

在 offend用法產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅EZ Talk,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #你不知道的美國大小事 #haveeggononesface Food Idioms 🐔 美國生活用語之其他食物:Egg 1⃣ good eggs and bad eggs 2⃣ have egg on one’s face 3⃣ put all one’s eggs in one basket ...

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    2019-12-06 16:00:16
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    #你不知道的美國大小事 #haveeggononesface
    Food Idioms 🐔 美國生活用語之其他食物:Egg

    1⃣ good eggs and bad eggs
    2⃣ have egg on one’s face
    3⃣ put all one’s eggs in one basket
    4⃣ walk on eggshells


    Nuts are nutritious and all, but now it’s time for some animal protein. Eggs are cheap, tasty and an excellent source of protein—which may explain why there are so many egg-related idioms.

    Just as there are bad apples, 1⃣there are also bad eggs—and good ones as well. Ex: There are good eggs and bad eggs in every group.
    跟壞蘋果一樣,雞蛋也是有好有壞。如:There are good eggs and bad eggs in every group.(每個團隊都會有好人跟壞人。)

    In the past, audiences used to pelt performers with raw eggs if they didn’t like the performance. As a result, 2⃣to “have egg on one’s face” came to mean to “suffer a public embarrassment.” Ex: The CEO really had egg on his face when the new product didn’t work during the demonstration.
    以前的人如果看了不喜歡的表演,就會拿生雞蛋朝表演者砸。因此have egg on one’s face後來就有「出醜,在大庭廣眾下丟臉,沒面子」的意思。如:The CEO really had egg on his face when the new product didn’t work during the demonstration.(新產品在示範時無法運作,讓執行長一臉尷尬。)

    If you put all your eggs in one basket, they’ll all break if you drop it, and you’ll be left with nothing. 3⃣So to “put all one’s eggs in one basket” means to put all ones effort or resources into one thing, which, if it fails, will leave one with no alternatives. Ex: When it comes to investing, it’s a bad idea to put all your eggs in one basket.
    如果你把所有雞蛋都放在同一個籃子裡,萬一籃子掉了,全部雞蛋就會破掉,你就啥也沒了。所以put all one’s eggs in one basket意思就是「將全部心力或資源投注在一件事情上」,萬一失敗就無路可退。如:When it comes to investing, it’s a bad idea to put all your eggs in one basket.(投資方面,將全部雞蛋放在同個籃子裡是很傻的。)

    If you were to walk on eggshells, you’d have to be very careful if you wanted to avoid breaking them. For this reason, 4⃣to “walk on eggshells” means to be very careful not to anger or offend someone (because they are easily angered or offended). Ex: Fred has a bad temper, so I always have to walk on eggshells around him.
    想像一下自己走在蛋殼上,你得小心翼翼,不然會踩破。因為這個原因,walk on eggshells指「(因為對方非常敏感脆弱而)小心應對,如履薄冰」。如:Fred has a bad temper, so I always have to walk on eggshells around him.(Fred脾氣火爆,所以我在他身邊總是如履薄冰。)

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