為什麼這篇non-solicitation中文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在non-solicitation中文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者zhontf (阿密)看板Eng-Class標題[請益] 關於獨家代理合約問題時間Fri Dec...
總共列出八個基本條件, 後面的中文是我的理解
有幾個地方不是很懂, 想請各位幫我看看
如有理解錯誤也煩請指正, 感激不盡!
- license limited to selling or reselling our products only in specified
foreign jurisdictions
- non-competition/non-solicitation agreement for any customers outside of the
licensed jurisdiction
問題1: 指的是顧客要遵守條款還是銷售給這些顧客的代理商要遵守?
- upfront license fee (須預付權利金)
- minimum multi-year term (至少須簽下一年合約)
- minimum purchase amounts to be prepaid quarterly
問題2: amount可以是數量也可以是總額, 有點不太清楚是哪個
問題3: 這邊是指每季都要有最低購買金額且須預付嗎?
- license renewal fees and minimum purchase amounts for renewal terms
- all purchases from us to be prepaid in full, and all shipping to be your
- an ongoing, updated list of purchasers to whom you sell or broker the sale
of our products
問題4: 後面的or broker the sale of our products我完全沒頭緒是什麼意思...
不好意思文章有點長, 很謝謝各位耐心看完
"Doubt thou the stars are fire,
Doubt that the sun doth move,
Doubt truth to be a liar,
But never doubt I love."
-William Shakespeare, Hamlet
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