

在 preserve中文產品中有15篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9,424的網紅姐夫的理財心事,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 谷歌團隊曾花兩年時間,研究內部超過180個組織、幾百位員工,發現提升員工生產力的關鍵居然是心理安全感,也就是,在這裡工作很有面子。你可能沒想過,面子問題在領導管理上有著微妙的影響力,明天 #財經早知道 #錢進黃金屋 單元,#大是文化出版 總編輯吳依瑋來為大家導讀這本新書,面子領導學,本書作者胡孟君還...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過80萬的網紅果籽,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Preserve,中文是「保存」;但加上了「s」,成為「Preserves」後,便可以解釋作「保存水果的方法」,也即是果醬。手工果醬不單保存着果香和清新,也保存着果醬匠人的故事;匠人按着春生、夏長、秋收、冬藏的節韻,改變食材。 《果籽》栽種品味,一籽了然。 https://hk.appledai...

preserve中文 在 Foodie Lei Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-17 11:17:53

📍🇲🇴 #foodieleimacao · 🌱可持續之味 | Celebrate Sustainability (中文文字請見上一貼文🙏🏻) Sustainable dining is with no doubt the trend in the gastronomy industry -bal...

preserve中文 在 Milo • Blogger & ?Instructor Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-02 06:30:05

Lobster Extravaganza The Tsui Hang Village is famous for their delicate Chinese cuisine, and they have never disappoint, just like their summer limit...

  • preserve中文 在 姐夫的理財心事 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-26 15:37:18
    有 19 人按讚

    谷歌團隊曾花兩年時間,研究內部超過180個組織、幾百位員工,發現提升員工生產力的關鍵居然是心理安全感,也就是,在這裡工作很有面子。你可能沒想過,面子問題在領導管理上有著微妙的影響力,明天 #財經早知道 #錢進黃金屋 單元,#大是文化出版 總編輯吳依瑋來為大家導讀這本新書,面子領導學,本書作者胡孟君還是土生土長的臺灣人喔。



  • preserve中文 在 肥媽 Maria cordero Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-26 20:57:00
    有 7,742 人按讚

    📌 豉油雞
    📌 砵仔糕

    蘋果膠中文購買連結 送冰皮月餅粉



    材料: 光雞一隻,薑.蔥.乾蔥頭.老抽二湯匙,片糖半塊,半碗紹興酒或一至二湯匙玫瑰露,細半碗生抽
    1 洗淨雞放滾水中淥一淥後即放冷水中過冷河(雞身較爽)
    English Version
    Soya Sauce Chicken in a Rice Cooker
    (YouTube video starts at 4:30 )
    Whole chicken - 1
    Ginger slices
    Cinnamon stick
    Bay leaf
    Star anise - 1
    Garlic, optional
    Green onion - 2 bunches (1 bunch for the cavity of chicken. 1 bunch to put in the rice cooker inner pot.)
    Dark soya sauce - 2 tbsp
    Shaoxing wine - ½ a bowl (or you can use Chinese rose wine but only use 1 – 2 tbsp due to the strong taste)
    Light soya sauce - ½ a bowl
    Chinese brown sugar - ½ a slab (or you can use Chinese rock sugar but less richer in flavour)
    1. In a pot of boiling water, grab the whole chicken by the neck and dip it into the boiling water a couple of times and lastly submerge the chicken head into the boiling water. With a pair of chopsticks, secure the chicken neck and transfer to pot of ice-cold water or flush cold water in the sink to stop the cooking process.
    This step will result in firm skin texture, to prevent the chicken skin from breaking, and to better absorb the color from the dark soya sauce.
    2. Gently pat dry the whole interior and exterior of the chicken with paper towel.
    3. Chop both chicken feet to prevent them from sticking out from the rice cooker. Set aside.
    4. In a bowl, add in the whole chicken and coat the exterior and interior of the chicken with dark soya sauce. Stuff a bunch of green onion and two big slices of ginger into the cavity of the chicken. Set aside.
    5. In a heated wok, add in less than a tbsp of oil, shallots, ginger slices, cinnamon stick, bay leaf, and fry until fragrant and slightly charred then transfer to the rice cooker inner pot.
    6. Add the chicken feet and the whole dark soya sauce coated chicken into the rice cooker inner pot with the chicken breast facing down. Add in Shaoxing wine, light soya sauce, 1 bunch of green onion, and Chinese brown sugar. This step is done or you can take an extra step to heat up the sauce in a pan. Pour all the sauce out from the rice cooker inner pot into a pan and bring to boil then return the sauce to the rice cooker inner pot.
    7. Put it in the rice cooker and cook for 10 minutes, after 10 minutes flip the whole chicken over on its side and cook for further 5 minutes for each side for a total of 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, TURN OFF the heat and let the chicken sit in the rice cooker for further 10 minutes. Total cooking time 30 minutes.
    8. Let the chicken cool for 20 to 30 minutes before cutting into pieces. Pour the liquid from the rice cooker to a cooking pot and bring to a boil and let it reduce to a thick sauce. Drizzle sauce over chicken. Serve.
    📌 牛肩胛一碟(按照自己份量需要)
    📌 薑一至兩片
    📌 葱兩至三棵
    📌 辣椒適量
    📌 鼓油半碗
    📌 麻油一茶匙
    📌 生粉少許
    📌 酒一湯匙
    📌 清水
    1. 薑片切條再切粒。
    2. 開火煲滾熱水,把薑粒和酒放入煲內,煮滾。
    3. 牛肩胛一片片分開,加入生粉撈均。
    4. 葱切絲用水稍浸,之後瀝乾。辣椒切片或粒,之後和葱撈均。
    5. 用碗把鼓油,麻油和少許步驟4的葱和辣椒,撈均。
    6. 準備一隻碟,放入步驟4剩餘大半的葱和辣椒鋪底,備用。
    7. 牛肩胛一片片放入煲中,灼大約10-15秒。
    8. 把牛肩胛放在已鋪底的碟上,之後再次鋪上步驟4餘下的葱和辣椒在面。
    9. 最後倒入已調味的鼓油(步驟5),即成。
    English Version
    Poached Beef Chuck Slices
    (YouTube video starts at 30:15)
    Beef chunk slices
    Ginger - diced
    Shaoxing wine - 1 tbsp
    Spring onion - wash, soak in water and rinse well
    Fresh red chilli
    Dipping sauce ingredients:
    Light soya sauce
    Fresh red chilli
    Sesame oil
    Green onion
    1. On a plate, separate the beef chuck slices and mix thoroughly with corn starch. This is to make the meat more tender.
    2. In a dipping bow, add in light soya sauce, sesame oil, fresh red chilli, green onion, and mix well. Set aside.
    3. In a cooking pot, add in water, diced ginger, Shaoxing wine, and bring to a boil. Add in the beef chuck slices and poach them briefly and transfer them to a serving plate covered with green onion and red chilli pieces. Garnish with more green onion and serve with dipping sauce or drizzle dipping over the plate. Serve.
    70 g 粘米粉
    85 ml水
    150ml 水
    紅豆(早一晚浸過夜,然後用水浸過紅豆煲滾至熟,不要開蓋,焗一個鐘, 盛起紅豆備用)
    1) 先把小碗輕輕掃油,蒸熱
    2) 粘米粉,粟粉放在碗來,先放入1/3的85ml水入碗內,用手把水搓入粉內,再加入1/3的水、將水搓入粉內至成團,再加入餘下的水,搓均,放一旁備用
    3) 切碎棷糖及片糖,放入煲內,加入150ml 水,煲至糖完全溶解
    4) 糖水大滾後,先再拌勻粉漿,然後分三次把已煑滾糖水撞入粉漿,邊撞,邊攪拌至糖水完全加入
    4) 把紅豆分入已蒸熱的小碗內,然後倒入粉漿
    5) 用保鮮紙包蓋著小碗
    Red Bean Pudding (“Put Chai Ko”)
    (YouTube video starts at 14:08)
    Rice flour - 70g
    Corn starch/flour - 1 tbsp
    Water - 85ml
    Red bean - 50g – 60g (soak overnight, cook till tender and leave the lid on to cook further without the heat. This will preserve their shapes and still tender inside.)
    Sugar mixture ingredients:
    Palm sugar &/or Chinese brown sugar - 60g a small piece (crush into tiny pieces)
    Water - 150ml
    Water - 1 tsp, optional (larger pieces of sugar will take longer to melt so add an additional 1 tsp of water to the melted mixture to make up for the evaporated water.)
    1. In a heat-proof mixing bowl, add in rice flour, and corn starch. Slowly add in a bit of water and knead well to let the rice flour absorb the water and MUST form a dough like texture then add a bit more water and continue to knead until the rice flour has absorbed the water and becomes dough like texture again. Continue with this process until the water is finished. Set aside.
    This kneading process will give a firm, bouncy texture to the pudding whereas simple mixing all the ingredients together without this kneading process will be soft and sticky.
    2. Prepare 6 small bowls. Brush each with a bit of oil and steam them. Steamed bowls will cook batter evenly.
    3. In a cooking pot, add in palm sugar, Chinese brown sugar, water, and cook until sugar has melted. Optional to add 1 tsp of water if sugar takes longer to melt and more water has evaporated. Bring to a boil.
    4. Add boiling melted sugar mixture into Step 1 rice flour mixture and mix well. Set aside.
    5. To assemble, add the red bean first to the 6 small steamed bowls. With a ladle, add and divide mixture from Step 4 evenly among the 6 small bowls. Make sure to keep stirring the mixture each time you add to the small bowl to avoid the sugar and rice flour mixture from separating.
    6. Cover the bowls with plastic wrap and steam 20 minutes.
    7. Let puddings cool before removing the bowls. Insert skewers into the sides of the puddings. Serve.

  • preserve中文 在 J 爸的生活不全記錄(Life of J PA) Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-16 16:29:03
    有 25 人按讚

    抹茶糰子的京都日常 抹茶糰子小姐與Jeff Berglund先生將在今天(8月16日)台灣時間18:39(日本時間19:30),京都舉行五山送火的晚上,舉行現場網路節目直播。節目將全程以英文對話,另加以中文簡短解說。並邀請學者及五山送火保存協會的成員,一同解析五山送火背後真正的文化及意義。同時,也讓無法前來京都的朋友們,一同參與這項京都的夏季盛事。



  • preserve中文 在 果籽 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-27 18:00:08



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    【肥瘦戀人】戀上肥妹不被看好 愛情魔力令蒲友變乖仔「我喜歡她已足夠」(果籽)(https://youtu.be/-tjOom7O7iM)
    【告別街舖】有人鬧$100紅豆沙搵笨 有人排足個半鐘 車仔麵店老闆娘:「終於輪到我揀客!」(果籽)(https://youtu.be/ZRxuvymM7j4)
    【臭豆腐烈女】喪母後拜師成全港唯一女師傅 獨門醃法不授徒:如果佢反骨我點交代 (https://youtu.be/nOnn7uQCxIw)
    【筲箕灣東大街】魚蛋河名店對決!名廚食評人實試 王林記魚蛋有水準 安利切腩似湯渣(飲食男女) (https://youtu.be/vYjGxQtbgxU)
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    【中環燒臘】78年燒臘老舖 十年前月蝕幾十萬瀕執笠 孫女上場改革延續三代 (飲食男女)(https://youtu.be/qN8b7v3pjrM)
    【借貸逾10億】葉玉卿以愛共闖「面子關」承認老公申請破產 (蘋果日報 ) (https://youtu.be/3Gle3Uo0WzI)

    #廿五年陳皮 #柑橘果醬 #果籽 #StayHome #WithMe #跟我一樣 #宅在家