

在 polarized中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅吳文遠 Avery Ng,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【吳文遠十一遊行案法庭陳詞 — 中文譯本】 法官閣下: 從小我父母便教我要有同理心,要關顧社會上相對不幸的人。儘管在早年職業生涯上取得不俗成就,但我從來沒有意欲將追求個人財富視為人生目標。 當我在國外生活了多年後回到香港定居時,我為這個我自豪地稱之為家的城市,存在如此嚴重的社會不平等而感到困惑...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅大阪ANDY哥,也在其Youtube影片中提到,◆Purchase URL (ZenMarket) Zenplus上購買10%折扣 *只限2021年5月2號-5月9號* AF-301 C-4 BLUE CAMOUFLAGE https://promojapan.net/l/c4y0xHB AF-301 C-32WV (Polarized Len...

  • polarized中文 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-24 15:23:35
    有 753 人按讚

    【吳文遠十一遊行案法庭陳詞 — 中文譯本】



    當我在國外生活了多年後回到香港定居時,我為這個我自豪地稱之為家的城市,存在如此嚴重的社會不平等而感到困惑和擔憂。 令我震驚的是,社會如何漠視對窮人和少數族裔的歧視。既有的社會結構,有時甚至會鼓勵這種歧視繼續發生。同時,我們也無法一如其它地方,享有基本的民主權利和自由。











    Avery Ng Man Yuen’s Statement

    Your Honour,

    I was brought up by my parents to value the importance of empathy, to care and to feel for others in our community less fortunate. Although I enjoyed great success early in my career, I never had a desire to pursue personal wealth in the more traditional sense.

    When I settled back in Hong Kong after years of living abroad, I was baffled and disturbed by how severe the social inequality existed in a city I am proud to call my home. I was struck at how discrimination against the poor and the minorities far too often goes ignored or can even at times is encouraged by the established social structure; and how we cannot have the basic democratic rights and freedoms that other places enjoy.

    These were my motivations to join social activism and enter into politics. I chose to spend my energy to speak for the underprivileged, the disenchanted and often ignored segments of society. To offer a voice for those who could not speak for themselves.

    Compared to many, I am privileged to have a great education and a certain level of financial freedom and social standing. We are fortunate enough to be able to lead comfortable lives and have the freedom to choose the path that we take. I chose to fight for social equality. Many of those in this court are not that much different. We all love Hong Kong, the place we call home. We chose our different roles in life but with the same aim: to serve others.

    Sadly, I fear that many of us are increasingly the exception to the rule. Today far too many Hong Kong people do not have that chance, whether that is our elderly who live in poverty, marginalized youth with few opportunities for social mobility, or workers who give up all their time slaving away to provide the bare minimum for their families. These people all struggle to make ends meet with very limited options in life. “Choice” for them is a luxury that they cannot afford. Let alone having the gratification of being able to dictate their own destiny.

    I recognise, with the pressures of life, it is often difficult for people to see beyond their own social bubble. It is harder still to acquire empathy for strangers. Polarized political division increasingly has driven a wedge between people, making it sometimes impossible for people to understand and empathise with one another, to disagree agreeably, and attempt to find some level of compromise.

    It has always been my hope that a more democratic system could be the bridge that heals this social divide or at the very least allow us to choose how we can live together in our home.

    I’m certain that none of us in this court wanted to see the turmoil in 2019, which has seen our whole society suffer regardless of political preference. Distrust, hatred, and fear has engulfed Hong Kong. Today is certainly not the right forum for this immense topic. However, I hope the court can understand that the Judiciary alone cannot resolve the deep-rooted socio-political divide which exist.

    It will take our collective strength, courage, honesty, and empathy to mend our home. Looking at my fellow defendants with their extraordinary history in serving this society, I believe they can do far greater good among us in society than being locked in prison.

    In pursuit of the rights of all Hong Kong people, I have broken the law. I am prepared to face the court’s judgement. I am proud to be in the company of my esteemed fellows who have spent their lives championing the rule of law, fighting for the democracy and voicing for the voiceless.

    I believe the storm-clouds that currently reside over our home will one day lift, and make way for a bright and clear day. I believe love and empathy will eventually prevail.
    文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!


  • polarized中文 在 陳冠廷 Kuan-Ting Chen Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-15 11:47:20
    有 477 人按讚

    I have recently perused Nicholas Kristof’s NYT piece “China’s Man in Washington, Named Trump”(https://nyti.ms/3h2JXh8). One paragraph in particular caught my attention: “A joke in China suggests that Trump’s Chinese name is Chuan Jianguo, or “Build-the-Country Trump.” That’s because Build-the-Country is a common revolutionary name among Communist patriots, and it’s mockingly suggested that Trump’s misrule of the United States is actually bolstering Xi’s regime.”

    Kristoff also avows that since Trump’s ascension to presidency, the American nation became highly polarized. This is reflected in the current administration’s policies on climate change, foreign relations with established U.S. allies, and COVID-19 prevention, all of which are rather ineffective. It also seems like Mr. Trump and his team diverged from the traditional priorities, including promoting free trade, human rights, and other quintessentially American values. As described thoroughly by John Bolton, all these factors contributed to the declining standing of the U.S. in global politics.

    What is more, many people fall prey to CCP’s propaganda and its interpretations of Trump’s actions, which only enhances China’s reputation.

    But that might not exactly be the case.

    The CCP apparently failed to utilize the window of opportunity created by the ineptness of the Trump administration, as China could have grown to the position of a leader by filling in the void left by the U.S.

    During the 2016 APEC Ministerial Meeting in Lima, Peru, Xi Jinping and his team actively supported the plans to establish the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific, or FTAAP. In contrast, the United States withdrew its signature from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in early 2017. Coupled with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB), this move bolstered China’s capacity to influence global investments and trade, high-tech mergers and acquisitions, and, overall, expand its geostrategic influence on the entire globe.

    At the same time, various propaganda films about great power competition, military industry, and science and technology surged all at once, and gained remarkable following around the world.

    All this provided a window of opportunity for the CCP to slowly change its course. Around the same time, the distrust for POTUS among U.S. allies’ reached its apex. According to polls conducted by the Pew Research Center, the distrust for the U.S. president in the U.K. reached 75%, 72% in Japan, 70% in Australia, and stunning 86% in France.

    Had the C.C.P,. begun to open up at that time, or at least resumed the governance style of the Hu-Wen administration, it could have reaped the benefits of promoting liberalism where the U.S. failed to deliver. It was the time for Beijing to gradually enhance freedom of speech domestically, pursue sustainable infrastructural projects, gradually reform unfair barriers to trade, transform its S.O.E.s, strengthen protections for private ownership, and vitalize its start-ups and enterprises.

    Moreover, were China to cease the genocide in East Turkestan and refrain from cracking down on Hong Kong's semi-autonomy, it would have greatly enhanced its global international image. Additionally, if paired with slow but steady reforms, Beijing’s respect for sovereignty of its peoples would have attracted a large amount of foreign investment, which in turn would have continued to buttress the country’s growth.

    It is China prerogative to remain idle.
    It might still be possible for Chinese “Dream” to come true.
    Yet, a historic window of opportunity is now closed.

    Xi assumed the tools of proscribing and stalling, which are completely antithetical to the aforementioned window of opportunity.

    Today, China is more authoritarian, less flexible, and fully deprived of horizontal accountability. Its reliance on wolf warrior diplomacy backfired: for example, the Swedish parliament sought to expel the Chinese ambassador to Stockholm. Also, Prague, the capital of Czechia, terminated its sister-city agreement with Shanghai and instead signed a new one with Taipei. Last but not least, we ought not to forget about the recent fiasco in the relations with the United States who ordered the shutdown of China’s consulate in Houston. All of this took its toll on China’s reputation.

    Its international standing and inability to replace the U.S. as the major global power are not the only issues China is currently facing.
    As it experiences multiple domestic and international shocks, China struggles to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and tame the disastrous floods of Yangtze River. The swarm of locusts of biblical proportions is also crippling Beijing’s institutional capacity and may soon lead to food shortages. In fact, the precarity of food supply further diminishes the level of trust for Chinese authorities.

    In 2019, the Pew Research Center conducted a public opinion survey to examine the international views of China. In the U.S., Argentina, the U.K., Canada, Germany, and Ukraine, only about 30% of respondents claim a favorable view of China.

    As the COVID-19 pandemic rages in the U.S., as many as 73% of U.S. respondents view China unfavorably.

    Recently, the C.C.P. is losing its focus by continuously shifting targets. In fact, I believe there is no need for the C.C.P.to rely on nationalistic appeals, since in this new century values, business relations, and fair competition are all far more important than greater than delusive blood ties.
    China lies only 130 kilometers away from us. Of course, we welcome dialogue and seek to avoid misjudgments. But we also distinguish between the C.C.P. and China. While we do welcome dialogue, but we will not be coerced to talk under unjust preconditions or in fear.

    The only fair prerequisites are those of reciprocity, mutual respect as well as fairness and openness with respect for the rule of law.
    Source: Pew Research Center









    這曾經是中共慢慢轉向的一個機會之窗。彼時(2017)美國盟友對美國總統的不信任度達到歷史新高,根據皮尤研究中心的資訊,英國對於美國總統的不信任度達到75%、日本72% 澳洲70% 法國更高達86%










    根據皮尤研究中心:Pew Research Center2019調查各國對中國的喜好度,美國、阿根廷、英國、加拿大、德國、烏克蘭等,對於中國的喜好度都在30%上下





    資料來源:皮尤研究中心:Pew Research Center

  • polarized中文 在 無限期支持陳水扁總統,台灣加油! Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2014-10-20 15:05:25
    有 195 人按讚

    #陳水扁 總統 ⚡病情嚴重惡化,民團夜宿喚人權
    前總統陳水扁驚傳在9月中曾發生⚡呼吸中止⚡現象,時間長達8分多鐘, (請點撃下方 #阿扁 照片,只需回文一次,全世界自動分享人同步 ) Once again, it's time to look at Taiwan. Unfortunately, there is still a need to call for freedom from prison for Chen Shui-bian and a need to call out Ma Ying-jeou (the most unpopular president in Taiwan's history) to stop abusing human rights principles for shameful political hunts. For those of you who have been following, this call has been made for far too long and has seen deaf ears. For those new and old, let's look at some of the why. Following the latest findings in Taiwan's judicial system, the need is stronger than ever: a free Taiwan needs a free Chen Shui-bian. With a deeply problematic trial process, a failure to provide adequate medical care, and a dangerous message to a new multiparty democracy, Ma Ying-jeou's quest to continue to jail the first and only politician outside the Kuomintang (KMT) to hold highest office is a bad and faithless move. It is indicative of an attempt, with the complicity of the rest of the KMT for failing to speak out and dissent, to beat back the human rights that Taiwan's people have fought with their lives to acquire. The rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) deserve durable and complete respect, not the sort of abuse heaped upon them in the actions of a hapless president who's single-digit approval ratings suggest an intent to forgo the beauty of rights in an effort to grab the ugliness of raw power. 但就算病情如此危急,法務部仍拒絕讓陳水扁保外就醫。對此,有許多公民團體預計將於17日夜宿自由廣場,希望藉此喚起民眾對 #阿扁 人權的關注。根據榮總醫師郭正典證實,陳水扁在3個月內發生2次呼吸中止現象,最近一次是在9月14日凌晨,時間長達8分多鐘。陳水扁病情嚴重惡化,就連台中榮總醫師也無法醫治。前總統陳水扁驚傳在9月中曾發生呼吸中止現象,時間長達8分多鐘。有許多公民團體預計將於17日夜宿自由廣場,希望藉此喚起民眾對陳水扁人權的關注。針對法務部堅持不讓陳水扁保外就醫之事,現在有《陳水扁總統民間醫療小組》、《臺灣醫社》等多個公民團體預計在17日前往法務部召開記者會,並夜宿自由廣場。這些公民團體想藉由實際行動喚起民眾對陳水扁人權的重視,並希望法務部能承諾同意讓陳水扁保外就醫、居家治療。他們也強調,若未能得到法務部善意的回應,將不排除有下一步的動作。Taiwan has a long history in the history books of the West. When the Portuguese sailed by in 1544, they named the main island Ilha Formosa, or "Beautiful Island" by the Portuguese when they sailed by in 1544, though indigenous peoples who'd already been there for at least five thousand years already had names for it. In the following three and a half centuries China, Spain, and the Netherlands all juggled claims of sovereignty, settlement, and trading rights before the Qing Dynasty ceded the area to Japan in the late nineteenth century. After WWII, the Republic of China was established by the Kuomintang (KMT) in retreat from the Chinese civil war and took possession after Japan's surrender.
    Taiwan魂認識台灣人的總統-陳水扁 ☔ #台湾の本土化運動を推進する立場からの総統である 呂秀蓮 明確宣布,本周日(28日)下午2點在中山堂及西門町舉辦的台灣和平中立公投連署活動結束之後,立即轉往台灣博物館 (襄陽路2號)進行救扁絕食。呼籲各界人士以各種方式共同響應,以免陳水扁前總統在法務部的怠慢中病情惡化,導致任何不測。陳總統民間醫療小組, 郭正典 陳昭姿 郭長豐 Johnny Huang 黃育旗 聲明 : 對於呂副總統將以絕食要求讓陳總統儘速保外就醫一事,我們深表心痛與不捨。伴隨且照顧陳總統將近三年的民間醫療小組,非常了解陳總統,他寧可犧牲自己性命,也不願意任何人為救援他而絕食傷身,尤其支持者不乏老弱民眾;此外,絕食可能引起的生命健康風險,還需要顧及醫療後援是否充足。基於上述理由,身為醫療團隊成員,我們不主張響應絕食,但呼籲群眾前去關心與聲援,不讓呂副總統孤單。希望馬政府尊重醫療專業,履行人道與人權,儘快讓陳總統返家療養, 臺左維新主辦救扁音樂會之打倒國民黨 自由廣場, 協辦與聯名團體目前確定有(依筆畫排序):小蜜蜂全國工作總部、公投護台灣聯盟、太陽­花青年福音團、台灣北社、台大濁水溪社、民主鬥陣、全面真軍、青春快閃、拷秋勤、捍衛­台灣文史青年組合、基進側翼、黑色島國青年陣線、激進陣線、 臺左維新, Video sorce 福爾摩鯊會社 FORMOSHOCK , 我們亦在此向所有支持釋放陳前總統的朋友,公開徵求陳水扁總統相關的影片、照片(無版­權疑慮者),作為我們後續製作活動宣傳影片的材料。
    這一次,我們用Free Hugs愛與擁抱,讓阿扁回家
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    #自由阿扁FreeHugs擁抱Taiwan魂 2003
    #白色雨傘搶救阿扁革命 2003年陳水扁替二千三百萬天天呼口號自由人權民主的台灣人拿下世界人權獎 ,全民總動員人命關天,這是台灣人權之戰 ❗請拷背下方 # 超連結 # HashTag 配合您相関fb文章,把搶救阿扁總統的聲音傳出台灣島,大家搶救那當初六百萬的人民選出來的,亞洲第一位和平政權轉移的總統 Universal Declaration of Human Rights #陳水扁のリリース #無料の抱擁FreeHugs陳水扁JapanTaiwanCampaign #該編
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    ㊙『 扁 案 五 大 荒 謬 』㊙
    1. 史無前例,檢察官:「辦不出來就走人」
     2. 為關而關,台北地方法院審判中途換法官
      3. 檢察官脅迫,證人辜仲諒、杜麗萍作偽證
      5. 所謂「扁四大案」大多已判無罪定讞
    The "Republic of China" (ROC) had a rocky start under the KMT. With the status as the sole legal party and as puppet prop of Chiang Kai-shek's dictatorship (followed by his son's), the KMT established an authoritarian state replete with human rights abuse and little freedom accorded to the island. With the White Terror beginning with the 228 Incident ini 1949 and initiating martial law that was the world's longest when eliminated in 1987 (currently only human rights horrorshow Syria has a longer record), the KMT has a grim record as caretaker of the rights of Taiwan's residents. Only in the last decade of the twentieth century was there any legal opposition party and only in the last five years of it was the first direct presidential election, with the 1996 term of incumbent, Lee Teng-hui, serving his final term as president. In the next election, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) saw Chen Shui-bian and Annette Lubecome the president/vice-president in the first non-KMT administration in the ROC. The duo won a second term in 2004 and were precluded from another term in 2008, when the KMT returned to power with the election of Ma Ying-jeou (fifty eight percent and reelected in 2012 with fifty one percent). Disturbingly after Ma took office, a vendetta has been pursued against Chen.前總統陳水扁目前仍在台中監獄服刑,其子陳致中今天替他發表兩本新書《 #送進黑牢的愛心餐》和《 #穿透黑暗的天光 》,#陳致中 說,根據最新民調,有7成的台灣民眾認為阿扁應該保外就醫,呼籲馬英九不要漠視民意,早日讓父親出獄接受治療。
    20141002《扁案態度民調 6成4支持讓扁返家休養》
    20140806《特偵組查無陳水扁海外洗錢證據 全案簽結》
    20100608《〈快訊〉侵占機密外交款項 陳水扁獲判無罪》
    Rather than engage in a peaceful transfer of power, which might have helped burnish the KMT image showing them to be gracious winners rather than sore losers, the Ma administration pursued any and every wisp of possible allegation in a set of legal proceedings that were deeply disturbing and violated the international legal norms that we take for granted in the developed and democratic world. Shifting charges, witness intimidation, costumed harassment, and a public relations smear campaign did not speak highly of the motivations of the prosecution (directed by Ma's Special Prosecutor and only answerable to him) nor of any evidence as being other than gauzily thin hearsay. It served to indict Ma himself as incapable of reconciling an island that could only be called "polarized" in the most charitable and expansive use of the term. On innumerable charges, and with the KMT incapable of producing any definitive list of pending cases to us in nearly three years of requests by us nor to even define in law the supposed "inability" of Ma to offer better relief to a former president and the only one from the opposition, Chen was sentenced to nineteen years and has served over a third of his sentence. [台灣"實"事]「扁案」是「政治迫害」!
    9/22 民報《涂醒哲:扁總統政績輝煌 根據陸續出爐判決 何罪之有?》
    文中含『扁案 五案 判決結果』簡圖、『阿扁總統12大政績』-
    ★ 自始至終攏相信阿扁總統的支持者 可以"溫習"、
     具正義感、但受媒體/親友誤導而誤會阿扁總統的台灣人 請看!
    [FB專頁]『陳水扁』、『涂醒哲 改變嘉義的力量』
    ➡#蔡宜蓁 http://goo.gl/Lg3rgU ➡#StevenHong http://goo.gl/fKDRDkEdit Chen was jailed with considerable prejudice and with clearly premeditated intent to silence dissent from the KMT agenda. His conditions of detention were below those of an international standard of prison conditions and his treatment was depressingly disregardful of his position and state. While we firmly believe that all peoples should receive equal treatment under the law, we also believe that it is a deeply dangerous message to treat Chen so despicably for charges that appear to us (and increasingly to the public and opinion leaders) to be trumped up and based on accusations of nonviolent behaviors. As the first and only opposition leader in the highest political office, Chen's supporters of all stripes both past and current, and any who would deviate from a programmatically KMT-dictated agenda, have been warned off with a hideous message. Ma has certainly shown his willingness to attack any who deviate from his orthodoxy, including the KMT members who happened to be Minister of Justice and the widely respected Speaker of the Legislative Yuan (Taiwan's single-house legislative House). Additionally, his treatment during incarceration has, once again we state, created new medical conditions that are serious and have made others worse (in some cases permanent). This experience is another systematic attack on his basic human rights.<快訉>:特偵組查無洗錢實證,釋放陳水扁,偵辦5年多,將陳總統洗錢案全案簽結,因為查無任何不法,但是陳總統人呢?在黑牢已經快6年,腦病變愈來愈嚴重,不准保外就醫,國務機要費案無罪、外交零用金案無罪,唯一在執行的龍潭案,關鍵證人辜仲諒早就承認作偽證,全臺灣人站出來~前總統陳水扁先生說;有次吃飯時,被米粒阻塞嗆到,後來到門診取出一堆米粒;過幾天,有次半夜一點多,他不知是嗆到,還是睡眠呼吸中止症的關係,一直無法呼吸,他就想到猝死,「萬一真的有事,我放棄急救,不要插管,不要浪費葉克膜」。黃煌雄以4張照片追溯17個月來扁病情的發展http://m.appledaily.com.tw/.../politics/20140616/417057 What's new? What's new is that a panel of special prosecutors have now dismissedany possibility of added money-laundering charges against Chen after five years of his time in prison with sinking hope. After the conviction of an earlier special prosecutor, there should be serious suspicion renewed and increased about the legitimacy, motivation, and impartiality of this set of cases. Once again, Chen appears innocent of the array of charges against him while his medically-verified ill-health has been caused, aggravated, and made permanent because of the conditions of his incarceration. Chen should be freed immediately and a special prosecutor might open an investigation into Ma Ying-jeou himself.<需要分享這個活動,讓訊息散發出去.謝謝> 保外就醫依監獄行刑法第五十八條之規定有下列情形之一:(一) 受刑人現罹疾病,在監內不能為適當之醫治者。(二) 受刑人衰老或殘廢不能自理生活者。(三) 懷胎五月以上或分娩後未滿二月者。陳水扁目前的身體狀況不好,而且有生命危險:http://alliancesafeguardingtaiwan.blogspot.tw/.../blog...
    人權也是民主的指標!,讓世界看到 台灣人期盼維護人權與民主的心意!, 連署頁 http://ppt.cc/QhmB 連署方式 http://ppt.cc/qsS0 Americans could use hearing more about Taiwan's history, politics, and culture. Given that we spent decades declaring that Taipei was the legitimate government of China only to suddenly lurch such recognition to Beijing in an effort to contain and counter the Soviet Union, you'd think we'd know more. You'd especially think we'd know more since we continued to be the guarantor of Taiwan's autonomy with military exercises, arms sales, and implied willingness to intervene on behalf of Taipei in the event that Beijing were to use force. Moreover, as perhaps the standard-bearer of East Asia's quickest shift from authoritarian rule to multiparty democracy and a society as wired and hip as Tokyo (or Portland), you'd think we'd be at least aware of the stakes at hand. As the de facto guardians of Taiwan's freedom when it comes to the threats from Beijing, we are morally bound to speak up for Taiwan's human rights protections and to withdraw support from those elements who would eliminate them or apply them selectively 連署內容的中文翻譯;,基於醫療人權原則,我們呼籲盡速讓前總統陳水扁保外就醫。台灣前總統陳水扁已經被關6年多,這些年來他的身體狀況一直不好,被送至醫院做詳細的檢查。前總統陳水扁被診斷出腦部額顳葉病變導致的多重功能退化,例如睡眠呼吸中止症與尿失禁,還有可能因嗆到而導致窒息,以及意外跌倒撞到頭部等致命危險。 就算是受刑人也有接受醫療的基本人權,這是普世人權的核心價值。陳前總統罹患多種疾病,需要在專門的醫院接受立即且合適的治療,而不是在監獄裡。所有唯一 代表臺灣魂的阿扁總統 (請點擊下筆跡照片同步補充資訉及分享) ➿➡http://goo.gl/xhbesh Taiwan has seen tectonic changes in only the last thirty years, mostly forward. But the last six years have seen attempts to reverse the gains made, and it must cease so Taiwan can move forward again. The people of Taiwan deserve the human rights gains they have fought for, and for those gains to both continue and to be durable. It is time to free Chen Shui-bian and to dump Ma Ying-jeou. Take a moment to contact your Senators and Representatives in Congress (once again, seewww.contactingthecongress.com for details on how) and ask them to speak up on behalf of Chen Shui-bian and to watch carefully the rabidly vengeful Ma Ying-jeou. There should most certainly be a resolution to prevent or deprive Ma from obtaining a United States passport to use to flee with ill-gotten gains after the end of his disastrous second term, but it is the freedom of Chen, and the hope of the pluralist rights-loving Taiwanese themselves that is the most important goal. Don't let the ugliness of Ma destroy the beautiful island.#陳水扁 #阿扁 #柯p挺阿扁保外就醫 ..∧_∧.•*""*•親愛的好友➡ #綠色能源公益慈善免費擁抱Taiwan聯盟 Free Hugs團結力量大
    ➿➡http://goo.gl/Agb9UR The UDHR and other human rights documents and standards affirms that human rights be available to everyone. It shouldn't matter what party people belong to or whether they have a different view than another party. It is time for all Taiwan to come to the defense of hard-won principles and to not stand idly by while Ma lies and Chen dies. It is time for Americans to speak up for what is right with a full-throated defense of rights requested of their representatives. Chen's death (or even continued demise of declining health) is an affront to the ideals of multiparty democracy, impartial justice systems, and the imperative for peaceful transfers of power between political parties.
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    ⛵ #Edit 編輯 By #可蕾亞特FreeHugs免費擁抱Taiwan工作室聯盟

    ☔ #袁紅冰 對 #阿扁 總統完全改觀, 他寫這本書是要為 平反 #陳水扁 總統
    這本書好像2012年就出了, 不過我五月看到的是2014年4月重新編版的版本. 應該很多前輩都看過了, 不過還是分享一下(而且連 #誠品書店 都自我審查, 開始愛放不放袁紅冰的書了)

    總之, 袁紅冰在2009年的書"台灣大劫難"裡對陳水扁跟他家族貪腐給台灣自由造成的傷害嚴厲批評, 不過從2010年起中共內部權力鬥爭以後, 很多機密的訊息流出來,就把共產黨跟國民黨是如何聯手預謀, 在中共總参二部主導下, 把阿扁構陷出貪瀆案, 然後從此汙名化台灣的民主及台獨思想.自此袁紅冰對阿扁完全改觀, 他寫這本書是要為阿扁平反, 他寫:"陳水扁執政八年期間,台灣擠身世界上最自由的國家行列. 這是台灣的驕傲, 也是人類自由事業的重大成果.當前, 陳水扁冤案在拷問台灣的良知. 台灣人如果沒有勇氣和智慧拯救處於司法迫害下的臺灣之子陳水扁, 也就不可能拯救台灣的前途...."

    他認為現在不只是要爭取陳水扁保外就醫的權力或特赦, 更重要是要揭露陳水扁遭受中共及其操控的勢力的政治誣陷和司法迫害的內幕, 向世界證明陳水扁無罪, 從而還陳水扁以公道.裡面還提到2004年阿扁競選總統連任時的三一九槍擊案, 也是中共安排的, 而且本來就預計要刺而不殺(呂后是倒楣的), 只要輕傷,並且事後用中共在台灣養的名嘴及藍營人士去發輿論說一切都是阿扁自己策畫的苦肉計,綠營當然會反駁, 然後在藍綠吵來吵去時, 中共就安排李昌鈺來鑑定(原來他也是他們的人啊~~), 在李昌鈺結論三一九"非政治謀殺"後,說阿扁自導自演的輿論更是沸沸揚,一切都是中共的完美演出...

    2000年阿扁當選總統, 中共國民黨所有的人都嚇一跳, 連阿扁自己都沒有想到, 中共就慌了手腳想要打擊他; 書裡講應該只有李登輝預見阿扁會當選,寫說李登輝力推連戰為國黨候選人, "只因其人至於至蠢, 至笨至拙, 獲選為該黨候選人已經表示未選先輸", 逼著宋楚瑜脫黨參選, 幫助阿扁當選;

    2002年中共總参二部就出"囚"這個對台戰略, 目的是從政治摧毀台灣的民主跟台獨, 因為這會影響到中共的核心國家利益. 從這裡就開始了中共主謀, 國民黨幫兇把扁羅織入罪的計畫了, 重點是用台灣法律程序對阿扁進行追訴, 正好用到國民黨的政治遺產- 一直追隨國民黨的檢調司法情治部門;

    2004年陳雲林曾經建議中共當局全力投入政治資源, 幫助國民黨打贏民進黨, 但是沒被採納, 一來阿扁執政這四年, 中共醞釀的還不夠, 沒有把握一次摧毀他;二來因為中共想要讓國民黨再餓四年, 讓一些2000年敗選時還沒投奔中共結盟取暖的國民黨權貴, 徹底的失守奔向中共;然後就是開始嚴密監控阿扁全家, 幕僚所有身邊的人...
    順便養十幾個名嘴, 中共判斷台灣為典型庸俗小市民社會, 民心民意主由同樣庸俗的大眾傳播媒介左右, 除了輿論讓人們相信的東西之外, 再沒有任何其他事實真相~

    再由中共暗中出資, 由徹底投共的台灣商人出面買台灣媒體 (忘忘), 他們提出在2008年後要充分應用操控台灣輿論的能力, 形成對台獨抑制避之唯恐不及的政治氛圍,紅衫軍也是中共的完美計畫一部分, 施明德可能到現在都還搞不清楚狀況, 但是施明德當時曾經力阻國民黨權貴徹底發動動亂衝進總統府攻扁, 不知是否因還有良知?
    2008年年初中共台灣戰略家辛旗總結紅衫軍運動時, 曾惋惜嘆:"紅衫軍攻入偽總統府,抓拿陳水扁之謀功敗垂成, 是一大憾事. 否則, 我軍早可藉機揮師入台...";
    (這不是暴民, 什麼才是暴民?)

    "囚"本來是設定到2012年就終結, 在胡胡出席18代移交政權時順便簽和平協議close thedeal, 但中共爆發薄熙來事件, 他們太忙了就沒做這事...中共很喜歡林毅夫(到今天為止仍被通諜罪追訴)曾有考慮他當台灣特別行政區第一個特首才由星雲開口把他"人道關懷"回台灣, 就是林毅夫想出用EFCA把台灣鎖進中國經濟體不得翻身~
    中共收買了前美國AIT包道格, 包在2012年大選前幫馬助選,

    陳雲林說可以用十億美元幫馬英九買一個諾貝爾和平獎.中共透過國安部的戰略特務蔡國強去把馬英九女兒納入旗下學爆破~ (所以馬在中共手裡的就是女兒嗎? 沒有裸照也沒有神秘689嗎?)

    中共對馬的定位認為是亡黨亡國之君, 他們對馬的威脅利誘不斷, 對馬覺得有點煩, 因為馬還有權力, 不像國民黨權貴已經無權, 只要中共略施小惠就感激涕零, 馬想要開天價, 所以偶爾我們看到統媒也一直在挑撥藍營內部反馬, 或強力主打馬低民調的新聞, 就是中共在給他下馬威.2011年夏天, 台灣大選忙著競選時, 黃世銘率檢察系統官員訪問大陸受到接待, 事後在相關報告中留下兩句話: 通過接待活動的安排, 給台灣檢察官留下一個深刻印象,及祖國是他們的堅強後盾, 他們依法承辦台獨勢力的努力, 會得到強有力的支持.台灣檢察官員都很放鬆, 普遍表現出對美食美酒以及某些刺激性娛樂的興趣..." 黃世銘回來後不久, 檢調單位就以國安密帳起訴李登輝.


    如果這本書的內容屬實, 坐牢的不應該是他, 鄭南榕已然離世,

    阿扁還咽咽一息的活著, 他應該要好好的, 被台灣人尊敬的活著-More #陳水扁加油 to read

    代表臺灣魂的阿扁總統 (請點擊下親口訴由鄭爽先生筆跡之照片,同步回文補充資訉及分享) ➿➡http://goo.gl/xhbesh
    #柯p 挺阿扁保外就醫

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