

在 postgraduate香港產品中有25篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過550的網紅愛麗絲夢遊香港,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 之前去中大留意到呢間隱世日系餐廳 @bethelight.littleidea🤣榻榻米既位真係好和風😍仲配埋好靚既冷泡茶瓶🍵so relax~同埋個店名都好特別😆英文名叫Be the light☀️超級有意思既名🌱而且呢度人少少😭好岩安靜一下🐒嘆下茶食下蛋糕✨個人覺得戚風蛋糕都唔錯🍰💕🤤🤤🤤❤️ ....

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,320的網紅Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視,也在其Youtube影片中提到,港大教務委員會本科生代表選舉候選人辯論 Debate for HKU Senate Candidates by CTV, HKUSU 31 May 2014 4 - 4:50pm CYM G01 語言:廣東話 Language: Cantonese 本年度的香港大學教務委員會本科生代表選舉...

postgraduate香港 在 CW|意識消費 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-09-21 09:37:50

我知畢業搵工好難,但我苦口婆心咁講:唔好因爲唔知搵咩工走去讀master。 . 除非你讀專科又或者有明確目標行學術界,否則唔好唔知頭唔知路去讀任何masters ,MPhil好taught postgrad好。因為魯莽讀而唔首先計劃衡量過,讀完會好限制你嘅路向。 . 讀完master如果唔係專科又唔...

  • postgraduate香港 在 愛麗絲夢遊香港 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-13 12:39:45
    有 1 人按讚

    之前去中大留意到呢間隱世日系餐廳 @bethelight.littleidea🤣榻榻米既位真係好和風😍仲配埋好靚既冷泡茶瓶🍵so relax~同埋個店名都好特別😆英文名叫Be the light☀️超級有意思既名🌱而且呢度人少少😭好岩安靜一下🐒嘆下茶食下蛋糕✨個人覺得戚風蛋糕都唔錯🍰💕🤤🤤🤤❤️
    Address: G/F, Jockey Club Postgraduate Hall 3, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin
    #cafe #日系 #中大 #假日好去處 #打卡 #食家 #hkfoodie #foodie #hongkong #hk #hkgirl #blogger #hkblogger #food #fooddiary #iphone #photography #foodphotography #foodshot #discover #foodblogger #instagram #openrice #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #跟著愛麗絲食好西 #香港遊記 #愛麗絲夢遊香港

  • postgraduate香港 在 Dr 文科生 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-01 08:18:25
    有 270 人按讚




    臨床技巧、bedside manners、醫療程序

    特別係surgically inclined嘅學生或初級醫生,睇書睇文獻睇video了解個procedure點做的確可以幫到你,起碼有個概念件事要點做。



    我仍然記得第一次抽血、第一次打豆、第一次插尿喉、第一次插胃喉、第一次麻醉插喉、第一次做shoulder reduction、第一次洗膀胱、第一次做子宮頸檢查、第一次插腹水等等嘅緊張感

    每個人都有第一次,第一次做嘅時候你睇幾多次Youtube, UpToDate都好,你個腦真係會真空一輪咩都諗唔到,呢個時候你真係要有一個有經驗嘅senior從旁指導,senior step by step嘅guidance係最能令你安心同學最快嘅方法。

    不過個重點就係,其實senior真係無義務一定要step by step guide你做。有教過學生或同事做procedure嘅都知,教人做仲麻煩過自己做,自己做快好多仲唔洗驚你唔小心插太深到時又要執屎。

    雖然postgraduate training你個senior如果攞咗個指導role佢係有責任睇實你令你唔好出事。但hea睇定用心睇+指導真係兩件事,大家都實有遇過d好hea嘅tutor同好sharp好用心嘅tutor,對你嘅成長真係兩個次元嘅分別。


    呢一行你嘅exposure好取決於你嘅proactiveness,你進取主動嘅真係會多好多機遇同機會去做d advanced少少嘅程序,呢個對你日後專科想去邊科可以有決定性嘅影響。


    外國醫學院同醫院嘅文化相對比較保護醫學生同醫生(某程度上為咗避免medicolegal issues),如果你唔comfortable去做一些程序,真係可以唔做或要求senior去做,好多香港houseman會做嘅程序,例如LP/BM aspirate/joint aspirate/ascitic tap etc都會由resident/trainee做。不過如果你主動嘅話就算你係houseman都可以做。

    其實真係無分對錯,唔comfortable做嘅就慢慢試慢慢進步,想走多幾步advanced d嘅,就多試多做多問多搵幫手。



  • postgraduate香港 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-27 09:59:36
    有 27 人按讚


    *The University of Hong Kong Real Estate and Construction Postgraduate Alumni Association (HKURECAA)* brings you a for-members only event- an Alumni Get-Together Webinar, on the topic *‘COVID Aftermaths- The Future of Hong Kong Retail 後疫情的香港零售新常態’*! Together with our Alumni and Guest Panelists, we will have an engaging yet meaningful discussion, hoping to bring new perspectives to our participants on this topic.

    *Date*: 27th May 2021 (Thursday)
    *Time*: 19:30- 21:00
    *Venue*: Online (Zoom Link will be provided upon Registration)

    Alumni Panelists:
    - *Stanley Kwok*, FRICS, MHKIS (MSc RE 12’) | Senior Manager, Asset Management- Link Asset Management Ltd.
    - *Winnie Che*, MRCIS (MSc RE 16’) | Senior Manager, Asset Management- Phoenix Property Investors
    Guest Panelist:
    - *Dr. Edwin Lee*, MRICS | Founder, Bridgeway Prime Shop Fund Management
    Alumni Moderator:
    - *Jason Leung* (MSc RE 19’) | Assistant Manager, Leasing- MTR Corporation

    *Register Now!*

  • postgraduate香港 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2014-05-30 14:16:40

    Debate for HKU Senate Candidates
    by CTV, HKUSU
    31 May 2014 4 - 4:50pm CYM G01
    語言:廣東話 Language: Cantonese


    1. 自我介紹
    2. 主持人提問數條問題。在每條問題,每名候選人都輪流回答一次後,其他候選人可以針對各人答案再作出回應,候選人最多可在每條問題就其他候選人的回應再發言兩次。
    3. 每名候選人可向其餘候選人作出一條提問。對方回答後,提問者可續問一次。
    4. 現場提問


    The Election of 1 Full-time Undergraduate Student to the Senate will be held online from 3/6 10am to 6/6 5pm. The Senate is the principal academic authority of the University which is responsible for all academic matters and welfare of students. Comprising 50 members including 3 seats for full-time students (at least one of whom shall be an undergraduate and one of whom shall be a postgraduate), it also has the power to advise the Council on the provision of facilities for educational and other academic matters as well. In the previous Election, one undergraduate student and one postgraduate student were elected, leaving one seat vacant for undergraduate student with 3 candidates running for it.
    Campus TV, HKUSU, is holding a debate between the candidates to let students to know more about them before the election. In the debate, the candidates will discuss their coming plans, raise questions to each other. The debate is open to all students, and we encourage you all to come and raise questions to the candidates directly at the end of the debate. Questions can be submitted through this link to be asked by the host of the debate.

    Rundown of the debate:
    1. Self introduction
    2. Questions will be asked by the host. In each question, candidates will take turn to answer, and after that, other candidate(s) is(are) allowed to make response to each other's answers. Candidates are allowed to respond to each other at most twice in each question.
    3. Each candidate will ask the other candidate(s) one question, and is allowed to ask one follow-up question afterwards right after the initial question has been answered.
    4. Question from the audience

    Until 2pm 30 May, Candidate 1 Mr. LEUNG Kai Wang has yet to reply to the invitation to this debate sent by CTV. Since Candidate 2 Mr. TZE Chi Ho is abroad at that time, he will participate in the debate with video conferencing. Candidate 3 Mr. YIP Kwan Kit will be able to attend the debate in person.
    Campus TV will upload the full recorded version of the debate on our Youtube channel.