
為什麼這篇miss錯過用法鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在miss錯過用法這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者monetblue (*莫內藍*)站內TeachEnglish標題Re: [問題] 一題文法時間...

※ 引述《sherryblue (忘ㄌ....)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《babykate (就愛50嵐大杯冰淇淋紅茶)》之銘言:
: : 有一題問題不知道怎麼解
: : 請前輩指導
: : Many people feel there is something _______ from their lives.
: : a. missing b.missed
: : 答案是missing
: : 中:有許多人覺得自己的生活缺少了些什麼
: : 如果不看中文意思
: : 為什麼不能選missed
: : 謝謝囉
: 因為 Someone misses his pause. --->miss主動用法可用人當主詞
: His pause is missing. -->習慣用法..miss 主動用法也可以用物喔~
: 應該沒聽過有人說his pause is missed.-->他的錢包被用不見了...但是~
: maybe~~錢包可能是自己不見的~~放在口袋阿~~
: 所以 習慣用法 用主動!!
: 不知道降清楚嗎??@@~~

This is my personal opinion. 請指教!



miss (v.t.) 1. To fail to hit, catch, meet, etc. 不中
ex. The catcher missed the ball.

2. To feel the need or absence of. 想念
ex. I miss my grandparents.

3. To fail to observe. 沒注意到
ex. The taxi driver missed the gas station.

4. To escape by good luck. 倖免
ex. He just missed being seriously injured.

miss (v.i.) 1. To fail to secure, attain, do
ex. The student missed out the mistake.

綜合以上可知 miss本身不具lost(失去)的意思
因此 missed 充其量只是 miss 的 past participle

而 missing呢?

missing (adj.) Lost; absent. 遺失的;不在的
ex. There is a missing page.
The organization helps parents look for their missing children.


下台一鞠躬 XD

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viceidol:讚成,missing應該是一個形容詞 05/04 20:28

