

在 morale英文產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 又到了早起念英文的時間囉!各位娘子軍們準備好了嗎?大家的孩子今天應該都去補課了吧!感謝早起上學的老大,順便也讓我達成早起念英文的第三天,今天就帶大家來唸一篇跟行銷相關的文章吧! 5 no-nonsense ways to improve the relationship between marke...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,400的網紅TOEIC コーチ Haruka,也在其Youtube影片中提到,こればっかりは本当に覚えるしかないです。動画を見たときに全問正解できるとは思ってません。紹介する単語がTOEICのどのような場面で使われ、ただの和訳でなく、イメージで捉えられるように紹介しています。ぜひスライドを活用して復習してくださいね😋 ※ モラルについて 4:00 morale 士気・mora...

morale英文 在 Cindy Sung Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-19 11:16:56

今天來介紹booster這個字! Booster的意思是「促進提升的事物、推動的事物」,例如本周新聞英文中提到的booster shot 就是強化、提升效力的疫苗,或者 a confidence booster就是提升信心的事物 🔋 Booster這個字由boost而來,boost的意思是「提升、...

morale英文 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-10 17:00:27

/ August 26, 2018 日本引進 AI 機械人教英文 Learning English through Artificial Intelligence . Summary: For the sake of bolstering the overall English proficienc...

  • morale英文 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-11 08:37:36
    有 462 人按讚


    5 no-nonsense ways to improve the relationship between marketing and sales

    no-nonsense 嚴肅的;實際的;不說廢話的

    You’ll read everywhere on LinkedIn and Twitter about the importance of cross-collaboration between marketing and sales teams, but is any work actually getting done to make improvements?

    LinkedIn跟 Twitter 上到處都可以看到行銷部門與銷售業務團隊兼跨部門協作的重要性,但有任何工作真的改善了嗎?

    cross-collaboration 跨越(部門、領域)協作

    A poll by LinkedIn revealed that only 46% of marketers describe sales and marketing as “highly aligned.”


    Poll 民意調查 align對齊;一致

    Despite a shared objective for gathering and converting more leads into long-lasting customers, this collaboration issue stems from a few different causes:

    despite儘管 shared objective共同目標 gather收集 convert轉化
    long-lasting長期的 stem from源自於

    • Each department works in silos and there’s little to no communication between them.

    silos 穀倉 (商業用語中指各機構沒有做好溝通交流)

    • The marketing team is expected to create and tweak the brand’s assets without any feedback from sales.

    • Sales are expected to convert more, even if they aren’t receiving quality leads from marketing.


    By working together even incrementally better, both teams can see huge gains, like up to 209% more revenue, improved morale, and faster .
    Let’s look at five no-nonsense tips to try in your organization.




  • morale英文 在 民視新聞 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-04-04 13:45:00
    有 93 人按讚

    【Tsai Ing-wen visits Central Epidemic Command Center to boost morale】

    President Tsai Ing-wen made a visit to the headquarters of Taiwan’s fight against coronavirus on Thursday. Touring the Central Epidemic Command Center, she adopted a lighthearted tone as she showered praise on its leader, health minister Chen Shih-chung, as well as all the staff. The center’s employees were tickled to hear the president say that a call from Chen was, for her, the scariest part of the pandemic.


    #TsaiIngwen #Taiwan #health

  • morale英文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-01-08 14:59:23
    有 398 人按讚

    【1/11 為台灣投票去吧】50+ 個選舉英文:投票率、催票、造勢晚會、網軍、中間選民、拉票的英文怎麼說?


    [1] ballot 選票 (投票: vote (v) / cast a ballot / cast a vote)
    [2] valid ballot / invalid ballot 有效票 / 無效票
    [3] election turnout / voter turnout 投票率
    [4] voting notification 投票通知單
    [5] suffrage 投票權
    [6] vote recount / election recount 重新驗票
    (e.g. to demand a vote recount)


    [1] strategic voting 棄保
    [2] vote-buying 買票
    [3] candidate bribery 賄選
    [4] election irregularities 非法的競選行為
    [5] the bandwagon effect 西瓜偎大邊
    [6] the coattail effect 衣尾效應
    [7] the pendulum effect 鐘擺效應
    [8] drum up votes 催票
    [9] canvassing 拉票
    [10] door-to-door canvassing 挨家挨戶的拉票

    [11] campaign 競選活動 (in general)
    [12] hustings 競選演說、政見發表會
    [13] stump speech 選區內巡迴競選演說
    [14] rally 造勢大會、造勢晚會 (又叫 pep rally)
    [15] street canvassing 掃街拜票
    [16] to make a last-ditch attempt 最後的一駁
    [17] to boost the morale of... 提振~的士氣


    [1] to divide and polarize society 分化社會
    [2] to forge closer ties with China 跟中國大陸建立更緊密的關係
    [3] a landslide defeat 壓倒性的挫敗 (to suffer a landslide defeat)
    [4] partisan divide 黨派分裂
    [5] to face an uphill battle 面對苦戰
    [6] to lose ground (+to sb) 失勢
    [7] to seek re-election 爭取連任
    [8] unprecedented defeat 前所未有的挫敗
    (to meet/encounter~)
    [9] to regain public support 重新得到民心
    [10] to rescue one's reputation 挽救~的聲譽


    [1] netizen 網民、鄉民 (又稱 villager)
    [2] cyber-warfare units 網軍
    [3] independent voter 中間選民
    [4] the pan-green camp / the pan-blue camp 泛綠/藍聯盟(陣營)
    [5] executive campaign director 競選團隊總幹事
    [6] spokesperson 發言人
    [7] caucus [政黨] 核心幹部小組
    [8] incumbent 現任、在任的
    [9] running mate(s) 競選搭檔
    [10] X-Y ticket XY配
    [11] leading candidate 領先者
    [12] long-shot candidate 落後者、當選機率低者

    [1] final countdown phase 最後倒數階段
    [2] cross-strait ties 海峽兩岸關係
    [3] pro-unification / China-friendly 親中的
    [4] social mobility 社會(階級)流動性
    [5] soft money 政黨給競選者的經費
    [6] paid news 業配文
    [7] old wine in a new bottle 新瓶裝舊酒

    Photo credit: 民視新聞

  • morale英文 在 TOEIC コーチ Haruka Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-05-12 08:00:02

    ※ モラルについて
    4:00 morale 士気・moral モラル

    TOEIC L&Rテスト 文法問題 でる1000問
    <動画に出てきたCover Letterのテンプレが見れるサイト>

  • morale英文 在 ASA XU Youtube 的最佳解答

    2017-02-12 08:00:00


    MRE (Meal, Ready-to-Eat) 為美軍研發的單兵個人即食口糧,英文意譯為「已經準備好的膳餐」
    附有一包化學生熱的無火食物溫熱包FRH(Flameless ration heater),因此有水的話能夠加熱食用

    「Mr.E 或 Mr.Enemy」敵方人士
    「Meals Rejected by the Enemy」敵人也不要的飯餐
    「Meals, Rarely Edible」不怎麼能吃的膳食
    「Mentally Retarded Edibles」適合弱智人士進食
    「Meal Ready to Expel」隨時可丟的膳餐
    「Materials Resembling Edibles」貌似可吃的物體
    「Morale Reducing Elements」打擊士氣的因素
    「Three Lies for the Price of One: it's not a Meal, it's not Ready, and you can't Eat it」

    (以上資料轉自巴哈姆特 https://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bsn=... )


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