

在 likewise中文產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,101的網紅與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [初階同學可ignore] 許多(不是全部)香港自問英文好的人也只懂看grammar對錯、口音是否好聽,而不懂討論whether u have sth good to say。Likewise, 你知道人有冇寫錯別字唔代表你中文好。 There’s a word in English for thi...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅張韶涵Angela Zhang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,張韶涵 Angela Zhang 專輯中,最受大家喜愛的中板歌曲。 沿襲涵式唱腔的清亮高亢,張韶涵層層疊疊的合音吟唱,讓歌曲充滿處處驚喜的層次。尤其大家最期待的高音部分,彷若冷冽又清新的空氣職透心涼。 MV拍攝時恰逢台北寒流來襲,雖然氣溫陡降,卻難得的出現耀眼的陽光,讓歌曲中所需要的元素完全到位。 ...

  • likewise中文 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-09-05 16:40:00
    有 58 人按讚

    [初階同學可ignore] 許多(不是全部)香港自問英文好的人也只懂看grammar對錯、口音是否好聽,而不懂討論whether u have sth good to say。Likewise, 你知道人有冇寫錯別字唔代表你中文好。
    There’s a word in English for this: pedantic.

  • likewise中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-04-12 16:42:07
    有 2,034 人按讚

    【回應越南網民疑慮批評 東亞及東南亞團結對抗中共掘起】
    (scroll down for English & 下面有中文)

    Xin chào các bạn Việt Nam: Hôm qua, mình đã sử dụng thuật ngữ "con khỉ Việt Nam" trong bài đăng trên Facebook của mình. Mình có ý đó là mỉa mai, vì những người theo chủ nghĩa dân tộc Trung Quốc luôn sử dụng thuật ngữ phân biệt chủng tộc chống lại mình. Mình không bao giờ có ý định xúc phạm các bạn. Mình xin lỗi vì sự hiểu lầm và đã loại bỏ thuật ngữ trong bài viết của mình. Mình biết nhiều người Việt Nam yêu tự do từ lâu đã ủng hộ Hồng Kông. Chúng tôi nên cùng nhau đấu tranh cho dân chủ!
    (Cảm ơn 敖卓軒 (Jeffrey Ngo) đã giúp tôi dịch)

    "Hong Kong: Vì sao phe thân-Bắc Kinh đồn Joshua Wong là người 'gốc Việt'?" BBC Tiếng Việt: https://www.bbc.com/vietnamese/world-49329080





    最後奉勸小粉紅們,不要再以為抵毀我作越南人會有甚麼作用了,這只是說明從牆來出征的網民,只是在玩弄種族主義,反映質素何其低劣 :)


    Although I am a #Hongkonger, Chinese netizens often call me Vietnamese monkey. I am sorry that my friends in #Vietnam feel uncomfortable when I used the term to mock myself. So I delete it and apologize for your frustration.

    But what is more worrying is that #China’s netizens more and more often use these racist terms to describe people in #Vietnam, #Japan, #Taiwan, #Uyghurs, #Thailand in recent #nnevvy incident, and even African workers in #Guangzhou and #Beijing.

    That is a kind of extreme nationalist bullying, warranted by an authoritarian #China and reaching out every corner of the world. With its swelling economic clout, #Chinese pay no respect to other people’s liberties and dignity.

    In defence of our freedoms and human dignity, I invite people in all Asian and African countries to fight against #China’s authoritarian expansion. Our life should not be trampled on by extreme nationalists from #China.


    The Vietnamese people — having endured decades of racism, imperialism and geopolitical oppression from China — have likewise long been standing up for Hong Kong, even as the Vietnamese government is reluctant to say anything pro-democracy.

  • likewise中文 在 公民聯盟 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-11 20:03:53
    有 21 人按讚



    #玻璃森友會 #猛男之森 #猛男撿樹枝



    【回應越南網民疑慮批評 東亞及東南亞團結對抗中共掘起】
    (scroll down for English & 下面有中文)

    Xin chào các bạn Việt Nam: Hôm qua, mình đã sử dụng thuật ngữ "khỉ Việt Nam" trong bài đăng trên Facebook của mình. Mình có ý đó là mỉa mai, vì những người theo chủ nghĩa dân tộc Trung Quốc luôn sử dụng thuật ngữ phân biệt chủng tộc chống lại mình. Mình không bao giờ có ý định xúc phạm các bạn. Mình xin lỗi vì sự hiểu lầm và đã loại bỏ thuật ngữ trong bài viết của mình. Mình biết nhiều người Việt Nam yêu tự do từ lâu đã ủng hộ Hồng Kông. Chúng tôi nên cùng nhau đấu tranh cho dân chủ!
    (Cảm ơn 敖卓軒 (Jeffrey Ngo)​ đã giúp tôi dịch)





    最後奉勸小粉紅們,不要再以為抵毀我作越南人會有甚麼作用了,這只是說明從牆來出征的網民,只是在玩弄種族主義,反映質素何其低劣 :)


    Although I am a #Hongkonger, Chinese netizens often call me Vietnamese monkey. I am sorry that my friends in #Vietnam feel uncomfortable when I used the term to mock myself. So I delete it and apologize for your frustration.

    But what is more worrying is that #China’s netizens more and more often use these racist terms to describe people in #Vietnam, #Japan, #Taiwan, #Uyghurs, #Thailand in recent #nnevvy incident, and even African workers in #Guangzhou and #Beijing.

    That is a kind of extreme nationalist bullying, warranted by an authoritarian #China and reaching out every corner of the world. With its swelling economic clout, #Chinese pay no respect to other people’s liberties and dignity.

    In defence of our freedoms and human dignity, I invite people in all Asian and African countries to fight against #China’s authoritarian expansion. Our life should not be trampled on by extreme nationalists from #China.


    The Vietnamese people — having endured decades of racism, imperialism and geopolitical oppression from China — have likewise long been standing up for Hong Kong, even as the Vietnamese government is reluctant to say anything pro-democracy.

  • likewise中文 在 張韶涵Angela Zhang Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2014-03-17 20:00:06

    張韶涵 Angela Zhang 專輯中,最受大家喜愛的中板歌曲。

    原詞曲:Braddon Williams+Greg Agar+蔡志浩 x Click Music

    像整隊樂隊 在心扉 又彈又吹
    Like a band struming and blowing in my heart
    You're the sunshine that caresses my shoulder
    像整個花季的薔薇 風裡紛飛
    As if every rose of the season is fluttering in the wind
    You're the sweetness in the air
    簡簡單單 呼吸般自然
    As simple as the air I breathe

    You're the sunshine and the air
    I need you every second
    You're the raindrop on the tip of my tongue
    My daily essential

    You're my sunshine and my air
    The heartbeat needs you
    You're the tear of joy
    Essential for all happiness

    你是我的 陽光 空氣
    You're my sunshine and my air
    每一秒的 必需 必需
    Essential for every second
    你是我的 喜悅 淚水
    You're my joy and tear
    每一秒的 必需 必需 必需
    Essential for every single second

    富有是相對 無所謂 你才最珍貴
    Wealth is only likewise, but who cares. You are the most valuable
    You're the sunshine that caresses my shoulder
    像整個花季的薔薇 風裡紛飛
    As if every rose of the season is fluttering in the wind
    You're the sweetness in the air
    簡簡單單 呼吸般自然
    As simple as the air I breeth

    AH 最需要是你
    All I need is you

