

在 pitch音樂產品中有193篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,161的網紅Sonic Deadhorse,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 今天....來介紹一些......沒人聽的......實驗電子........ 明天金曲獎其實有一張實驗電子入圍最佳演奏類專輯,那就是來自香港的 hirsk 。雖然說是實驗電子,但其實超悅耳風格又超多元,前兩首是充滿傳統樂器取樣的中國山水電子,雖然都是中國樂器,但跟北京Do hits那種潮味滿滿的...

 同時也有45部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Marc Yam,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Section III Wave Motion 3.3 Sound Musical Notes and Noise...

pitch音樂 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-03 12:32:11

有英模班學生收到媽媽訂的拇指琴/卡林巴琴(thumb piano/ Kalimba), 她基於好奇, 彈奏了一下,也查了說明書。 結果! 隔天英模班的考題就出現了! 生平第一次不用讀文章, 就答對多元文本題目, 其他題目也全對,而且有莫名的熟悉感。 因此結論:要聽媽媽的話 😂😂 俐媽請她翻拍了...

pitch音樂 在 游大東 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-16 22:50:59

【 超筍打工仔福利/PROJECT AFTER 6 ─ 辦公室外送表演 】 _ 世紀疫情徹底改變全球流行音樂的表演模式,細圍拉闊取代傳統大騷,歌迷的搶飛難度急升,不過以下要介紹的現場演出,屬於霹靂無敵的超筍打工仔福利,廣大讀者只能「得個恨字」! _ 成立於2014年、由鰂魚涌太古坊(Taikoo P...

pitch音樂 在 ??. ?????? ??? ????? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-21 14:30:44

Lily said her 1st word - "Ma Ma" at 1:23p.m Today (June 5th, 2021) !! Grandma was mixing her some milk, and Daddy was standing in front of Lily makin...

  • pitch音樂 在 Sonic Deadhorse Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-20 21:44:22
    有 113 人按讚


    明天金曲獎其實有一張實驗電子入圍最佳演奏類專輯,那就是來自香港的 hirsk 。雖然說是實驗電子,但其實超悅耳風格又超多元,前兩首是充滿傳統樂器取樣的中國山水電子,雖然都是中國樂器,但跟北京Do hits那種潮味滿滿的中國風感覺差蠻多的.......很日系清澈感又有很多很現代的鋼琴和聲。第三首是一堆粵語口白取樣+有機感十足modular drum synth+旋律超豐富的8bit synth line的合成器音樂。最喜歡第四首跟第七首,一堆雜訊拼貼的Cut &Paste Glitch跟Drums n Bass。第八首跟第九首則是Cantonese pop版的Vapowave。第十首蠻神奇的,把小朋友合唱的What a Wonderful World亂轉pitch移調鋼琴再跟著不停reharmonize跟上那些早已不成調的旋律。整張專輯充滿著濃濃粵式風情,音樂乍聽之下甜甜的,卻又玩得很瘋很入味。


  • pitch音樂 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-30 20:16:08
    有 39 人按讚

    有英模班學生收到媽媽訂的拇指琴/卡林巴琴(thumb piano/ Kalimba),


    因此結論:要聽媽媽的話 😂😂

    今天來學「Kalimba 卡林巴琴」篇~
    🎹 俐媽英文教室—卡林巴琴篇:
    🎼 key (n.) 音鍵
    🎼 tune (v.) 調音
    🎼 scale (n.) 音階
    🎼 tone (n.) 音調
    🎼 pitch (n.) 音高
    🎼 semibreve (n.) 全音符
    🎼 minim (n.) 二分音符🎵
    🎼 crotchet (n.) 四分音符
    🎼 quaver (n.) 八分音符
    🎼 comparison (n.) 對照;比較
    🎼 tablature (n.) 譜法
    🎼 flick (v.) 輕彈
    🎼 back and forth (adv.) 來來回回
    🎼 resonance (n.) 共鳴
    🎼 accessory (n.) 配件
    🎼 buzz (n.) 嗡聲;雜音
    🎼 adjustment (n.) 調整
    🎼 corresponding (a.) 對應的
    🎼 vibrate (v.) 震動
    可以找 #俐媽英文教室音樂篇


  • pitch音樂 在 FanPiece Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-30 19:00:16
    有 15 人按讚

    「我(Edan)對自彈自唱的 Chord 本來是一竅不通,我需要練習了很久才做到《E先生連環不幸事件》現在這現在這個版本」#努力是有回報的♥️
    instagram https://www.instagram.com/fanpiece.hk
    #Fanpiece #Edan呂爵安 #E先生連環不幸事件

  • pitch音樂 在 Marc Yam Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-01 18:00:03

    Section III Wave Motion
    3.3 Sound
    Musical Notes and Noise

  • pitch音樂 在 好機車 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-10-20 20:00:10

    這一首音樂的身材很好!孤島梨幫之後變成怎麼樣呢?【中正嘻研社CCU Hip-Hop 2020 Cypher - 欸你過來一Shot】

    Wesley: good style. Nice change ups and really good cadence. Also very strong stage presence, although his outfit looks kind of college nerdy but it works for him. Needs to change up his style so that he stands out more. The dancing needs more work, feels like he’s trying to hard and some shots but that’s OK because they’re college kids.

    羅福公:really good. Strong stage presence and strong emoting. Excellent incorporation of Japanese, Chinese, and English. Although, some of the English pronunciation was way off even in the name of trying to make things rhyme. Aside from that his style is cool and not much to really improve. Dresses like a deep-sea fisherman from the movie life aquatic with Steve Zissou

    Third guy: technically really decent rapper. Although the drunken/lazy Mumble rap tongue rhyme scheme has been done better by 蛋頭. Really liked the HAM part towards the end, but the incorrect incorporation of hip-hop lingo and lines from other popular American rap songs(Migos) was a bit off putting. Also most of the English is mispronounced.

    Gfate: I didn’t get what you were trying to do at all. Are you rapping? Ranting? Mumbling? Nice voice tho.

    Fifth Guy: Really dig his swag. His voice is deep and smooth. LIke the elongation style and his rhyming style just sways. Rapping style is very musical. Sounds like an instrument. Very confident and natural in front of the camera.

    Kerrita: Nice singing voice but sometimes out of tune. Usage of pitch correction is pretty obvious. The English took me out. Also her jazz singing style doesn’t really match the song. Too much vibrato and execution of syncopation wasn’t precise. However, the rap was really good. I’d like to hear her rap more. Score: 3.0

    As a Group: If you’re going to rep your school/present yourself as a crew, then you need to have some overall theme(dress, swag, etc) that presents you as a team. This video feels like random people came together for one project, but they don’t really know each other or have chemistry. Find something that makes your school/group unique and exploit it.

    若侵犯版權或需要我們下架,煩請來信告知~ :D
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/stalksona/
    聯絡信箱: goodbikemob@gmail.com

  • pitch音樂 在 MPWeekly明周 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-16 18:15:01

    【 #星期五樂城 】叉燒肥瘦各半,鬆軟脆口,啖啖肉香裏彷彿浸滿麥芽糖的甜。細吞慢嚼,簡簡單單就嚼出幸福,充心飽腹。「希望我們的無伴奏音樂,能像半肥瘦叉燒一樣,廣受大家歡迎、喜愛。」就那樣以「
    Boonfaysau 半肥瘦」為名,這隊本地半伴奏合唱組合,一直不吝嗇讓歌在風中飄着,飄進人心深淺處。


    練習和表演都在下班後的工餘時間進行,他們邊工作、邊經營念滋在滋的音樂夢,頭頂現實生活裏的百味雜陳,卻耀眼而無懼。疫情來勢洶洶,「半肥瘦」未有退縮,仍抖擻着尋找可以把正能量傳開的表演空間,像是近日的太古坊 Taikoo Place「PROJECT AFTER 6: THE PITCH 2020」計劃,正好生機勃勃,有他們渴望的陽光棲息其中。


    YouTube:Boonfaysau 半肥瘦
    明周娛樂 https://www.mpweekly.com/entertainment/
    明周文化 https://www.mpweekly.com/culture/
    想食明周 https://www.facebook.com/foodiempw/
    INNER https://www.facebook.com/innermpw/

