

在 pent英文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「報復性消費」英文怎麼說? Revenge spending? 聽說大家在疫情期間都超悶,只好買東西舒壓。 個人建議可以看看書,或訂閱我的新聞英文課程:https://bit.ly/2ALIzQ2 ★★★★★★★★★★★★ 好,回到我們今天的主題,疫情期間流行的「報復性消費」,到...

  • pent英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-30 17:06:13
    有 811 人按讚

    Revenge spending?
    A. vengeful shopping
    Go on a vengeful shopping spree 的確會出現在一些文章中,但頻率不高也不正式,通常需要上下文才可充分理解。
    1. It might be tempting for some to go on a vengeful shopping spree with their spouses’ credit card after an argument.
    2. It explains why in the weeks leading up, Orchard Road is clogged with vehicles and human bodies, makeshift bazaars sprout on every empty grass patch, and Singaporeans shop with a vengeance.
    Sources: https://bit.ly/2Bjtzcz
    B. revenge shopping
    最近在新聞中偶爾也可以看到比較聳動的用語——revenge shopping:
    1. “Revenge shopping”, a term first invented in China, refers to the overindulgence in spending and consumption by shoppers who have been patiently awaiting quarantines, lockdowns and social distancing measures to ease. Fuelled by revenge shoppers, long queues and a spike in sales have been recorded in various major brand outlets in a number of Chinese cities, such as Apple, Gucci, Nike and Estée Lauder among others.
    2. Several luxury goods companies reported an uptick in China this spring as people emerged from weeks of lockdowns, spurring what some analysts have called a trend of "revenge spending" — the release of pent-up demand once people aren't forced to stay home.
    C. I personally prefer to use the following phrases to describe people who shop to relieve stress or just shop excessively:
    •go on a shopping spree 大採購
    •go on a shopping binge 瘋狂購物
    •binge shopping/eating 爆買/暴飲暴食
    •buying spree 瘋買
    •compulsive shopping 強迫性購物
    •splurging 亂花(錢);揮霍(尤指購買奢侈品)
    •a shopping frenzy 購物狂潮
    Feel free to add more related phrases in the comments, and please take precautions when shopping!


    •compensatory consumption
    •retaliatory consumption
    •retail therapy
    快來拿我們的【新聞英文-Marketing & Influencers 補充包】

  • pent英文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-03-21 15:09:34
    有 209 人按讚

    #簽名書不抽嗎 #升級版好美 #印刷廠猛猛
    🔥 《搭配詞的力量:名詞篇全新升級版》特別加錄美式英語錄音,全新上市 🔥

    人手一本的搭配詞的力量 (名詞篇) 中的 20 個重磅英語搭配詞,你會幾個呢?

    1. shift responsibility 推卸責任
    2. pour resources (+into) 投入資源
    3. strike up a relationship 建立關係
    4. bring back memory 喚起回憶
    5. cloud one's judgment (負面) 影響判斷力

    6. gain inspiration (+from) 從~得到靈感
    7. exercise imagination 運用想像力
    8. spur growth 促進成長
    9. go beyond expectations 超出預期
    10. revitalize economy 復甦經濟

    11. enormous difficulty 巨大的困難
    12. legitimate complaint 合理的抱怨
    13. prevailing myth 普遍的迷思
    14. half-baked idea 考慮不周全的點子
    15. sinking heart 沈重的心情

    16. yawning gap 鴻溝、很大的差距
    17. pent-up emotion 壓抑的情感
    18. hands-on experience 實做、實際的經驗
    19. gut feeling 直覺
    20. spare money 多餘的錢


    🔥 書籍購買:

    STEP 1. 按讚並Tag 2位 想一起學好英文的好朋友
    STEP 2. 留言「用搭配詞的力量,一起脫離中式英文吧!!」


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