

在 positions意思產品中有17篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅孟買春秋,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 菲爾坐在淡水河邊的陽台上,整理整理他的插枝蘭花,一邊敲著他的鍵盤,上傳部落格後對著僅有的一個讀者本人我宣布:我還做了一個漫畫! 不要誤會,這不是搞笑文。他覺得這幾天捉弄那些抹黑他的人夠了,enough fun already 他得寫點正經的東西才不會讓人以為他是諧星。 這篇有點嚴肅,我得喝三杯咖...

positions意思 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-03 16:56:45

- 🎉留言A、B 挑女英雄學英文🎉  #恭喜ArianaGrande訂婚了💍 #神力女超人對上黑寡婦該怎麼選😍  Ariana Grande 訂婚了!27 歲的她,在上週低調於 Instagram 上發文,貼出與圈外男友 Dalton Gomez 的幸福合照及婚戒照,並寫下 foreve...

positions意思 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-10 16:58:55

/ October 18, 2018 Fake Degree Holder Gets Soft Sentence . Summary: Poon might never have guessed that a seemingly unrelated corruption investigatio...

positions意思 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-10 17:06:38

/ January 26, 2018 Hong Kong Prisons Face Staff Shortage, Now Hiring . Summary: With about 200 correctional officers likely to take leave this year, H...

  • positions意思 在 孟買春秋 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-13 10:59:14
    有 1,693 人按讚


    不要誤會,這不是搞笑文。他覺得這幾天捉弄那些抹黑他的人夠了,enough fun already 他得寫點正經的東西才不會讓人以為他是諧星。


    Yah-boo sucks 是非常英式的說法,就是不論三七二十一,我是對的你是錯的,而且我也不需要證明為什麼這樣。就是非常中二的意思?

    It also demonstrates a lack of mutual respect, which really should not be the case with people in such elevated positions.

  • positions意思 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-21 07:10:00
    有 482 人按讚

    今天來讀 #紐約時報

    I Can Help Who’s Next

    🏃‍♀If you are a true New Yorker, you have probably spent a Sunday waiting in line at a restaurant that serves the same brunch dishes as the empty joint next door, while your earbuds play some sort of yacht rock music provided by your insurance company or mortgage holder, which has, of course, put you on hold.

    👯‍♀It’s how New Yorkers build up the reserves of hostile energy that keep the lights burning. If you are a visitor to New York, a go-to activity might be lining up in front of a Broadway theater well before the house opens, even though your ticket guarantees you the same seat if you arrive at the last minute. It’s where you meet the most interesting people, none of them New Yorkers.

    🏙Either way, as Lou Reed sang, “First thing you learn is that you always gotta wait.” The photographer Natan Dvir, who moved to New York from Israel in 2008, was stunned by the local tendency toward lines. He was waiting amid a crowd at a bus stop, and when the bus pulled up, everyone magically took positions in line, as if they had choreographed it in advance.



    #告訴我✍🏻 「你排過最久的隊是什麼?」


  • positions意思 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-16 21:51:48
    有 118 人按讚

    東方 vs 西方家教,哪種比較好?

    這是我主持的英文podcast: Between Here and There, 這一集我和製作人Charlotte和哈佛新鮮人Summer一起聊「東方vs西方式教育風格」,其實無論東方人看西方或反之,對彼此都有許多刻板印象(如這個meme圖),究竟虎爸虎媽是什麼意思?真的不是那麼容易定義,而我們的成長過程都算是個綜合。但哪個比較好呢?聽聽我們的討論(包括很多有笑有淚的故事)吧!

    In this podcast episode (all English this time), it’s just Charlotte and Summer and I in the studio, talking about our process of growing up, and comparing western vs eastern styles of parenting. Through our discussion we realized right away that it’s hard to define exactly what is western versus eastern styles. Summer started out very sure that her upbringing is western though by the end she may have shifted positions slightly as well. Well, she got into Harvard so ... 😂 it’s a fun episode filled with stories and laughs, so we decided to use this “Asian parent meme” as poster. Hope you guys enjoy the episode, and let us know what you think!

    Listen with Apple: https://bit.ly/bht-apple
    Listen with Spotify: https://bit.ly/bht-spotify
    Listen with Google: https://bit.ly/bht-google

