

在 packages中文產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,432的網紅雪倫 》跨國商業人士 沒告訴你的事,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Kerwin下週四受邀於 #商業思維學院 授課。你可能常聽我分享K哥營運大中華區市場,出差歐美,定居雪梨的故事。但很難得,他終於開課了——把海外市場開拓「使業績5倍增長,營收破億」的實戰,理出可操作的步驟,教戰給同學😃。K哥剛在學院社團和同學們自我介紹,我也轉過來和大家分享😎 「我現於雪梨工作;...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅DJ Diary,也在其Youtube影片中提到,?Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (吉隆坡心臟和脈管中心) ?CVSKL醫院聯絡查詢(粵語) (陳小姐)+6017-818 6398 (黃小姐)+6016-216 2578 WhatsApp聯絡查詢(粵語) (陳小姐)+6017-818 6398 ...

  • packages中文 在 雪倫 》跨國商業人士 沒告訴你的事 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-03 16:15:08
    有 26 人按讚

    Kerwin下週四受邀於 #商業思維學院 授課。你可能常聽我分享K哥營運大中華區市場,出差歐美,定居雪梨的故事。但很難得,他終於開課了——把海外市場開拓「使業績5倍增長,營收破億」的實戰,理出可操作的步驟,教戰給同學😃。K哥剛在學院社團和同學們自我介紹,我也轉過來和大家分享😎

    「我現於雪梨工作;身處規模8000人美國上市公司Atlassian,我們打造全球第一的敏捷工具 Jira/ Trello;《財星》500大企業 超過 80% 是我們客戶(包括SpaceX、NASA),公司股價超越 Facebook、微軟、Salesforce。












    1. 實戰經驗傳授
    2. 你需要具備的思路&策略
    3. 可實際執行的步驟


    一、(從0~1) 到了一個全新海外市場,我沒有任何人脈、資源,我該從哪裡開始?

    二、(從1~100) 當我有了一些資源,下一步該怎麼擴大影響力?(我會與你分享,我如何做到第一年賺進 500 萬人民幣,第二年 5 倍成長。歸納你可以實際執行的方式)





  • packages中文 在 傅麗玲 Cindy Po Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-26 08:04:52
    有 27 人按讚

    感恩所有报馆的报道 🙏
    谢谢 💓 丽玲姐姐爱你们 🥳


    谢谢南洋商报 💓 南洋商报 Nanyang Siang Pau

    谢谢中国报 💓 China Press (中國報)

    谢谢 光华报 💓 光华日报 Kwong Wah Yit Poh

    谢谢光明日报 💓 Guangming Daily-光明日报

    谢谢 💓

    谢谢 💓

    谢谢 星州日报 💓

    谢谢 💓 南洋商报 - 北马区

    谢谢 💓 The Star The Star

    Facing financial problems during the fighting periods against the pandemic

    Dr Tan Chuan Hong: Welcome to free registration for attending 711 Mandarin Personal Financial Planning Forum.

    The Chairman of the Malaysian Financial Planning Council Penang Chapter, Dr. Tan Chuan Hong urged the public to register to join the forum which will be held on July 11 (Sunday) at 2:30 pm. The forum “Knowledge, Attitude and Implementation of Personal Financial Planning during the Fighting Period against the Pandemic" is organised by Penang Chinese Town Hall Youth together with live broadcaster "Ling Listening to Your Heart".

    He said that during the fighting period of more than a year against the pandemic, many people are facing financial pressures and suffering from mental illnesses such as depression, and there is a gradual increase in them.

    Dr Tan Chuan Hong said that beside public hope that the government can give more assistance and revitalization packages to assist them, the council also hopes to provide more correct and positive financial management knowledge through this Personal Financial Planning forum. So that, the public can have a broader and long-term vision to deal with their own financial problems, whether it is to increase income and reduce expenditure, relieve debt pressure, prudent and smart investment or asset allocation and other arrangements as well as have a better understanding and wise decision-making.

    "In terms of financial management attitude, we should handle financial crisis more carefully, and at the same time avoid overconfidence and fluke mentality to seek for opportunities of rapid gaining investment.”

    Dr Tan Chuan Hong hopes that through this Personal Financial Planning forum, people can have a more rational attitude and strive to reduce emotional consumption when implementing their own money and avoid falling into investment scams with smarter financial management.

    In addition, Penang Chinese Town Hall Youth YouTalk Online Bureau Chief said that the online live broadcast sharing session planned by Penang Chinese Town Hall Youth will mainly discuss about public welfare content related to citizens' awareness.

    This is the sixth event which was also co-organized by the Penang Chapter of MFPC collaborated with famous artist Cindy Po 傅丽玲 ; and an interview will be carried out among Deputy President of Malaysian Financial Plaining Council Dr Chong Kok Fei who is also a Financial Education Manager of AKPK together with Chairman of MFPC Penang Chapter and Certified MFPC Trainer Dr Tan Chuan Hong.

    Those who are interested in participating in this online Personal Financial Planning online forum can register for free (for the public) https://1st.mfpc.org.my/PublicEventRegistration/280, and (for MFPC members) through https://1st.mfpc .org.my and will get 2 CPDs points.

  • packages中文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-12 07:01:00
    有 499 人按讚

    早安,你今天 Q 了嗎?

    🇹🇼 In Italy, ‘Al Dente’ Is Prized. In Taiwan, It’s All About Food That’s ‘Q.’

    🍭 NEW TAIPEI CITY, Taiwan — As dusk falls at Lehua Night Market, the fluorescent lights flicker on and the hungry customers start trickling in, anxious for a taste of the local delicacies that give this island its reputation as one of Asia’s finest culinary capitals. Neatly arranged pyramids of plump fish balls. Bowls brimming with tapioca balls bathed in lightly sweetened syrup. Sizzling oyster omelets, hot off the griddle. Deep-fried sweet potato puffs, still dripping with oil.

    -fluorescent: 發出螢光的
    -trickle in: 三三兩兩地抵達
    -reputation: 名聲
    -culinary: 烹飪的
    -griddle: 鐵板、煎鍋
    -deep-fried: 油炸的

    🍡 Take a bite of any of these dishes and you’ll discover a unique texture. But how exactly do you describe that perfectly calibrated “mouth feel” so sought after by local cooks and eaters alike?
    Slippery? Chewy? Globby? Not exactly the most flattering adjectives in the culinary world.
    Luckily, the Taiwanese have a word for this texture. Well, actually, it’s not a word, it’s a letter — one that even non-Chinese speakers can pronounce.
    It’s “Q.”


    -texture: 口感、質地、韻味
    -calibrate: 校準、調整、調配
    -be sought after: 趨之若鶩
    -chewy: 有嚼勁的

    🥤 “It’s difficult to explain what Q means exactly,” said Liu Yen-ling, a manager at Chun Shui Tang, a popular teahouse chain that claims to have invented tapioca milk tea in Taiwan. “Basically it means springy, soft, elastic.”
    Q texture is to Taiwanese what umami is to Japanese and al dente is to Italians — that is, cherished and essential. Around Taiwan, the letter Q can often be glimpsed amid a jumble of Chinese characters on shop signs and food packages and in convenience stores and advertisements.

    「Q」的口感之於台灣人,就等於「umami」(鮮)之於日本人,「al dente」(有嚼勁)之於義大利人——備受珍視,也必不可少。在台灣各地,可以在店鋪招牌和便利店、廣告的食物包裝中的一堆中文字裡瞥見「Q」這個字母。

    -tapioca milk tea: 珍珠奶茶
    -springy: 有彈性的、彈牙的
    -umami: 鮮味
    -al dente: 彈牙、有嚼勁
    -glimpse: 瞥見

    加入每日國際選讀計畫,發揚台灣 QQ 美食



    #告訴我✍🏻 「你覺得哪家珍珠最 Q? 」

    #小孩子才做選擇 #我全都要

