

在 prefer文法產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅嗯嗯。莉莉嗯 Touch and Life,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 今天買了肉桂捲很開心,然後5/6飛機又被華航取消了❤️❤️ 那就來點英文閱讀測驗吧 #我網站超多國王小老師因為我錯字文法超多 #終於輪到英文小老師出頭天的時候了 - About being an influencer/blogger/KOL/whatever you call As someone...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅10分英会話 with Reiko l 10 Minutes English,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🕛 Time Stamps 🕛 (0:05) Sing with Witch (2:04) Witch vs Which (2:21) Which one? (3:20) Which...? パターン① 答えが文頭にある (4:32) Whichever/Either (4:56) Which......

prefer文法 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-02 22:00:19

[#文法解惑] [#高小英語] but 和 although有什麼分別?⠀ 雖然兩個字也是 conjunction(連接詞),兩個字都可用以表達轉折關係,但 but 和 although 兩個字仍然有非常大的不同。如何不同?看看以下例子:⬇️ A: When will you be free to ...

  • prefer文法 在 嗯嗯。莉莉嗯 Touch and Life Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-20 22:49:53
    有 240 人按讚

    今天買了肉桂捲很開心,然後5/6飛機又被華航取消了❤️❤️ 那就來點英文閱讀測驗吧
    About being an influencer/blogger/KOL/whatever you call
    As someone who’s being writing for 6 years and making profit from her own website, during this special time ( asa. jobless ) I finally got time to answer and talk a bit about my career to those people who are interested.

    “How can you be a blogger ?” “What makes you want to be a blogger ?” “Why people likes to read your articles instead of other bloggers?”

    So, 2014 is the year I started to write, I met 冰蹦拉 :: 美食旅行 in Microsoft as an intern. We were like Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson in the movie, just I left her first and she brought me into this blogger’s world.

    At first, as a young creature who just graduated from uni. , who studied sociology(all you got is passion trust me lol super fucking innocent). I started my blog for the goal to “change the world”, “let the minority got seen by the majority”. “help people” I kept writing articles about NGOs, Exhibitions, Museums, Homeless, Social Issues and believing as long as I put efforts on them people will love my blog.

    After a few months, I realized one thing.
    People really don’t give a shit about these issues. hahahahaha.
    (You have to know Taiwan has changed a lot in the past 6 years. And I’m happy that is getting better and better.)

    So, I had to write about things people want to read to build up the basic page views and followers and so on. I had to write a lot about foods ( which I hated so much to take pictures between or before eating them) and I started to put pictures that have my face and body in my articles too. ( which I also hated a lot. ) I had to learn how to be a proper blogger and influencer and in the same time don’t lost my own personality during the time I’m “blooming”. I have sent so many emails to websites, medias that I like and want to cooperate with them. I have got rejected too. Finally, I made it. I started to receive emails instead of sending them. I started to be the one who can decide how much do I want to get from taking the cases.

    After you become a “proper blogger” I personally think this is the most important time.

    Because this is the time you really got the chance to “influence” people, to show people what do you think is right. To let people see what you initially want them to see, to affect their idea of traveling, living , reading. thinking.

    And this is the time I start to have my own personality back.
    And this is the time I start again to promoting things I care, things I think people should care.

    From one of the first blogger who’s writing a lot about “solo-traveling” to statistically speaking Taiwan has much more solo travelers in the past 2 years. I imagine I did make some change. From hundreds people who has sent me emails, messages and thank me that without my articles they were unable to have the courage to travel by themselves. I believe that even I’m just a nobody I still and am doing some changes and making influences.

    And this is the time I know I can’t not lost my own personality.
    Every single article I create represents ME.
    And this is the time I know I have to make choices.
    Every single opportunity I grab represents WHO I AM.

    In the past 2 years, social media has changed a lot. People got less patient about reading, people stop using Facebook. Instead, they fall in love with Instagram , Youtube, Live stream. and clients too. So I have rejected so many cases just because “I want to do the things I like and prefer. ” I don’t know how should I do videos since I don’t even watch them, I hate instagram so much due to its super superficial so I prob. just promote it once a year on my Fans page. No need to mention live stream. Have you seen me smile hahaha

    But yea, is challenging. When the whole world is changing, when everyone got e-books you can’t be the only one who’s still going to the libraries. ( True story btw, I’m damn old LOL )

    But yea, I have never wanted to be a part of “normal” group. I have never wanted to give up what I think is right to write instead of what I got more money from. I have never wanted to change my personality because people want me to do so.

    So I’m still fighting.
    So I’m still struggling.
    So I can still keep the job I love so much.
    So I can say I’m really happy to do it for living.

    6years has passed, hopefully I will have 6 years more.

  • prefer文法 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-08-17 00:49:54
    有 4 人按讚

    [#文法解惑] [#高小英語] but 和 although有什麼分別?

    雖然兩個字也是 conjunction(連接詞),兩個字都可用以表達轉折關係,但 but 和 although 兩個字仍然有非常大的不同。如何不同?看看以下例子:

    A: When will you be free to hang out with me? (你什麼時候有空和我出去啊?)
    B: I am free anytime, but I prefer this Sunday!

    A: When will you be free to hang out with me?
    B: I am free anytime, although I prefer this Sunday.


    but 強調的是 I prefer this Sunday 這個 clause(從句),而 although 強調的則是 I am free anytime 這個 clause(從句)。

    所以很多語言學家都把 'I am free anytime, but I prefer this Sunday!' 這句句子歸類為並列句(compound sentence),將 I prefer this Sunday 當成一個獨立從句(indpendent clause),其重要性和I am free anytime一樣高;但把 'I am free anytime, although I prefer this Sunday.' 歸類成複合句(complex sentence),'although I prefer this Sunday' 歸類成 subordinate clause(非獨立從句),同時亦是adverbial clause of concession(讓步副詞子句),其重要性從屬於 'I am free anytime' 這個 independent clause。

    ● 訂閱電子報:http://bit.ly/FLA-nl
    ● 直播重溫:bit.ly/FLA-fb-live

  • prefer文法 在 考航空好簡單 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-06-09 12:04:10
    有 38 人按讚

    第一關 中英文面試、唸英文短文 (也可能會針對服裝、儀容做評論)
     非洲原住民伸手牽小女孩,場景應該是非洲,背後是日出
     有個女孩躺在草地上,一個女孩抬頭看天空
     有人在排隊check in
     一個男子躺在雲朵上用著平板電腦
     一對情侶手牽手在巴黎鐵塔前面
     一位長榮空服員在服務乘客
     一個長頭髮幫馬尾的女生坐在行李箱上滑手機
     一家人爸媽跟依女兒和兩兒子去山上遠足踏青
     一個白人小孩跟黑人姊姊對看微笑,旁邊有個有輪子的床
    內勤職員面試 :
    中文面試 : 針對你寫的履歷自傳
    英文面試 : 隨機抽信封袋印在紙上的英文題目,每人抽一題,先用英文念一遍再回答一分鐘,主要考你的語言表達能力,大部份的人都試著一直講到一分鐘,且講到超過會被喊卡中斷。
    第二關 中英文筆試 (其中以適職測驗最重要)
    第一部分 : 填空題偏難,選項單字大多很長改錯
    第二部分 : 改錯
    第三部分 : 克漏字
    第四部分 : 閱讀測驗
    ◎專業知識 (如會計人員加考會計,電腦人員加考資訊方面專業知識等)
    第三關 中英文主管面試
    抽信封英文題目參考 :
    What was last time you lost your temper ?
    Talk about your dream ?
    What are your expectations for this job opening ?
    What do I do when I am getting behind the work ?
    Why do you think you are the best candidate of this job ?
    How you define excellent service ?
    What kind of job condition you prefer ?
    What would you deal with the conflict with friend ?
    What’s the influence of the Facebook to human being ?
    How do you overcome the stress ?
    What’s the priority of your life ?
    Describe your dream job

