[爆卦]mind-blowing meaning是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇mind-blowing meaning鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在mind-blowing meaning這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 mind-blowing產品中有473篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [拉丁美洲 被切開的血管]中國固然「國情不同」,同埋底數極低,outlier TLDR :有資源又點? 但你睇埋韓國🇰🇷土耳其🇹🇷波蘭🇵🇱,起步同巴西🇧🇷差不多,低過墨西哥🇲🇽,三十年後就拉開幾倍 你睇金豬四/五國,跑出嘅只係中國印度🇮🇳。俄羅斯🇷🇺南非🇿🇦就算罷啦(不過股市幾好的,再一次證...

 同時也有74部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅SLSMusic,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Taiwanese pianist SLS performing the latest single from "Official HIGE DANdism", 「アポトーシス」(Apoptosis). ↓ More info down below ↓ 💬SLSTalk This is such ...

  • mind-blowing 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-23 20:04:11
    有 126 人按讚

    [拉丁美洲 被切開的血管]中國固然「國情不同」,同埋底數極低,outlier

    TLDR :有資源又點?



    最痛就梗係巴西,主辦世界盃 同奧運,大國堀起,死敵阿根廷🇦🇷又早早自廢武功,但講足三十年都係一句:Brazil is the country of the future and always will be.


    但,正如墨西哥🇲🇽人人都知嘅名句:Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States!當然就係成也美利堅敗也美利堅


    呢度巴西🇧🇷墨西哥🇲🇽,已經係比較好(if not 最好)嘅例子。你咩阿根廷🇦🇷 委內端拉 嗰啲更唔好講


    況且,「我哋生活在一個高度金融化嘅社會」,你靠出口 咖啡 木頭 黃金 甚麼,必定唔夠啲冰氣房嘅人有錢

    三十年前你見中國印度窮到仆街,但過去三十年嘅產業 sophisticated 好多。


    哦,「識英文」。但你有冇見歐洲外判啲call centre 去南美?「識講西班牙文葡文」(其實係外判去非洲)


    或者,睇我Patreon 聽日略講下,其實我係唔鍾意寫太多股票的。



    (*)不過,台灣GDP 人均GDP 高過韓國🇰🇷日本🇯🇵(PPP basis 啦,in 人話「計及物價」)呢件事依然係十分mind blowing 。留意我地唔係講澳門🇲🇴盧森堡 🇱🇺摩納哥🇲🇨之類喎。

    你話「平均冇意思 一人一粒睪丸」(識少少嘅人最鍾意講),台灣首富郭台銘(其實唔係)whoever 拉高,多餘。難道韓國🇰🇷三星李xx(其實都唔係)就唔係拉高?台灣貧富不均嚴重高過韓國好多?唔覺喎


    至於香港🇭🇰?「我係你就出少句聲」,個撚個學生用iPhone 文員仔用Hermes 一年去幾次日本 拍拖食米芝蓮。不知幾咁有錢。你可以去台灣日本🇯🇵韓國🇰🇷睇下。東京首爾台北都冇得比、何況台東四國濟州?

    牛年比別人知得多。subscribe now.

  • mind-blowing 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-17 20:11:39
    有 7 人按讚

    Scrumptious treats from Shan’s. 🤤

    Craving for delish comfort food? You ought to check out @shans.my’s home-cooked food delivery. Featuring family recipes passed down through generations, every dish is meticulously prepared using high quality ingredients. Here are some of our favourite :

    Braised Minced Pork Rice -
    Tender braised minced pork generously laden with cubes of mushrooms, it was packed with flavour and not greasy. Served with fragrant chicken rice and braised egg.

    Hainanese Chicken Rice - Silky smooth, tender chicken paired with fragrant rice, it was mind blowing. I always enjoy chicken rice, hands down this has become one of my fave. Also worth mentioning, the amazing fiery chilli ginger sauce!

    Fried Kunyit Chicken Rice - Aromatic and tasty, this healthy air fried chicken is crispy outside and moist on the inside. It was bursting with flavour and goes really well with the butterfly pea coconut rice. Served with a side of dried shrimp chilli and pickles which adds an extra kick and tanginess.

    Black Sweet Vinegar Pork Trotter - Slow braised with sweet black vinegar, the trotters were soft and full of ginger aroma with a hint of sourish. Ohh… the thick gravy paired with white rice, just divine!

    Equally praiseworthy, the tasty Nyonya Dumpling generously filled with fragrant dried shrimp chilli, as well as thick and heavenly sweet dessert soup, Bean Curd and Peach Gum.

    Overall, comfort food at its best! I really enjoyed their homey dishes, worth every calories and truly value for money. Plus points, the food arrived well-sealed with separate compartments to prevent spillage and soggy. 💯

    @shans.my menu is non halal and available for delivery in KL/PJ only.
    To order - https://shans.alacarte.my/1628262850588116031/home
    #comfortfood #fooddeliverykl #foodiegram

  • mind-blowing 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-16 16:03:31
    有 1,977 人按讚


