

在 mind英文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,152的網紅小茉莉手記,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《新體驗✨生活化既幼兒英文教材》 一向好鐘意買教材既我,前排我同Jasmine一齊出去K11 MUSEA出席左「D Mind & the Prince 0至6歲幼兒英語」英文教材體驗活動,令到Jasmine媽媽叮一聲!😳原來學英文可以咁日常同生活化去學呀❤️唔洗咁死板同沉悶架 D Mind a...

 同時也有175部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,910的網紅Kevin 廖柏雅,也在其Youtube影片中提到,中英文版的 Someone Like You by Adele ! 看到你們很喜歡 Sunset Sessions 所以… here’s volume 2!ENJOY! 想繼續看到我在黃昏自彈自唱的話記得分享,留言 😍 馬上訂閱頻道,獲得最新 Kevin 廖柏雅 資訊 https://www...

mind英文 在 Dena 張粹方 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 01:13:55

如果慢冷是一首英文流行歌!這首真的有夠挑戰🥺中文詞寫的太美了~能夠用短短的幾句就可以藏著這麼滿的情緒~真的很佩服我們的語言💛我一樣無法完全直翻~只能用我理解的角度去用英文盡量自然詮釋!以下囉 tell me how could you just let it go to ice While I j...

mind英文 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-16 10:04:01

📝Day 241 0912​ #17來提升作文力​ ​ ​ ✔️ anxious 憂慮的、焦急的 (a.) ​ 📍 perceptibly anxious 實在焦急地​ E.g. “What happened?” Peter demanded in a perceptibly anxious ton...

  • mind英文 在 小茉莉手記 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-10 20:13:46
    有 60 人按讚


    一向好鐘意買教材既我,前排我同Jasmine一齊出去K11 MUSEA出席左「D Mind & the Prince 0至6歲幼兒英語」英文教材體驗活動,令到Jasmine媽媽叮一聲!😳原來學英文可以咁日常同生活化去學呀❤️唔洗咁死板同沉悶架

    D Mind and the Prince 活動好多元化,有繪本故事時間、親子小手工、同家居教材示範☺️Jasmine成日聽媽媽講故事多,今次由老師用繪本📚Bonzo Becomes BIG!講成長自理故事,好岩Jasmine聽呀!例如主角去洗手間、沖涼、偏食、全部都係Jasmine黎緊既挑戰🙌🏻睇黎有Bonzo陪住Jasmine成長啦!


    講到家居教材示範,真係令到Jasmine媽媽大開眼界😳學習語言環境因素好重要👍🏻今次見到原來D MIND既英文教材可以營造到好日常化同仔細既家居英文學習語景✨包括有晴雨表、海報、錄音貼紙、同埋標籤,可以無論去到屋企邊度,好似飯廳、洗手間等等都學到英文呀!👏👏Jasmine媽媽今日學到好多野呀,再一次感嘆D MIND英文教材理念真係好好!咁優質既教材真係好值得開心share,等我分享呀🥰

    #17m21d #1y5m
    #dmindandtheprince #dmindeducation #早教教材 #英文教材 #早教 #好物分享

    🎀FB : #小茉莉手記 #littlejasmineb
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  • mind英文 在 芝麻包2.0 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-18 16:17:48
    有 10 人按讚

    🌸on your mind.

  • mind英文 在 Kevin 廖柏雅 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-30 20:00:09

    中英文版的 Someone Like You by Adele !
    看到你們很喜歡 Sunset Sessions 所以…
    here’s volume 2!ENJOY!

    想繼續看到我在黃昏自彈自唱的話記得分享,留言 😍

    馬上訂閱頻道,獲得最新 Kevin 廖柏雅 資訊

    The Official Site | 官方網頁:

    廖柏雅官網 Official Site:https://www.kevinliao.net
    廖柏雅 FB:https://www.facebook.com/KevinLiaoViolin
    廖柏雅 IG:https://www.instagram.com/kevinliaovio
    廖柏雅 微博: https://www.weibo.com/KevinLiaoViolin

    #廖柏雅 #SomeoneLikeYou #Adele #SunsetSessions

  • mind英文 在 邱舒 ShuChiu Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-25 23:43:34

    9.24 於公廣金鐘入圍茶會演唱

    🔸 中文字幕高畫質版:https://youtu.be/sur9pugrjVM

    無垢鳥 (改編自客語童謠〈阿啾箭〉)
    White Drongo ( Adapted from a Hakka nursery rhyme "Black Drongo" )

    作詞改編:徐麗雯 Sub Author : Herb Hsu
    作曲改編:蔣韜 Sub Composer : Jiang Tao
    演唱:邱舒 Performer : Shu Chiu

    文/徐麗雯 By Herb Hsu

    The lyrics are inspired by “The Vimalakirti Sutra” and the Hakka nursery rhyme “Black Drongo”.

    A black drongo is a highly territorial bird often seen resting on the back of a cow in the countryside. “Vima” in Sanskrit language means clean and pure, which is why the song is named “White Drongo”.

    The Hakka nursery rhyme “Black Drongo” is used in an important part of the film “The Child of Light”. Hummed by different characters without the accompaniment, it expresses how our lives and feelings are interrelated. With the rotatory and straight forward lyrics, we know how it feels when you’ve lost your parents and try to find something but in vain, which is what the protagonist of the film has been through and in accordance with the core of “The Vimalakirti Sutra”.

    A cluster of foam, a bubble, a flame, an illusion, a dream, a shadow, a cloud and lightning in the lyrics show us how transitory life is while the nursery rhyme “Black Drongo” itself describes an ordinary daily routine. The former is unreal while the later is real. When the spirituality meets the reality, endless questions arise ubiquitously.

    “White Drongo” is the ending song of the film “The Child of Light”. The initial conception about ending song is to deliver the feelings of going forward and fading away eventually. We expect that the ending shows the sense to nature and the impermanence of sutra expending to the unlimited ambit, and also provides people the power of inspiration and mind-curing.

    影片封面相片 / 楊鈺崑 攝影

  • mind英文 在 Hey It's Dena Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-24 19:56:29

    Introducing Aden!
    OPEN FOR MORE INFO 打開我有更多資訊

    ✧ Extra Notes 補充內容

    想了你6次 Dena 版 Version
    music & lyrics by Aden & Dena

    Baby come here to be my only
    我受夠了只是想妳 這道選擇題他很簡單
    Money 再多我也選擇妳 我|在這里等妳
    喔! 請妳不要想太多 簡單點請妳跟我說

    Is it real or tell me if it’s all just in my head
    Oh I can’t sleep, cus every time I start to think about us
    The way you grabbed my hand and told me
    You wanna go out and let’s eat
    I can’t breathe cus you’re exactly what I need aye

    They say I’m falling too fast
    But I don’t mind
    Cus it you that I’m falling into you
    Something about you makes me feel
    Like we can build sth brand new
    I’m exactly what you need aye

    Baby come here to be my only
    我受夠了只是想妳 這道選擇題他很簡單
    Money 再多我也選擇妳 我|在這里等妳
    喔! 請妳不要想太多 簡單點請妳跟我說

    喔 那麼多的feelings get involved
    喔 我纏了線讓妳操控我
    喔 今天想了妳6次
    哎 我可不想裝沒事
    So 請妳不要想太多 我在這, 等妳跟我說

    Music Prod: ADEN
    Video Prod: Dena

    ✧ What's On Me 我身上的

    Suit Set 套裝:


    ✧ Listen to my original“July” 來聽Dena的新歌
    Youtube MV: https://youtu.be/sEJypi8BIls​​
    Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/u83d2ckk​​
    KKBOX: https://tinyurl.com/3sr2bd76​​
    iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/zjuvsc7d​​
    Apple Music: https://tinyurl.com/zjuvsc7d​​


    ✧ Social Medias 社群
    https://www.instagram.com/dena_chang/​​ @dena_chang

    ✧ Business Inquiries 工作洽談
    [email protected]

    ✧ About Dena 有關Dena

    Hey peeps! It's Dena here! I'm a singer/songwriter/producer based in Taiwan! Ok and apparently I also make videos about what I love and my life! Welcome to my world!!

    #想了你6次 #cover