

在 petty英文產品中有25篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅新《番薯藤》國防軍事網,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ✅➡️台美今召開首次海巡會議 強化合作因應區域海事挑戰 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/3634863 台美戰略關係在蔡英文總統積極提升互信之下多次獲突破性發展! 媒體報導台美三月首度簽署海巡工作小組備忘錄、在11日正式召開『台美...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅alex lam,也在其Youtube影片中提到,香港獨有文化 打小人 感覺諸事不順,小人纏身?找個「職業打手」,幫您擊退小人吧!她們沒有發達的肌肉,也不懂近身格鬥,卻能把象徵「霉運」的小人打得退避三舍。 說的就是香港道地的生活文化—打小人。這還可以看作是一種釋懷及轉運的渠道呢!打小人,都是由老婆婆負責的,她們打小人時口中唸唸有詞:「打你個死人...

petty英文 在 吸管英語?跟著蘇蘇學英文 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-04 15:26:10

#一分鐘聽歌學英文 點開閱讀歌詞詳細說明 & 單字解析👏🏻 🎉 後面有彩蛋喔!! 胖虎蘇蘇 ft. @bbsteps.eng ,溫柔的步步居然挑這首歌我整個傻眼XD 普遍級的帳號很難教這首歌的歌詞耶🤣 小朋友不要點開看!!  【Humble 謙虛】Kendrick Lamar  📌 yo' =...

petty英文 在 黃泱綾Naomi Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-01 22:43:22

這次真的要來燒🔥女孩們了! 很多女生對於指甲沒有顏色是會很焦慮的 我也會很焦慮啊~~因為太焦慮了,被妞新聞發現了,就邀請我出席這次很不一樣的餐會!感謝niusnews 妞新聞邀請❤️ 不一樣的是@niusnews跟@etseq.nailpolish 聯名合作推出獨家色號「爬藤玫瑰 Climbing ...

  • petty英文 在 新《番薯藤》國防軍事網 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-12 11:33:13
    有 236 人按讚

    ✅➡️台美今召開首次海巡會議 強化合作因應區域海事挑戰
    圖:WIKI - By Petty Officer 3rd Class Matthew West, U.S. Coast Guard - Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=81659349
    #專業軍事評析 #關心台灣國防

  • petty英文 在 小小人物做小事 - 高松傑Jacky Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-20 13:56:57
    有 15 人按讚



    Opinion | US Secretary of State is violating the Law of Safeguarding National Security in Hong Kong

    HK Current

    20th of October 2020

    By Athena Kung

    On 14th of October 2020 [US time], a report was released by the United States (hereinafter refer to as "the US") Secretary of State (hereinafter referred to as "the said Report") under the so-called "Hong Kong Autonomy Act". During recent months, the US Government has been increasingly blatant in its interference in Hong Kong's affairs. Its petty actions included passing successive laws, pronouncing an executive order and imposing 'sanctions' against HKSAR Government's officials under the pretext of so-called "human rights", "democracy" and "autonomy".

    In short, the accusations against the HKSAR Government contained in the said Report are all groundless, unwarranted and irresponsible. All the comments in the said Report are really smearing and demonising The Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR (hereinafter referred to as "National Security Law"). Being the highest organ of state power, the National People's Congress (hereinafter referred to as "the NPC") has lawfully authorized the Standing Committee of the NPC (hereinafter referred to as "the SCNPC") to formulate relevant laws on establishing the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the HKSAR to safeguard the national security. Thus, the enactment of the National Security Law on 30th of June 2020 by the SCNPC is both lawful and constitutional.

    Before the implementation of the National Security Law, due to the fear towards the violence exercised by the rioters who supported HK independence, majority of the HK citizens did not dare to voice out their opinions whenever their views was against that of the rioters. Only the riots were able to enjoy the freedom of speech during the whole period of Black Power Anti-government Movement. However, since the National Security Law has come into effect, stability can be restored in the HKSAR step by step, whereas once again, HK citizens are able to enjoy their basic rights and freedoms in accordance with the law as before. All along, the US Government has embellished the violence and illegal acts exercised by the rioters who are wrongfully beautified as democracy warrior. The ulterior motives behind was US Government's great desire to build up a pro-American Government in HK by promoting Colour Revolution here. With the success of promoting HK Independence, the US may make use of HK as a Bridgehead to attack PRC whose Great Rejuvenation might then be hindered.

    Recently, US has also imposed certain "sanctions" on financial institutions and HKSAR Government officials, which is another concrete evidence proving the hegemony on the part of US. The US Government has been exerting pressure on financial institutions and HKSAR Government officials so as to threaten the officials not to pass any law or policies which the US Government dislike. By so doing, the US Secretary of State is clearly violating 2 areas of the National Security Law, including:
    (1) Secession under Article 20(1), namely participating in separating the HKSAR from the PRC by with a view to committing secession or undermining national unification whether or not by force or threat of force ; and
    (2) Subversion under Article 22(3), namely participating in seriously interfering in, disrupting, or undermining the performance of duties and functions in accordance with the law by the body of power of the HKSAR by force or threat of force or other unlawful means with a view to subverting the State.
    Is the National Security Law applicable to the US Secretary of State? The answer is positive. Under Article 38, the National Security Law shall apply to offences under this Law committed against the HKSAR from outside the Region by a person who is not a permanent resident of the Region.

    In addition, according to Article 55 of the National Security Law, it is appropriate for the national security case of the US Secretary of State to be taken up by the Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR (hereinafter referred to as "the Office"):
    "Article 55
    The Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR shall, upon approval by the Central People's Government of a request made by the Government of the HKSAR or by the Office itself, exercise jurisdiction over a case concerning offence endangering national security under this law, if:
    (1) the case is complex due to the involvement of a foreign country or external elements, thus making it difficult for the Region to exercise jurisdiction over the case ;
    (2) a serious situation occurs where the Government of the Region is unable to effectively enforce this law ; or
    (3) a major and imminent threat to national security has occurred."

    No doubt, with the involvement of the US Secretary of State who enjoys a high weight in the US Government in a national security case, the whole case would definitely become very complex as a result of existence of such an external element. After all, it would be extremely difficult for the HKSAR Government to exercise jurisdiction over the case, for instance, in the areas of collecting evidence and making necessary investigations. Under such circumstances, it is necessary for the Office to take up this case and exercise jurisdiction over it.

    The author is Barrister-at-law.

    The views don't necessarily reflect those of Orange News.

    責編:CK Li

  • petty英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-11 21:12:32
    有 530 人按讚

    [時事英文] 美國阿札爾部長的「Tsai總統」發音!

    Is this whole discussion really about diplomatic courtesy and English pronunciation, or is it just another ploy to attract media attention?


    Probably all three? A better way to improve public image might be to invest more in community service, connect with the constituency, and cultivate new talents.

    1. diplomatic courtesy 外交禮節
    2. ploy 計謀、策略、手段
    3. lift public image 提升形象
    4. community service 社區服務
    5. constituency 選區;選區的選民
    6. new talents 新秀

    也許以上皆是? 提升公眾形象更好的途徑可以是透過投入社區服務、增加與選民的互動以及培養有潛力的新秀。

    Focus on issues that count, not make petty arguments.


    HHS Secretary Alex Azar Statement on Meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen (As Prepared for Delivery)

    Thank you, President Tsai [ts-eye], for welcoming me to Taiwan today. It is a true honor to be here to convey a message of strong support and friendship from President Trump to Taiwan.

    I would like to congratulate President Tsai on beginning her second term earlier this year. As Secretary Pompeo said in marking her inauguration in May, President Tsai’s courage and vision in leading Taiwan’s vibrant democracy are an inspiration to the region and the world.

    7. convey a message of… 傳遞...的訊息
    8. Secretary 國務卿
    9. inauguration 就職
    10. a vibrant democracy 有活力的民主
    11. an inspiration to… 為…的表率




    I also want to offer my condolences to everyone in Taiwan on the loss of your former President Lee Teng-hui, the father of Taiwan’s democracy and one of the great leaders of the 20th century’s movement toward democracy.

    12. offer condolences 表達哀悼之情
    13. the father of Taiwan’s democracy 台灣民主之父
    14. movement 運動



    Under President Trump, the United States has expressed our admiration for Taiwan’s democratic success in tangible ways. President Trump has signed legislation to strengthen the partnership between Taiwan and the United States, and in 2018, we opened a new American Institute in Taiwan, a brick-and-mortar commitment to our treasured friendship.

    15. in a tangible way 切實地; 以確實的方式*
    16. sign (v.) legislation to 簽署法案
    17. partnership 夥伴關係
    18. a brick-to-mortar commitment 堅定的承諾 (brick and mortar 指實體房屋,這裡指如磚牆般堅固的承諾)


    *tangible: https://bit.ly/3fQPPZs


    The particular focus of both my discussion with President Tsai and of our trip is highlighting Taiwan’s success on health, in combating COVID-19, and cooperating with the United States to prevent, detect, and respond to health threats.

    19. the focus of... ...的焦點
    20. highlight one’s success on… 強調在…的成功(這裡指台灣的防疫的成就)
    21. cooperate with 與…的合作
    22. detect (v.) 發現、察覺
    23. health threats 健康的威脅(這裡指疫情)



    Taiwan’s response to COVID-19 has been among the most successful in the world, and that is a tribute to the open, transparent, democratic nature of Taiwan’s society and culture. Taiwan had tremendous success in detecting COVID-19, managing the outbreak, and sharing this valuable information with other nations. Taiwan’s success in health and industry has allowed it to extend a helping hand to others, sending needed supplies around the world, including to the United States and Pacific Island nations.

    24. be a tribute to sth/sb 是(優秀、強大或有效性)的明證
    25. transparent 透明的
    26. tremendous success 巨大的成功
    27. manage outbreak控制(疫情的)爆發
    28. extend a helping hand to others 向他人伸出援手



    Again, I am grateful to President Tsai for welcoming us to Taiwan and I look forward to using this visit to convey our admiration for Taiwan and to learn about how our shared democratic values have driven success in health.

    29. convey(v.) admiration 表達欽佩
    30. shared democratic values 共享民主價值
    31. have driven success in… 帶動…領域的成功



    AIT 中英文演講稿:
    https://bit.ly/3kzKCcg (英文)
    https://bit.ly/3gNAjPg (中文)

    圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3fHD8Ac

    完整影片: https://youtu.be/unB8N5d2Fm4





  • petty英文 在 alex lam Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-03-22 04:50:45







  • petty英文 在 蔡健雅 Tanya Chua Youtube 的最佳解答

    2012-01-20 12:37:26

    加入蔡健雅官方 Facebook:http://bit.ly/tanyafb
    英文創作專輯《Just Say So》試聽與介紹:http://goo.gl/EOZ2S
    KKBOX:http://goo.gl/bSc99 博客來:http://goo.gl/vpmFz
    Buy on iTunes:http://goo.gl/YAYV8
    Piano: Doug Petty
    String arrangement: Doug Petty
    Strings: Hollywood Strings
    Strings recorded: Entourage Studio-North Hollywood, CA
    Recorded and mixed by:Richard Furch for eMixing.com
    Mixed at the mixHaus studios, LA
    Mastered by: Gavin Lurssen @ Lurssen Mastering
    Assisted by: Reuben Cohen

    Directed by: Sabrina Yang

    (p) (c) 2011 Tian Ya Music Productions

  • petty英文 在 蔡健雅 Tanya Chua Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2012-01-19 18:36:47

    加入蔡健雅官方 Facebook:http://bit.ly/tanyafb
    英文創作專輯《Just Say So》試聽與介紹:http://goo.gl/EOZ2S
    KKBOX:http://goo.gl/bSc99 博客來:http://goo.gl/vpmFz
    Buy on iTunes:http://goo.gl/YAYV8

    All Keys: Doug Petty
    All Guitars: Dan Petty
    Bass: Brian Allen
    Drums: Jamie Wollam
    All vocals: Tanya Chua
    Recorded and mixed by:Richard Furch for eMixing.com
    Mixed at the mixHaus studios, LA

    (p) (c) 2011 Tian Ya Music Productions

