

在 moderated中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅藝文青,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【紀錄片分享】 繼2012年《垃圾圍城》,導演王久良再花五年拍攝中國環境另一「絕望真相」:世界最大回收塑料進口國。 塑料回收產業既給「世界工廠」帶來低廉原料,同時亦帶來巨大的環境災難。此紀錄片聚焦在有30多年舊塑料加工歷史的沿海小鎮,人物是「塑料王國」中成長的依姐,她的童年充斥著世界...

  • moderated中文 在 藝文青 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-03-26 18:17:50
    有 0 人按讚



    ‧特別放映 Special Screening of Plastic China
    4:10pm – 6:00pm | 2018.04.10
    ‧香港中文大學鄭裕彤樓1號演講廳 Lecture Theatre 1, Cheng Yu Tung Building, CUHK


    《塑料王國》特別放映 Special Screening of Plastic China
    4:10pm – 6:00pm | 2018.04.10
    香港中文大學鄭裕彤樓1號演講廳 Lecture Theatre 1, Cheng Yu Tung Building, CUHK

    *Followed by a Q & A session with director Wang Jiuliang moderated by Prof. Wu Ka-ming.

    網上登記 Online Registration

    《塑料王國》Plastic China
    中國 China | 2017 | 82 min
    普通話及中國方言對白,英文字幕In Putonghua, with English subtitles


    Approximately ten million tons of plastic waste are imported into China annually to be recycled as raw materials for its factories. Plastic China portrays one of the many families that live and work in plastic recycling workshops across China. While her father spends his wages on alcohol, 11-year-old Yijie’s only form of education is learning the English letters on the waste. Meanwhile, the owner of the workshop risks his health by working day and night in order to save money for a car – considered a symbol of success in society. The film raises important and urgent questions about the price of modernization – even if the wealthy and the powerful have no interest in answering them.

    Conducted in Putonghua. All are welcome. Free admission. Kindly register by 8 April 2018.

    Organized by MA in Intercultural Studies and the Centre for Cultural Studies, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Sponsored by Research Summit Series and Faculty of Arts

  • moderated中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2014-04-16 10:20:19
    有 108 人按讚

    美國在台協會、CNEX視納華仁基金會與日舞協會(Sundance Institute)及美國總統藝術與人文委員會(The President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities)聯合宣布,日舞前進計畫 - 2014 台灣巡迴影展(Film Forward)將在新北、台中、台東三地免費放映八部影片,並舉行影人座談,美國在台協會與CNEX視納華仁基金會為台灣巡迴場的主要策劃單位。詳細的放映時間、場地和合作夥伴請見:fftaiwan.cnex.org.tw (圖為影片夢想實驗室If You Build It劇照)

    The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), in collaboration with the Sundance Institute and the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, is pleased to announced that Film Forward: Advancing Cultural Dialogue will host free screenings of eight films with moderated discussions, panels and artist roundtables in New Taipei, Taichung and Taitung May 1-6, 2014.

    中文: http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/pressrelease-pr1418.html
    English: http://www.ait.org.tw/en/pressrelease-pr1418.html