

在 nobody用法產品中有16篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,557的網紅櫃子小姐愛旅行,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 各式各樣的國家,在英文裡怎麼用呢? 櫃子今天來分享🇳🇱荷蘭的英文用法給大家~ Go Dutch是各付各的。 那麼為什麼是去🇳🇱荷蘭,不是去別的地方呢? 1600年代中期至1700年代後期,🇬🇧英國和🇳🇱荷蘭兩大強權競逐航海霸權,因此英國人常揶揄荷蘭人。 英國常見的俗語裡,除了「go D...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅SAVI魔人,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我的專頁►►https://www.facebook.com/SAVI39x 我的Instagram►►https://www.instagram.com/savi39x/ 工作聯絡:[email protected] 每月供養魔人請到►►: https://www.youtube.com/...

nobody用法 在 奶媽 Naima Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-04 16:35:52

【陶晶瑩與博恩的對談/最簡單的呈現,才是最難的功底】  #陶晶瑩 新節目《#陶口秀》日前邀請 #博恩 當嘉賓,主持大姐大遇上脫口秀新星,兩人對「主持」這門學問的迷惘卻是相通的,筆者認為很有趣,值得拿出來討論。  陶晶瑩與博恩都是名校畢業,一個政大,一個英國倫敦大學,他們對世界都有很多話想說,...

nobody用法 在 PINGY Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-08 05:10:26

@larocheposaytw #B5全面修復霜 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 記得看到最後面🤫 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 已經說了好多遍我人生不能沒有B5全面修復霜,我完全就是把它當成萬用霜在用,已經用掉一條40ml跟一條100ml的了🤪 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 這次收到B5萬用急救箱要來跟你們分享...

nobody用法 在 alina Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-23 17:28:11

回憶了一下以前國文老師教的作文起承轉合脈絡~我就來獻醜一下吧哈哈 作文題「小人物大生活」😉  大家都學過「對比用法」吧?「小」人物「大」生活就是一個很好的例句,告訴我們就算你只是一個平凡人,你的生活也可以過得多采多姿。  身為一個Youtuber, 認真覺得很符合小人物大生活的最佳代表...

  • nobody用法 在 櫃子小姐愛旅行 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-25 19:56:22
    有 69 人按讚


    Go Dutch是各付各的。



    英國常見的俗語裡,除了「go Dutch」各付各的以外,或吃一頓「Dutch treat」,也是代表吃飯各付各的,這一開始是說荷蘭人小氣,後來變成吃飯各付各的的意思。

    Go Dutch 跟AA制有什麼不同呢?聽說Go Dutch 就是付自己吃的,AA制就是大家均攤那一餐,不管你吃的多還是少。

    那麼「Dutch courage」是指喝酒獲得勇氣,來自荷蘭人非常愛喝酒的印象。


    再來「Dutch bargain」代表透過狂飲達成協議,也來自荷蘭人愛喝酒的印象,難怪很多人愛一邊喝酒一邊談生意!

    「double Dutch」代表胡說八道,講些莫名其妙的話。


    ✅She always insists on going Dutch when they go out together.

    ✅Nobody had much money, so we decided to make the party a Dutch treat.

    ✅Dutch courage is the courage or bravado induced by alcohol.

    ✅Dutch bargain is a bargain made and sealed while drinking, it’s also called “wet bargain”.

    ✅Her speech was a double Dutch.

    註: Double Dutch(jump rope)是一項遊戲,其中兩個或兩個同時跳的運動員跳向相反方向的兩個跳遠繩,起源於紐約市的荷蘭移民。




  • nobody用法 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-23 06:00:19
    有 100 人按讚

    「Except」と「Except for」の使い分けルール
    「Except」と「Except for」は両方とも「〜以外」を意味しますが、用法はそれぞれ異なるので注意が必要です。今回のコラムでは、これらを上手に使い分けできるための基本的なルールをご紹介します。
    Smoking is not allowed except in designated areas.
    I run at the beach except on the weekend.
    He is quiet except when he drinks.
    「Except for」を使う場合
    ~「Except for」の後に名詞が来る場合~
    ✔名詞句がフォローする場合は「Except for」を使いましょう。
    ✔「Except for」+「名詞(句)」
    I cleaned the house except for the kitchen.
    (キッチン以外 、家を掃除しました)
    Except for the sore throat, I feel fine.
    「Except」と「Except for」両方が使える場合
    1) 「Except (for)」の前に物事を総括した表現がくる場合
    ✔文頭で使われる場合は「Except for」を使うのが一般的です。
    I cleaned the whole house except (for) the kitchen.
    I can eat anything except (for) Natto.
    Except for Mike, everyone came to the party.
    2) 「Except (for)」の後に代名詞が来る場合
    ✔「Except (for)」+「目的格の代名詞」
    We all like sports except (for) her.
    Everyone is ready except (for) him.
    Nobody took the test except (for) me.


  • nobody用法 在 小劉醫師-劉宗瑀Lisa Liu粉絲團 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-10 21:05:26
    有 579 人按讚



    "Welcome to visit Taiwan. "
    ---> Welcome to Taiwan. It is our honour and privilege for you to visit our nation.

    "May I introduce myself. "
    ---> that's a sentence fragment

    "I have no intention to share what I did as Minister of Health with you now."
    ---> Nobody gives a flying fuck anyway

    "What I like to say is your country have many best schools of medicine and schools of public health such as University of Michigan where I get my PHD."
    ---> "The United States has numerous prestigious medical and public health insitutions, such as the University of Michigan"
    ---> where i RECEIVED my PHD

    "Then, how terrible your country deal with this conovir-19 pandimic ."
    ---> "However, there is grave concern regarding America’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic"
    Edit: "pandemic" 他拼錯, 還有本來以爲我學藝不精 ”conovir-19"是我沒看過的用法,結果發現只是neologism

    "You have the most patients and deaths in the world. "
    ---> 幹你公衛人可以講出這種話????? 用number count???

    "Only one week ago your President Trump still keeps saying mask is useless and during the predential campaign not to ask supporters to wear masks"
    ---> Except for the Tweet where Trump said masks were patriotic

    " All we know this will end up more kids get infected without symptom and bring virus back to familys and sociaty."

    ---> FAMILIES and SOCIETY (Community is a better word)

    "During 2009 - 2011 H1N1 out break, we closed the class with two cases and close the entire school if more than two classes closed."

    Edit: 有粉絲提醒這是楊部長任內事情,但是他第一段就說他不要提他任內做的事情...

    ---> OUTBREAK is one word
    ---> "our protocol was the following: a class could be closed if there were two cases, and the entire school would be closed if two classes closed."

    "Taiwan is regarded is one of the best to control H1N1 pandemic."
    --> Taiwan was regarded as one of the better-performing nations with regards to controlling the H1N1 Pandemic

    ”Many people around the world know Mr. Trump is nuts.“
    ---> #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #KeepAmericaGreat #2020川普要贏

    " So, if I were you, l will resign as Secretary as HHS here in Taiwan to put pressure on Mr . Trump to do and say things correctly."
    --> I "WOULD" resign
    ---> who quits their job while overseas? who's going to reimburse his return flight? you?

    Edit: 回美國以前要去吃個八方雲集,去洲際陪黃山君跳統一尚勇,再去林森北路實名制鬆一下

    "To do this not only save American lives and economy. the whole world will also benefit from this doing."
    ---> to do this WOULD not only... fuck I can't do this


    1. 彭文正要不要去查他的學歷
    Edit: 我要收回我的質疑,這種敏感時刻發這樣的文章,只有真學歷的人敢
