

在 physique中文產品中有15篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,492的網紅Tony Capatch 柯龍,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Summer is around the corner! Don’t regret not preparing for the beach ahead of time! 暑假快來嘍!不要後悔自己沒有提早準備海邊的身材喔!⚠️中文部分都在下面圖片上⚠️ 🔹1 on 1 personal traine...

 同時也有53部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅Terrence Teo IFBB Pro,也在其Youtube影片中提到,立刻註冊以享受特惠價: https://terrenceteo.com?lang=zh (Chinese) Sign up NOW for a SPECIAL RATE: https://terrenceteo.com (English) 該計劃提供中文和英文兩種語言 | The program i...

physique中文 在 IFBB PRO TERRENCE TEO Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-12-04 14:20:15

Which one is your new year fitness goal!?😏😏 想不想在12星期讓你的身材狂暴式體格轉變? 过一个FIT FIT 的新年?😏😏😏😏😏😏 位子剩下不多了,签约的朋友还可以拿的我TNT的T shirt 👕 👕 趕快成為Team TNT 的一份子吧💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼...

physique中文 在 IFBB PRO TERRENCE TEO Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-12-04 14:20:15

我非常开心第一批的学生🈶️很好的成绩!在这里先恭喜他们🙌🏼🙌🏼。错过的朋友别灰心!这一个月又🈶️特别的优惠哦!!!!赶快注册已获得优惠的价格💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼前20位注册的朋友你们🈶️口福啦😱😱你们将会获🉐️我自创的Team TNT T-Shirt 👕 一件!!!还等什麼呢!快快去註冊我12周的Train...

  • physique中文 在 Tony Capatch 柯龍 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-18 23:33:18
    有 70 人按讚

    Summer is around the corner! Don’t regret not preparing for the beach ahead of time!

    🔹1 on 1 personal trainer opening spot currently open🔹一對一教練有空位上課了

    ⚠️Currently have morning spots available only from 7:00am to 08:30am on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning ⚠️禮拜二,四跟六現在都有空在早上07:00-08:30。有興趣密我一下我們看看時間能不能幫你調整一下

    Only looking for serious people looking to change their physique. 我主要的是認真要訓練的人。這不是一個服務,這是一個教學。我不是為了你們舒服有人聊天過時間,我是為了你們目標為止需求的。

    I won’t make everyone train like they’re getting ready for a contest, however, I will approach and personalize everyone’s personal goals specifically to their needs. Location is in Taipei city or New Taipei City不需要跟我一樣要準備比賽的態度一樣那麼硬。但你們需要了解這是需要中心,耐心,努力,認真的態度才能夠改變自己的體態。我會看著你們本人的需求做成你們課程內容

    Clientele I will not be taking stated below: ⬇️
    I handpick clients. Space is limited. If you’re mot serious about the commitment please do not message me! Thank you! 下面有寫我正在找的學生需求

    🔹No unstable working time professionals who will swap time schedules
    🔹 No college kids, don’t need to hear about why you can’t come to class: midterms, money, part time job, studying, etc. 不要大學生,我不想一直聽到一些理由跟我說你們為什麼不能來上課,期中考,錢不夠,讀書準備考試。要負責任這些事情才可以處理生活其他部分。
    🔹Don’t sign up if you’re afraid of being sore, tired or getting sweaty. This isn’t for me, it’s for you. Understand it’s tasking to change your body. 如果你怕酸痛,怕流汗,怕累,怕訓練到疲勞,這個課程不適合你。
    🔹Don’t complain about which exercises, sets and or reps I tell you to do. If something is painful/discomfort, obviously I’ll change it, but I’m talking purely about arguing against the workouts because they’re hard. 不要抱怨跟我說那些運動動作太難,太累,不好做等等。本來改變不是簡單拿到的,一定會這樣。如果說你做到很不舒服因為關節痛,肌肉有問題或者遇到姿勢不對,一定要跟我說我才能幫你們改。
    🔹No short term clientele: minimum 20 classes at a time ~ 2 or 3 classes per week at minimum. Anything less than that and you’re not getting benefit. 不要短期學生。至少要20堂課,一個禮拜必須要至少上2~3堂課才能有效果。少於2堂課你已經不用再來了。太少沒有用。
    🔹If you’re unwilling to change diet, fix alcohol consumption or your sleep schedule to fit your goals, then this course isn’t for you. 如果不願意借酒,改變飲食習慣,睡眠,健康程度的話這也不適合你。你需要能夠想要把自己變好,有中心在健康想法範圍內才會有進步。要能夠接受這些改變才會變成更好。
    🔹I don’t sell bullshit, I sell results. Tracking will be a thing. 我不是賣爛的教學。我賣的教學會有效果。記得我無法24/7跟你們本人在一起。時間陪我只有一次一個小時,其他時間必須要負責任,外面訓練完亂吃,亂喝,不認真做心肺鼓勵下去不能怪我說我什麼都不會教課因為你自己不認真不是我的問題。你們自己需要有負責任在課程之外時間控制自己。我會紀錄進步速度還有我們上課運動的內容計畫一下長期時間的訓練課程。


  • physique中文 在 Terrence Teo IFBB Pro Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-10 09:57:05
    有 414 人按讚

    我非常开心第一批的学生🈶️很好的成绩!在这里先恭喜他们🙌🏼🙌🏼。错过的朋友别灰心!这一个月又🈶️特别的优惠哦!!!!赶快注册已获得优惠的价格💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼前20位注册的朋友你们🈶️口福啦😱😱你们将会获🉐️我自创的Team TNT T-Shirt 👕 一件!!!还等什麼呢!快快去註冊我12周的Training Program 吧!讓我們一起過一個FIT FIT的年💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🧧🏮🈵㊗️💥💥💥
    該計劃提供( 中文和英 )文兩種語言


    1️⃣ 透過全面的健身計畫,營養與補給品的輔助,幫助你有效的增肌減脂。

    2️⃣ 兩週一次的直播線上互動,解答任何你在體適能與營養上的疑惑。

    3️⃣ 專屬的臉書社團,讓我們一起邁向同一個目標。

    4️⃣ 精選健身影片,內含詳細動作講解,讓您正確完成指定動作,把效果最大化。

    Join my 12 Weeks Physique Transformation Program! Sign up NOW for a SPECIAL RATE: https://terrenceteo.com

    What to except in the next 12 weeks by joining #TeamTNT

    1️⃣ A comprehensive workout program, with guided nutrition and supplement to help you gain muscle mass and reduce body fat.

    2️⃣ A detailed explanation of each exercise movement (pictures and videos) to ensure that you are performing the right technique in maximising results.

    3️⃣ A LIVE online group chat 2 weeks once with myself, to answer any fitness or nutrition questions you have.

    4️⃣ A dedicated Facebook community group to support each other through the 12 weeks.

    The program is available in both Chinese and English language. Let's achieve an amazing physique together in 2020!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

    #OnlineCoaching #IFBBpro #TeamScitec #ScitecNutrition #TNT #FitnessApp #PersonalTrainer #TNTteam #lifestyle #fitness #physique #gainz #painandgain #gymlife #healthylife

  • physique中文 在 Terrence Teo IFBB Pro Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-07 20:31:27
    有 688 人按讚

    💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼想不想在12星期讓你的身材狂暴式體格轉變? 趕快成為Team TNT 的一份子吧立刻註冊以享受特惠價: https://terrenceteo.com
    該計劃提供( 中文和英 )文兩種語言


    1️⃣ 透過全面的健身計畫,營養與補給品的輔助,幫助你有效的增肌減脂。

    2️⃣ 兩週一次的直播線上互動,解答任何你在體適能與營養上的疑惑。

    3️⃣ 專屬的臉書社團,讓我們一起邁向同一個目標。

    4️⃣ 精選健身影片,內含詳細動作講解,讓您正確完成指定動作,把效果最大化。

    Join my 12 Weeks Physique Transformation Program! Sign up NOW for a SPECIAL RATE: https://terrenceteo.com

    What to except in the next 12 weeks by joining #TeamTNT

    1️⃣ A comprehensive workout program, with guided nutrition and supplement to help you gain muscle mass and reduce body fat.

    2️⃣ A detailed explanation of each exercise movement (pictures and videos) to ensure that you are performing the right technique in maximising results.

    3️⃣ A LIVE online group chat 2 weeks once with myself, to answer any fitness or nutrition questions you have.

    4️⃣ A dedicated Facebook community group to support each other through the 12 weeks.

    The program is available in both Chinese and English language. Let's achieve an amazing physique together in 2020!💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

    #OnlineCoaching #IFBBpro #TeamScitec #ScitecNutrition #TNT #FitnessApp #PersonalTrainer #TNTteam #lifestyle #fitness #physique #gainz #painandgain #gymlife #healthylife

  • physique中文 在 Terrence Teo IFBB Pro Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-24 20:00:21

    立刻註冊以享受特惠價: https://terrenceteo.com?lang=zh (Chinese) Sign up NOW for a SPECIAL RATE: https://terrenceteo.com (English)
    該計劃提供中文和英文兩種語言 | The program is available in both Chinese and English language. Let's achieve an amazing physique together!

    SUBSCRIBE to my channel: https://youtube.com/terrenceteoifbbpro?sub_confirmation=1 Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrenceteo7
    For enquiries on ONLINE COACHING in regards to training, diet or stage posing, email me teo9239@hotmail.com

    我叫张国华,在这里我会分享我朝向 Olympia 的脚步,分享我个人健身的方式,饮食、烹饪?、supplements 以及等等。

    我是一位IFBB PRO 健体运动员。我健身已经超过15年了,在2013年已经开始了我的比职业赛的生涯,我在世界各地的比赛已经超过17次了,就如美国,印尼,新加坡,泰国,香港,马来西亚,中国,日本,菲利宾等等。我的最高荣誉就是在美国的Musclemania 获得8次冠军。

    I'm an IFBB Pro Men's Physique athlete. I started training 15 years ago and began competing at a professional level from 2013. Since then I've competed in over 14 bodybuilding competitions worldwide from U.S.A. to Japan, China, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong and Malaysia.

    Some of my highlights include holding the title as a 7x World Physique Champion under the Muslemania Universe and Musclemania America as well as being the 1st Runner Up at the IFBB Japan Pro 2018.

  • physique中文 在 Terrence Teo IFBB Pro Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-10 20:00:33

    立刻註冊以享受特惠價: https://terrenceteo.com?lang=zh (Chinese) Sign up NOW for a SPECIAL RATE: https://terrenceteo.com (English)
    該計劃提供中文和英文兩種語言 | The program is available in both Chinese and English language. Let's achieve an amazing physique together!

    SUBSCRIBE to my channel: https://youtube.com/terrenceteoifbbpro?sub_confirmation=1 Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrenceteo7
    For enquiries on ONLINE COACHING in regards to training, diet or stage posing, email me teo9239@hotmail.com

    我叫张国华,在这里我会分享我朝向 Olympia 的脚步,分享我个人健身的方式,饮食、烹饪?、supplements 以及等等。

    我是一位IFBB PRO 健体运动员。我健身已经超过15年了,在2013年已经开始了我的比职业赛的生涯,我在世界各地的比赛已经超过17次了,就如美国,印尼,新加坡,泰国,香港,马来西亚,中国,日本,菲利宾等等。我的最高荣誉就是在美国的Musclemania 获得8次冠军。

    I'm an IFBB Pro Men's Physique athlete. I started training 15 years ago and began competing at a professional level from 2013. Since then I've competed in over 14 bodybuilding competitions worldwide from U.S.A. to Japan, China, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong and Malaysia.

    Some of my highlights include holding the title as a 7x World Physique Champion under the Muslemania Universe and Musclemania America as well as being the 1st Runner Up at the IFBB Japan Pro 2018.

  • physique中文 在 Terrence Teo IFBB Pro Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-27 20:00:08

    立刻註冊以享受特惠價: https://terrenceteo.com?lang=zh (Chinese) Sign up NOW for a SPECIAL RATE: https://terrenceteo.com (English)
    該計劃提供中文和英文兩種語言 | The program is available in both Chinese and English language. Let's achieve an amazing physique together!

    SUBSCRIBE to my channel: https://youtube.com/terrenceteoifbbpro?sub_confirmation=1 Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terrenceteo7
    For enquiries on ONLINE COACHING in regards to training, diet or stage posing, email me teo9239@hotmail.com

    我叫张国华,在这里我会分享我朝向 Olympia 的脚步,分享我个人健身的方式,饮食、烹饪?、supplements 以及等等。

    我是一位IFBB PRO 健体运动员。我健身已经超过15年了,在2013年已经开始了我的比职业赛的生涯,我在世界各地的比赛已经超过17次了,就如美国,印尼,新加坡,泰国,香港,马来西亚,中国,日本,菲利宾等等。我的最高荣誉就是在美国的Musclemania 获得8次冠军。

    I'm an IFBB Pro Men's Physique athlete. I started training 15 years ago and began competing at a professional level from 2013. Since then I've competed in over 14 bodybuilding competitions worldwide from U.S.A. to Japan, China, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong and Malaysia.

    Some of my highlights include holding the title as a 7x World Physique Champion under the Muslemania Universe and Musclemania America as well as being the 1st Runner Up at the IFBB Japan Pro 2018.

