

在 person複數產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 學校教英文時,大多時候會告訴我們they是複數,指「他們」,這是對的!但是在不知道性別的情況下,they也可用作第三人稱單數使用。事實上從十四世紀開始,英語母語人士便將they當作性別中立的單數人稱代名詞了。在此提供例句:After a student completes their coursew...

  • person複數 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-29 15:00:55
    有 2,066 人按讚

    學校教英文時,大多時候會告訴我們they是複數,指「他們」,這是對的!但是在不知道性別的情況下,they也可用作第三人稱單數使用。事實上從十四世紀開始,英語母語人士便將they當作性別中立的單數人稱代名詞了。在此提供例句:After a student completes their coursework, they take an exam. 還有:Who is on the phone? What do they want?

    由於來電者性別不明,美國人便會很自然地用they當作單數人稱代名詞,在口語上特別常見。換作正式文件,可把整個句子改為複數:Students take exams after completing their coursework. 或更正式一點說:Who is on the phone? What does the caller want?


    In school, most English learners that the pronoun "they" refers to more than one person (in the plural), and that's correct! But, "they" can also be used to refer to a third person in the singular if the gender of the person is unknown. In fact, English speakers have used "they" as a gender-neutral singular pronoun since the 14th century.

    Here's an example: "After a student completes their coursework, they take an exam." Or, as another example, "Who is on the phone? What do they want?" The gender of this student or caller is unknown, so an American English speaker will naturally use the singular pronoun "they," especially when speaking. If writing a formal document, they might get around this by editing the sentence to the plural, as in "Students take exams after completing their coursework," or by changing to a more formal register, as in "Who is on the phone? What does the caller want?"

    Need to know more? Read this article: http://ow.ly/c9Zu50ymWAj
    #GenderAndLanguage #AmericanEnglish

  • person複數 在 Jacky 玩具匣 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-27 01:10:37
    有 40 人按讚

    Solomon Kane
    Limit 6 pieces per person.

    One (1) pair of fists (L&R)
    Two (2) pairs of weapon holding hands (L&R)
    One (1) pair of gun holding hands (L&R)
    One (1) pair of posing hands (L&R)

    Ships Feb - April 2022
    09有電影有game ,
    主角Solomon Kane取自奇幻小說次文種『劍與魔法』的開山祖師,同時也是『野蠻人科南』系列的作者,30歲就自殺而死的作家Robert E. Howard的作品。導演兼編劇Michael J. Bassett想了一個全新的故事塑造Solomon的過去,並將他推上悲劇英雄常見的父子、兄弟相殘的道路。冒險的過程除了表面可見的主角是為了救自己才踏上救美女的路之外,也可解讀成男人為了追求女人所必需付出的代價與折磨。
    “I am Solomon Kane. Are you prepared to meet your God?”
    Based on Robert E. Howard’s legendary character, Solomon Kane joins the One:12 Collective!
    The somber-looking Solomon Kane is outfitted in a nobleman’s shirt and vest, duster coat, adventurer pants, and Viking boots. His utility belt and removable chest harness can hold his various weapon sheaths.
    Solomon Kane is the first One:12 Collective figure to feature interchangeable hair! Mix and match to create multiple distinct looks!
    Grandmaster swordsman and marksman, Solomon is well-equipped to handle any malevolent forces that may cross his path, complete with the Staff of Solomon, multiple daggers and sheaths, a flintlock pistol, a dirk sword, and much more.
    Evildoers beware! Solomon Kane is a man who wanders the world with no apparent goal other than to vanquish evil in all its forms. The early 16th century Puritan protects the world from wickedness and seeks atonement for his past misdeeds. Solomon believes in discipline, order, and an almost ascetic life.

  • person複數 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-15 23:39:41
    有 2 人按讚

    The origins of ‘fool’

    Wednesday is April 1, when people in many countries worldwide celebrate the custom ( ) of “April Fool’s Day.” On this day, they play pranks ( ) on each other, the pranksters gleefully ( ) calling those hapless ( ) enough to fall for ( ) the joke an “April Fool.”

    Nobody really knows for certain ( ) when, where or why the custom started. We have more certainty over the origins of the word “fool” itself, although some details remain unclear.

    The word, which refers to ( ) a silly, stupid, or ignorant ( ) person, is thought to originate ( ) in the early 13th century, deriving ( ) from Old French fol, meaning a madman or insane person. The French word, in turn, comes from the Latin follis, meaning a leather bag or a bellows ( ) and, by extension later on, an empty-headed ( ) person.

    Fool also referred to a rogue ( ) or a sinful ( ), wicked ( ) or lecherous ( ) person — around 1300, a “fool woman” meant a prostitute ( ), for example — and also a court ( ) jester ( ), a person whose purpose was to entertain ( ) the king and court, whether because they were pretending to be buffoonish ( ) or whether they actually were like that.

    One theory is that the idea of the court jester “fool” derives from folles — the plural form of follis (bellows) — referring to the puffed cheeks of a buffoon.

    It is unclear which sense came first, that of the idiot or the jester.


    下週三是四月一日,許多國家的人在這天都有過「愚人節」的慣例,互相捉弄,惡作劇的人樂不可支地把那些不幸被騙倒的人稱作「April Fool」(四月的愚人)。



    「fool」亦指惡棍或有罪、惡毒或淫蕩的人──例如在西元一三○○年左右,「fool woman」指的是妓女,亦指弄臣,也就是在宮廷中負責娛樂國王和朝臣的人,無論這些弄臣是故意裝瘋賣傻,還是本來就如小丑般滑稽。


    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
    #高中英文 #成人英文
    #多益家教班 #商用英文

