

在 period用法產品中有19篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過11萬的網紅Hi家教 在家學外語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #Hi家教時事英語筆記 近期台灣的疫情升溫,這幾天有個名詞大家一定不陌生,就是「校正回歸」啦!今天跟著編編學習幾個簡單生字哦~ #校正回歸 backlog #確診病例 confirmed case #疫情爆發 outbreak #潛伏期 incubation period #死亡人數 d...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過57的網紅琴心芳療Tequila心靈芳療師,也在其Youtube影片中提到,延伸閱讀 [ 芳療 ] 防疫時期精油推薦,正確使用複方精油來幫助自己度過這段防疫時期吧!100ML防疫守護複方精油噴霧特價中,請點進文章 https://tequila1990.com/recommended-essential-oils-during-the-epidemic-prevention...

period用法 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-26 17:27:41

【選對食用油】身體運作需要適量油脂 ⭐要懂得分辨好油壞油 ⭐按烹調方式選擇用哪種油 #星期四食材 認識健康油脂食物 有些女生為了減肥,視油脂為大敵,自煮時不添加油份,外出進食亦「走油」,以為這種飲食方法很健康,但久久未能成孕,最後發現原來因為飲食中缺少了油脂!膽固醇是合成多種荷爾蒙的重要原料,如...

period用法 在 Tiffany Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-30 16:03:20

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period用法 在 賓狗 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-12-04 15:50:48

想聽新聞學英文,就追蹤 @bingobilingual_bb 和 #賓狗發音教室!
 🎈【period 月經;生理期】— 名詞 Scotland has become the first country in the world to provide free period products.

  • period用法 在 Hi家教 在家學外語 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-26 15:10:43
    有 9 人按讚



    #校正回歸 backlog
    #確診病例 confirmed case
    #疫情爆發 outbreak
    #潛伏期 incubation period
    #死亡人數 death toll

    #校正回歸 backlog
    英文是backlog,log在英文中有紀錄之意,而船長的航海紀錄本寫的就叫log。登入網站的動作為log in,所以backlog就是代表後來才登錄的資料,我們就稱為「校正回歸」哦。

    Did you hear the news, The CECC announced that new cases and the backlog of 400 cases added to previous days.

    #確診病例 confirmed case
    All of the household and healthcare worker contacts of the confirmed case have been traced.

    #疫情爆發 outbreak
    這裡有一個單字要特別注意,那就是和outbreak很像的 breakout ,代表「突破、越獄」的意思。是完全不同的意思哦,千萬不要搞混這兩種用法。

    The covid-19 outbreak in whole world is unprecedented.

    #潛伏期 incubation period
    Have you ever traveled to or lived in a foreign country during the incubation period?

    #死亡人數 death toll
    Toll常用在當「過路費」的意思,但美式英文裡toll還有一個重要的意思,高強度的受苦折磨、傷害 a high degree of suffering or damage,這樣就能理解為什麼會翻成死亡人數囉。

    The situation was growing increasingly complex and the death toll was rising daily.


  • period用法 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-20 18:03:12
    有 107 人按讚








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    Get to know healthy high-fat foods
    Some women view fats as their archnemesis when they wish to shed some pounds. They would either avoid using oil in their cooking or request restaurants to remove additional fats when ordering take-outs. They thought this is a healthy dietary practice, but the lack of fats in the body is one of the main reasons they cannot get pregnant!

    In fact, cholesterol is the precursor of many hormones. The lack of fats in the body would affect the secretion of hormones, leading to infertility. We should learn more about healthy fats, consume them in an appropriate quantity, and avoid fats that are bad for us. There are many types of fats and oils in the market, and each of them has their own pros and cons. It is best to prepare 2 to 3 different types of oils and use them interchangeably in cooking from time to time.

    Saturated fatty acids: in white solid state at room temperature; can be found in lard, butter, animal fats, cheese, cream, coconut oil, and palm oil
    Pros: chemically stable, not easily oxidized
    Cons: excessive consumption can cause the hardening of the arteries (vascular sclerosis), stroke, and heart diseases
    Proper way of use: dishes to be cooked at high temperature and for a long period

    Monounsaturated fatty acids: liquid at room temperature; often seen in olive oil, camellia seed oil, peanut oil, nuts, and avocado
    Pros: contains Omega-9; can help increase the good cholesterols and reduce the bad cholesterol
    Cons: chemically unstable, oxidized easily when exposed to high temperature
    Proper way of use: cold dishes, and can be used for frying at low temperature

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids: liquid at room temperature, commonly found in corn oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, linseed oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, walnut oil, salmon, and sardine
    Pros: contains Omega-3 and Omega-6, which humans could not produce; can help increase the good cholesterols and reduce the bad cholesterol
    Cons: chemically unstable, oxidized easily when exposed to high temperature
    Proper way of use: normal pan-fried dishes

    Trans-fatty acids: vegetable oils that have gone through hydrogenation; often seen in margarine and shortening
    Pros: none
    Cons: increase the bad cholesterol and reduce the good cholesterol in the blood; excessive consumption can cause the hardening of the arteries (vascular sclerosis), stroke, and heart diseases
    Common foods that contain trans-fatty acids: Egg tart, cookies, puff pastries, cakes, biscuits, coconut cream bun, fried chicken, pineapple bun, Chinese fried dough and creamer

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    #男 #女

  • period用法 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-10 17:44:12
    有 145 人按讚




    田螺 — 性寒,有清熱解暑、明目、利水止渴的作用,適合水腫、小便不通、痔瘡便血、風熱目赤腫痛者食用。由於性寒,脾虛便溏、胃寒疼痛、風寒感冒、月經期間、寒性痛經者不宜食用。

    1. 將無鹽牛油、巴馬臣芝士碎、蒜蓉、番茜碎搓勻成香草牛油。
    2. 將適量香草牛油釀入田螺殼內,如沒有田螺殼,香草牛油鋪在田螺肉上。
    3. 放入已預熱至攝氏180度的焗爐,焗約15分鐘即可。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    River snail can clear heat and relieve water retention

    When we first learned snails (escargot) are served in French cuisine, we must have been a bit shocked. Since we were young, the snails we knew are the ones crawling on the ground on rainy days. So why are they called river snails?

    We should be quite familiar with river snail stir-fried with chili. Actually, the typical snail is a type of shelled gastropod, whereas the escargot is specifically cultivated for French cuisine. Please note that it is unsafe to consume snails from the wild. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, river snail is cold in nature, can clear heat, brighten one’s vision, quench one’s thirst and has diuretic properties.

    In Chinese cooking, river snails are often cooked with ingredients that are warm in nature, such as ginger, onion, garlic and chili, to balance out its coldness. As for French cuisine, chefs would normally prepare escargot with simple vanilla butter. Once baked at a high temperature, the fragrance of the butter would seep into the flesh. Try to close your eyes and enjoy the taste, imagine yourself travelling in France!

    River snail – cold in nature, can clear heart, brighten one’s vision, quench one’s thirst and has diuretic properties, is suitable for individuals with symptoms such as water retention, urination, bleeding hemorrhoids, and swelling and pain of the eyes. Since it is cold in nature, it is not suitable for individuals with a weak spleen and loose stools, a cold stomach and those experiencing frequent stomachache; also not suitable for those who with a cold flu, going through period as well as cold-related menstrual pain.

    Escargot Bourguignonne
    Ingredients: 200g fresh escargots or 1 canned escargot, 60g butter, 60 parmesan cheese, 4 cloves of pounded garlic, parsley
    1. Preheat oven to 180 Celsius degree
    2. Mix butter, parmesan cheese, garlic and parsley into herb butter.
    3. Put the herb butter in the escargot shells, or just directly on escagots.
    4. Bake for 15 minutes.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我煩躁 #濕熱 #水腫 #感冒 #經期

  • period用法 在 琴心芳療Tequila心靈芳療師 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-07-04 13:57:03

    [ 芳療 ] 防疫時期精油推薦,正確使用複方精油來幫助自己度過這段防疫時期吧!100ML防疫守護複方精油噴霧特價中,請點進文章

    [ 芳療 ] 居家空間適用精油及擴香方法(複方精油)

    [ 芳療 ] WFH精油用法,善用精油特性讓工作與生活時間更明確,減少大腦疲勞






    ⭐️Tequila IG


  • period用法 在 cheerS beauty Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-09-21 20:00:00


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