

在 noticed用法產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 建議指數 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5 out of 5) 優點: 選字精準道地、附習題、主題多元 缺點: 有點貴!?、需要有人帶,不然學生容易看了幾頁當裝飾品放在那邊 今天要介紹給大家的一本字彙書,是劍橋大學出版社所出的 English Vocabulary in Use (Advanced) ...

  • noticed用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-08-21 18:30:27
    有 750 人按讚

    建議指數 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5 out of 5)

    優點: 選字精準道地、附習題、主題多元
    缺點: 有點貴!?、需要有人帶,不然學生容易看了幾頁當裝飾品放在那邊

    今天要介紹給大家的一本字彙書,是劍橋大學出版社所出的 English Vocabulary in Use (Advanced) 。劍橋大學出版社出了一系列的書、以及一系列的語言評量測驗 (FCE, CAE, CPE) 而這些書籍可以說是因應其考試所相對應的備考書 (但又不會像念考試官方指南那樣那麼 test-specific),但即便沒有要考這些考試,單純作英語實力提升也是很好的語言書。

    而在這系列的書裡頭,我特別推的就是 English Vocabulary in Use (Advanced) 這一本。這一本書粗略地將單字的「主題」或「概念」分成了14個大面向,100 個小面向,以主題為背景,呈現詞彙群的比較、固定搭配、片語等,配合一些練習習題,也加深讀者對詞彙的記憶和用法的認識。

    不過啊,這本書可能比較適合全民英檢中級以上、托福 80 以上、雅思6.0以上的同學使用,對於 beginners 的用書我之後會再推薦喔!


    1. The first thing I’ve noticed was he has put on weight (變胖) and he has got a double chin (雙下巴) (p.22).

    2. Young children often seem to have a thirst for knowledge (對知識很渴望). (p.30)

    3. The restaurant offered us coffees on the house (免費的咖啡). (p. 40)

    4. Paula is having the time of her life (玩得很愉快) in Canada. (p. 40)

    5. They repaired my car but the work was very shoddy (品質不好). (p. 72)

  • noticed用法 在 東籬。Tori。Cosplay Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-06-16 02:19:21
    有 9 人按讚

    小泉 花陽 ☆ 東籬。Smart。Cosplay
    攝影 ☆ Wilsoncosplayphoto
    Wilson's post just brought me 2X new likes (which is already a lot to me LOL)
    I noticed that some of the new comers are not locals, so I try to type in English :p
    Here is 東籬 from Hong Kong, nice to meet you *hug*
    (If you can't type that you can just call me Kit)
    I understand that not everyone can understand Cantonese so I will always type in formal Chinese. But since English is not my mother language, I am not good in English. To avoid making myself a laughing stock , there won't be bilingual broadcasting in every post. It will be good if you can read Chinese, but in case you can't, well, maybe the facebook auto translation can help you? '_>'
    But of course I can handle with simple conversations. If anyone find the auto translation impossible to understand, and desperately want to know what I have typed, feel free to yell for a manual translation under the posts. Special service for you hahaha. Huh and chit chats are welcomed!!!

  • noticed用法 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2012-05-16 18:23:26
    有 3 人按讚

    下班囉! 星期三, 不想太晚走, 趕快唸一下 10句精彩對話再閃人哦!

    電影 我們買了動物園 - We Bought A Zoo! 10 句精彩對話 Part 11

    Dylan went through something that no kid should ever have to go through, so Benjamin is giving him a little bit of leeway for a chance to start over.

    1. Please, she's way younger than me. She's 12.
    她比我年輕許多 (way younger than). 她才 12 歲

    2. Dad, there's nothin' you could say to me that's more harsh than what I'm sayin' to myself!
    Dad, 你對我說的話都比我自己對自己說的話還要難聽 (harsh)

    3. I'm sorry I messed up the box of snakes.
    對於我把整箱的蛇搞砸 (messed up) 的事很抱歉

    4. He's so patronizing to me!

    5. Nice word, hotshot!
    好詞, 說得好!

    6. Now you'll notice here that I am stringing this cable right near the hock, right near the center.
    現在你會注意到我會把線捆在跗關節附近, 中心處 (string的用法)

    7. Hey, I'm pretty sure this is none of my business, but I noticed that your kid really pushes your buttons.
    Hey, 我很確定這不關我的事, 但我注意到你的小孩真的把你惹毛了 (pushes your buttons)!

    8. He went through somethin' that no kid should ever have to go through, so I'm givin' him a little bit of leeway.
    他所經歷的不是任何一個小孩必需經過的, 所以我才會留點餘地 (leeway) 給他

    9. A minute ago, he was into paper airplanes, and now he's into portraits of decapitations.
    一分鐘前他還對紙飛機著迷 (into), 現在卻對斷頭 (decapitations) 的肖像畫入迷 (強調對比很大的意思)

    10. You know, I expected you to be heading for the hills by now. Well, we got through today.
    你知道, 我還在期望你現在會躲得遠遠的 (head for the hills)。Well, 我們順利渡過今天了!

    How will Benjamin show Dylan his love?

    To be continued...

