為什麼這篇morale翻譯鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在morale翻譯這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者ANCshan (ANC)看板RockMetal標題[翻譯] The Color Morale ...
morale翻譯 在 Amanda Tann Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-05-08 05:52:20
老公生前給我改了很多個不同的暱稱,花名。其中之一是:火麒麟,周身癮。因為,我的好奇心特強,又特別貪玩,什麼古靈精怪的玩意兒我都想試想玩。 有一次,我抓了丫頭陪我去學嘻哈舞。坦白說,我自覺得,第一次上課,已經挺不錯了。但負責拍攝的丫頭卻笑得無法把手機握穏,很打擊我這個初學者的士氣呢😤 #一Tann一...
The Color Morale - Steadfast (中英字幕)
Live Video with lyrics and Chinese subtitles
The Color Morale 最新翻譯影片釋出
而去年專輯《Know Hope》的中文字幕影片總共已累積至六部
他們的歌非常適合需要力量的人 老老實實的點進來
絕對會愛上他們的 是不是啊 青年領袖啊
We've been deserted
that doesn't mean that we deserve it
Is it worth keeping ourselves at bay
問問我們自己 這樣不斷地自甘墮落是值得的嗎
Set sail you've spent way too much time living your life in exile
現在就啟航吧 你花了太多時間活在自我放逐的人生中
So say goodbye to the shoreline
所以去跟那片再也熟悉不過的海岸線 說聲再見吧
Maybe if I'm sent off to sea I'll find out what this means to me
就算我是被放逐在廣大的汪洋之中 我也會找出其中的意義
I've got a message I carry that I have forgotten to read
我帶著一則要傳遞的訊息 不過我早就忘記打開內容了
I don't need another day floating away
Lost in the sea of regret I've made
I want to wash up new for once
就這一次 我想讓一切洗心革面
For once I don't want to float face down
就這一次 我不要繼續向下沉淪
We've been deserted
that doesn't mean that we deserve it
Is it worth keeping ourselves at bay
問問我們自己 這樣不斷地自甘墮落是值得的嗎
You can try and fail
你大可嘗試 大可失敗
But don't fail to try
Do I deserve this
If you're deserted you can't desert it
如果你被拋棄 你大可拋棄這個事實
You can never leave an island in your mind until you lose sight of the
你大可永遠不離開這座島嶼 直到你再也看不清那片海岸線
You can try and fail but don't fail to try
你大可嘗試與失敗 但別連嘗試的勇氣都失敗了
Some people spend their whole lives in exile
You can never leave an island until you lose sight of the shoreline
你大可永遠不離開這座島嶼 直到你再也看不清那片前往海岸線的道路
Times like these they come in wave
而在這種時候 失敗總是接踵而來
Make your footprint and send it right back away
所以留下你的腳印 然後把那些失敗通通送走
All you're saying to me tonight here in the open skyline
今晚的你們全都在這片遼闊的天際下 對我訴說著一切
Without darkness no star can learn to guide the way
要記住如果沒有了黑暗 沒有一顆星辰能夠學會指引方向
Maybe if I'm sent off to sea I'll find out what this means to me
就算我是被流放到廣大的汪洋之中 我也會找出其中的道理
I've got a message I carry that I have forgotten to read
我收到一則要傳遞的訊息 不過我早就忘記去看看內容了
You are not as lost as me
You are not as lost as me
You are not as lost as me
If you were I wouldn't be here writing
如果是的話 我也不會在這裡寫著一切
You are not as lost as me
If you were I wouldn't be here writing
如果是的話 我也不會在這裡寫著一切
Some day you will find me
總有一天 你會找到我的
Some day you will find me
總有一天 你會找到我的
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※ 編輯: ANCshan 來自: (01/05 08:07)