

在 lodged意思產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過19萬的網紅Claudia Mo/毛孟靜,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #死因與fixation 明報英文 | 毛孟靜 //一些新聞,看了後會永誌不忘,在腦海中深深烙印: lodged in one's mind 、 burned into one's memory。 像最近就一名15歲少女裸屍在海中被發現的死因研訊 death inquest,結論既非自殺 suic...

  • lodged意思 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-21 21:32:12
    有 199 人按讚

    明報英文 | 毛孟靜
    //一些新聞,看了後會永誌不忘,在腦海中深深烙印: lodged in one's mind 、 burned into one's memory。

    像最近就一名15歲少女裸屍在海中被發現的死因研訊 death inquest,結論既非自殺 suicide,也非被殺 homicide,那是不是意外呢?不知道,因為沒有證據,裁決死因存疑。問題是,這宗案件本來就疑點重重。

    · The case has been ingrained in the psyche of this city. 案件已根深蒂固栽進這個城市的精神中。

    · Why Hong Kong is fixated on the death of a teenage girl whose body was found at sea.

    Fixated ?這個字泛指「沉迷於一套想法而不能自拔」,含意頗為負面。一翻手頭的牛津字典, 解說為 having an abnormal emotional attachment to someone or something ;中文是「迷戀某人某事,異常依戀」。

    Fixated ,也就是附帶一點病態。不用這字,改用 keen 着緊、focused 聚焦,也許會比較好。

    那篇報道的副題形容學生陳彥霖的死亡個案,是 the subject of wild conspiracies and unsubstantiated rumours ,游談無根的陰謀論和謠言皆從中取材。雖然報道內容也不過是把事件始末敘述一遍。

    · The report didn't actually reject the conspiracies nor dispel the rumours. 報道並未駁回有關的陰謀論,也沒有闢謠。

    案件的重重疑點,已有眾多的報道及評論,在此不贅。回說 fixated 一字,視乎上文下理,當然也可以有正面肯定的意思。譬如說,會用來形容激情、矢志要達到目標:passionately motivated to achieve one's goal。
    · They are fixated to win the championship.他們一心一意要贏得冠軍。這句的 fixated ,就等同 unwavering 堅定不移、 dedicated 專心一意。

    但仍要小心,fixated 改用名詞 fixation,就幾乎等同負面及批評的話。看以下新聞標題:
    · Airport Authority's fixation with third runway is blinding it to other options. 機管局對第三跑道的盲戀,令其看不見其他選項。

    · Singapore is right to question university rankings fixation. 新加坡對沉迷大學排名的質疑,是對的。

    · I fail to understand your fixation with donuts. They are so grossly sweet. 我不明白你對「冬甩」的迷戀,它們甜得怕人。//

  • lodged意思 在 葡萄牙自由行 Uma Volta em Portugal Facebook 的精選貼文

    2014-12-22 21:17:56
    有 13 人按讚

    【葡萄牙現場直擊 ~~ 到里斯本Cervejaria Trindade 餐廳開餐】
    【Live @ Portugal ~~Lunch at Cervejaria Trindade, Lisbon】

    很開心,相隔多年,可以又來這間在里斯本非常受歡迎的餐廳開餐。由於時間仍早 (到達時還未到中午12時,未有其他客人), 所以我可盡情不停拍照。

    這裡的員工都穿得像古時的僧侶,有趣。實在,這裡在13世紀晚期時本來是一間修道院,一直到1836年,被收購買下,改建成為一間釀酒廠, 就是今天的 Cervejaria Trindade (Cervejaria 一字是 brewery/ beer house的意思)。


    飲杯! :-)

    Very glad to be here again. As time was still early (it was not yet 12:00 midday when I arrived and there were no any other customers), so I could take as many pictures as I wanted.

    Staff members here wear like monks! Interesting. Indeed this place was originally a monastery in the late 13th century and lodged the Trinos Friars. It was until 1836 that the place was bought and converted into a brewery ~~ Cervejaria Trindade today.

    This restaurant is awarded by the Portugal Tourism Office as part of the artistic and cultural heritage of the City of Lisbon.

    Cheers! :-)

