close follow!," the Big Dog trails its fleshy companion stomping over rocks and through ravines. It also, amazingly, can pick itself up after falling over into a mud puddle, something many humans can't even accomplish. And the entire time, it's incredibly quiet. Eerily so. The next command is presumably something like "Stomp him to death, Big Dog! Mush!"
    Now just imagine this whirring beast helping a soldier carry a load of supplies he couldn't possibly on his own. Or a commando leading a giant herd of these through a warzone, with enough guns to topple a small government. This is sci-fi warzone tech at its creepily best.

  • presumably意思 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • presumably意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • presumably意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

