

在 on巧克力奶昔產品中有20篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過108萬的網紅背包客棧,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, “ 自問廚藝不精,但喜歡diy,所以我成功跟著做的食譜都是超容易的.. 家裡沒有華麗的煮食工具,所以我隨手拿到什麼就用什麼.. warning:以下食譜味道好但 不一定健康 / 一定不健康 .. 少吃多滋味,多吃大肚皮 / 作者 夢遊地球 1. 蒸香蕉巧克力蛋糕 steamed banana c...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅糖餃子Sweet Dumpling,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make the classic chocolate milkshake with real sugar and high quality bittersweet chocolate....

on巧克力奶昔 在 邱婷婷 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-08 23:47:44

最近女兒放暑假,把運動排到早上上班前,晚上做個伸展瑜珈,想說這樣應該比較有時間,應該可以10:30以前躺在床上吧?結果還是一樣每天忙到11點,還是有一種時間怎樣都不夠用的感覺....到底🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ . 🍱#便當 #早餐 🌽水煮玉米。 🍳烤甜椒蛋盅(甜椒去頭+玫瑰鹽+雞蛋1顆+黑胡椒顆粒...

on巧克力奶昔 在 邱婷婷 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-08 23:48:11

今天的早餐好豐盛😋 上次逛頂好,看到最愛的乳酪抹醬有出減脂的,馬上抓一盒回家,單吃味道差不多,熱量、脂肪卻少了一大半👍 然後冷凍香蕉+花生醬真的是好好吃阿🤪  #早餐 🍌冷凍香蕉+菲力鮮奶油乳酪 減脂*抹醬+草莓。 🍓冷凍香蕉+活力猴 顆粒花生醬+草莓。 🦐鹽烤泰國蝦。 🥦燙花椰菜。...

  • on巧克力奶昔 在 背包客棧 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-05-22 10:24:44
    有 63 人按讚

    “ 自問廚藝不精,但喜歡diy,所以我成功跟著做的食譜都是超容易的.. 家裡沒有華麗的煮食工具,所以我隨手拿到什麼就用什麼..
    warning:以下食譜味道好但 不一定健康 / 一定不健康 .. 少吃多滋味,多吃大肚皮 / 作者 夢遊地球
    1. 蒸香蕉巧克力蛋糕 steamed banana chocolate cake

    我們經常買香蕉做奶昔,西西里的天氣和暖,香蕉很快就長滿梅花點,熟到快爛的香蕉正是香蕉蛋糕的最佳食材.. 我用普通的不銹鋼盤取代蛋糕盤,不加泡打粉或小蘇打.. 以下份量的製成品約1000克

    雞蛋 4隻
    糖 170克 (我用紅糖)
    植物油 170克
    鹽 1/8茶匙
    香蕉 300克 (重量以去皮為準,約2-3根大超熟的)
    中筋麵粉 250克
    純巧克力粉 1湯匙 (我用無糖,如果用有糖則減上面列出的糖量)




    蒸蛋糕會帶點濕濕的,這是正常現象.. 除了香蕉壓蓉的工序,其他攪拌的工序都在同一個鋼盤內進行,那就可以避免浪費材料了


  • on巧克力奶昔 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-31 16:00:19
    有 651 人按讚

    每當感到肚子很餓的時候,漢堡向來是貓兒果腹的主要選項之一,跟貓兒認識多年的朋友(甚至在美留學時期就曾經一起用過餐)應該都知道:貓兒是可以在美式餐廳裡,獨力吃完一整個double安格斯牛肉培根蘑菇乳酪漢堡(搭配Coleslaw 及Tartar醬薯條,佐以大杯巧克力奶昔);雖說貓兒平時都持之以恆在運動,但是仍擔心從12月初的慶生聚餐一路吃到年底的元旦將至,熱量難免會累積較多,此時友人推薦的素漢堡,便成了新年resolution的新選項。


    在香港和上海都有高知名度的Beef & Liberty(尚牛社會),將於2021年一月份,提供姊妹品牌Leaves & Liberty的100%素食餐點,從開胃前菜、沙拉到數款漢堡,通通都是Vegan純素,其中包括時下流行的Impossible™ Burger(植物製造肉漢堡)。對於吃漢堡時,向來無肉不歡的貓兒,這回來到中環Beef & Liberty(位於蘭桂坊)品嚐素食漢堡餐的感想是:雖然是全素,但美味不減,植物製造肉跟以往熟悉的美式漢堡牛肉,風味差異其實並不大,讓貓兒吃得飽足之餘,還不用擔心攝取過多熱量,是用茹素喜迎新春的健康佳選。


    Beef & Liberty的素食餐點是由Neil Tomes所研發,Tomes主廚過去曾任職於英國的傳奇餐廳The Fat Duck(貓兒最愛的米其林三星美食殿堂之一)和香港中環藝穗會的M at the Fringe(上海外灘M on the Bund米氏西餐廳的姐妹店),廚藝功力自然非凡,這回Beef & Liberty推出的純素餐點內容包括:

    《Starters》Charred Cauliflower 香烤椰菜花、Oyster Mushroom Tempura 杏鮑菇天婦羅、Corn Cobbler 烤甜粟米粒;《Salads》Pear & Radicchio Salad 雪梨菊苣沙拉、Pomegranate Salad 紅石榴沙拉;《Burgers》Beetroot 紅菜頭漢堡、Shrumani 鮮菇藜麥漢堡、Impossible™ Double Smashed with Cheese植物製造肉雙重芝士漢堡,Sweet Potato Fries 蕃薯條;《Dessert》Vegan Chocolate Cake 純素朱古力蛋糕。

  • on巧克力奶昔 在 吃貨政大NCCUeater Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-16 16:05:55
    有 13 人按讚

    📌拿鐵咖啡 $100 ⭐⭐⭐
    📌香蕉蘋果奶昔$100 ⭐⭐⭐(⭐)
    📌Oreo生乳酪$90 ⭐⭐⭐(⭐)
    📌Banana and Apple milk shake$100
    📌Oreo cheese cake$90
    🕐Opening Time:Tue~Sun 11:30~20:30,Closed on Mon
    🏠Location:No.148, Sec. 1, Singuang Rd., Wunshan Dist., Taipei City 116
    #吃貨政大_咖啡廳 #台北美食 #台北 #文山區美食 #文山區 #木柵美食 #木柵 #政大美食 #政大 #nccu

  • on巧克力奶昔 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-07-17 20:15:00

    Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make the classic chocolate milkshake with real sugar and high quality bittersweet chocolate.

    Milkshake is a classic nostalgic and ultimate in retro comfort food. They became a common part of youth popular culture and a symbol of the youth. They are calorie-rich drinks but super yummy.

    Actually it’s easy to make at home. In this video, the copycat recipe is from Shake Shack, which is the most famous restaurant in the United States. Their burgers get all the praise, but the shakes are really good, too. Especially the chocolate milkshake (black and white shake). Good news is you don’t need to visit the restaurant, if you have this classic Shake Shack easy chocolate milkshake recipe on hand.

    In this recipe, the fudge sauce is the secret of the perfect taste. Always use real sugar and high quality bittersweet chocolate to make it. The fudge sauce is similar to French chocolate ganache. There's so many uses for this, like to use it as topping for ice cream, or drizzle for cake.  Also we prepare another delicious Oreo milkshake for kids. Since now is summer.

    Ready to make your own high quality milkshake? You need just a few ingredients and several  minutes to mix in your blender. Just do it. Cheers.

    📍 Please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial/
    📍 Welcome to follow me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio  
    How to make blueberry pancakes
    ☞ Servings : 2 glasses, each 250ml

    📍  Ingredients
    ☞ For the hot fudge sauce
    heavy cream 40g
    whole milk 83g
    granulated sugar 10g
    70% bittersweet chocolate 65g
    unsalted butter 15g

    ☞ For the chocolate milkshake
    fudge sauce 125g
    whole milk 140g
    vanilla ice cream 250g

    ☞ For the Oreo milkshake (1 glass, about 240ml)
    oreo cookie 3
    whole milk 80g
    vanilla ice cream 125g

    📍  Instructions
    ☞ For the hot fudge sauce
    1. Add milk and heavy cream and sugar into the saucepan over medium-low heat, bring it to a simmer, then add butter to mix until melted. Remove the pan from heat.
    2. Add the bittersweet chocolate into the saucepan and stir often, the chocolate is melting into the cream and butter.
    3. Then pour into a pot or a container to let it cool down.

    ☞ For the chocolate milkshake
    1. Throw the vanilla ice cream, milk and fudge sauce into a blender and purée until smooth.
    2. Serve with straws in a tall glass. Top with heavy cream and shave a little chocolate Cheers.

    ☞ For the Oreo milkshake
    1. Throw the Oreo cookies, ice cream and milk into a blender and purée until smooth.
    2. Serve with straws in a tall glass.
    00:00 opening
    00:32 Ingredients
    01:11 how to make hot fudge sauce
    03:48 Black and white shake
    06:33 Vanilla Oreo milkshake

  • on巧克力奶昔 在 Nora Hsu- Barrel Leaf Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-23 18:30:06

    哈囉,我是 Nora 葉子,這次要來分享我非常喜歡喝的四款植物奶調飲/飲品,簡單調製一下就像在咖啡店或餐廳點的飲料了。這四種飲品的味道都很不一樣,希望你們會喜歡!


    • IG - https://www.instagram.com/barrelleaf/
    • FB - http://fb.me/barrelleafstoastnotebook
    • 食譜電子書 - http://bit.ly/nora-eb7ook-bundle

    • 加入我的 Patreon - http://bit.ly/NoraHsu-Patreon
    • 支持創作 - https://p.ecpay.com.tw/00C410F

    • E-mail - nora@barrelleaf.com
    • Website - https://www.barrelleaf.com/
    • Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/barrelleaf

    » 我如何變成 Vegan - https://youtu.be/Jtjf87f7s4Y


    謝謝乾唐軒 ACERA 贊助此影片,此影片中的保溫杯(珍珠白藍圈)*:https://tinyurl.com/yey2c9xe

    #1 抹茶燕麥奶 00:28

    240 ml 燕麥奶
    1 Tbsp 抹茶粉
    2 Tbsp 熱開水
    2~3 tsp 有機椰糖
    7~10 顆冰塊

    #2 印度茶那堤 01:35

    1 根肉桂棒, 或 1/4 tsp 肉桂粉
    1/8 tsp 丁香粉
    1 顆八角
    1/8 tsp 肉荳蔻粉
    少許 粗粒黑胡椒
    480 ml 水
    1 包紅茶茶包

    ~200 ml 印度茶

    #3 熱巧克力 03:18

    1 Tbsp 無糖可可粉
    60 ml 熱水
    1/2 Tbsp 楓糖漿
    1/4 tsp 純香草精
    1/8 tsp 鹽, 選加
    240 ml 熱的植物奶, 另外加 100 ml 奶泡用*
    ~10 g 黑巧克力, 50-70% 可可含量

    #4 草莓植物奶昔 04:52

    150 g 冷凍草莓
    50 g 冷凍香蕉切片
    160 ml 植物奶
    1/4 tsp 純香草精


    我常在 iHerb 上採買食材*
    用折扣碼 MOK5777 享 9-95 折

    植物奶這裡買 *

    ACEfamily (植物奶、穀片、果乾)*
    用折扣碼 barrelleaf 滿500折50


    • 我的器具食材 - https://bit.ly/BarrelLeaf-Shop
    • iHerb 購物 - http://bit.ly/shop-iherb-zh


    Music by
    Annie Dang - distracted - https://soundcloud.com/anniedxng/distracted
    Naomi - Clouds - https://thmatc.co/?l=EC0AC07B
    CFEQ - Twist to open - https://thmatc.co/?l=8C9FA18C
    No Spirit - Morning In The Cafe https://chll.to/e6f91c52
    Emi Choi - Man Go - https://thmatc.co/?l=35A9BB19
    Gil Wanders - Ako - https://thmatc.co/?l=D376D0B3
    Ollie Joseph - Ripped Up - https://thmatc.co/?l=29AF60E6

    *Affiliate links

  • on巧克力奶昔 在 MindBonnieSoul Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-02-22 07:21:37

    Remember to Subscribe to my channel MindBonnieSoul and turn on your notification bell!


    I love Kickstarting the day by consuming a range of nutrients. When your body has sufficient nutrients, you will get a healthy glow and a surge of energy throughout the day. Not to mention, if your body is physically healthy, your brain will be healthy producing balanced chemicals making you feel happier, and more clear headed as well. This is why I enjoy my healthy nutritious shakes everyday. That being said, drinking this is not a replacement, to remain healthily you may choose to consume fresh fruit, veggies, and a nutritious meals throughout the day! What is fun about making your own healthy shake is that there are so many mixes the options are endless for different results! You can choose to use powders or fresh fruits and vegetables.

    In this video I shared my daily super smoothie for beauty and energy, antioxidant rich beauty smoothie, delicious chocolate banana smoothie, and super green nutritious smoothie.

    Enjoy some of my most favourite mixes. Have fun and play around! Bon Appetite!

    Venue: Bakebe
    IG: @mindbonniesoul @bonnieschan #MindBonnieSoul


    一整天的營養膳食! 自己製作健康奶昔的樂趣在於,有這麼多的混合選擇得到不同的口味!



    IG: @mindbonniesoul @bonnieschan #MindBonnieSoul