Generating a book in one minute in the way of coding.
Through data importing, setting of value, function, parameter and calculating, as well as the v...
Generating a book in one minute in the way of coding.
Through data importing, setting of value, function, parameter and calculating, as well as the visual structure planned in advance, an over-600-page book which consists of the content Oxford English Dictionary A to Z word list at the top of the page and 'One Hundred Years Solitude'' written by Gabriel García Márquez at the bottom of the page: is then generated less than one minute, going along with the editable high-resolution PDF.
It might be fantastic, yet as my background in graphic design, I feel like any way to generate work is just ways as options. I’m fascinated by knowing novel methods, in the meanwhile, it’s not hard for me to realise only designers’ taste can dominate the expression and constitution of works to export productions aesthetically, not the priority of using any tool. Before any coding, the most crucial need is what you've been trained as, how you're experiencing forms, as well as the ways you interpret the materials.
In a way coding seems time-saving, it can be a perfect choice when constant format or randomness of arranging materials is expected. However, you should use the way most making you feel comfortable to work on making things if the outcome of the production would go the same, as I believe some would like editing page by page by intuition, emotion or subjectiveness, as a journey of sense and dialogue with ingredients. Especially when people are working on editorial designs involving the arrangement of photographs or graphical pieces.
Coding can be meaningful if we go through it without getting lost in how it helps us clarify approaches and to what extent we feel like to generate things by it.
透過編碼計算,將「牛津字典 A to Z 單字庫」與「馬奎斯《百年孤寂》」作為資料庫導入編寫平台後設定參數、函數與變數、設計好視覺架構,一本600多頁雙內容的書40秒內排版完成,同時輸出成可於AI編輯且可直接送印之PDF檔。
如果不迷失於它 1. 或可幫助我們認清方法的本質、以及 2. 有多大程度我們希望通過它生成事物,這樣的編碼才有意義。