

在 lengthy中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9,612的網紅阿甘的美國大冒險,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 川普自從被多個社群網站禁聲後, 大家耳根都清淨許多, 媒體版面不再充斥著他的辱罵、叫囂和謊言。如果你非常想念他, 不妨鎖定極右派新聞頻道 Fox News 和 Newsmax。 他們為了維持收視率, 留住觀眾, 經常找川普上節目接受專訪。川普也沒有讓大家失望, 說起話來依舊語無倫次、文不對題, 延...

lengthy中文 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-30 08:56:11

Burn the midnight oil [#Phrasestoknow🌋 ] 事源係🐸我踏入死亡四月冇耐,就深深感受到日日都有deadlines既絕望 基本上每日都係 burning the midnight oil,所以今日就同大家講下呢個phrase啦 Meaning: to stay...

  • lengthy中文 在 阿甘的美國大冒險 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-02 12:14:53
    有 71 人按讚

    川普自從被多個社群網站禁聲後, 大家耳根都清淨許多, 媒體版面不再充斥著他的辱罵、叫囂和謊言。如果你非常想念他, 不妨鎖定極右派新聞頻道 Fox News 和 Newsmax。 他們為了維持收視率, 留住觀眾, 經常找川普上節目接受專訪。川普也沒有讓大家失望, 說起話來依舊語無倫次、文不對題, 延續在任時的鬼打架風格。

    前幾天 Newsmax 主播問他老婆梅蘭妮亞最近過得怎樣, 川普答道:

    「這很有趣。她是個很有自信的人...她曾是很成功的麻豆, 曾經非常非常成功。而她現在很低調, 但其實也不是很低調。但她很低調, 所以大家愛她......舉例來說, 我將在俄亥俄州發表演說, 那裏有好多群眾, 他們都已經開始排隊......明天晚上我們將有很大群的觀眾, 當我到達那裏, 將會有好多好多標語......我愛我們的第一夫人, 我愛我們的第一夫人, 很多時候他們秀出高跟鞋照片, 一隻有跟的鞋子!」

    你若是看不懂, 絕對不是因為中文或英文理解能力出問題, 靈媒或乩童也無可奈何的。

  • lengthy中文 在 Jessie Chung锺潔希 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-07-20 16:44:02
    有 3,033 人按讚

    Symphony Theatre proudly presents the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions”, an adaptation of the most celebrated classical Chinese novel! 💥💥




    ❤锺洁希曾演出《七步诗》、《月光》、《音乐盒》、《别说爱错》话剧等…精湛的演技受到媒体与观众的肯定,演出的话剧更是场场爆满,大受观众的欢迎与认可。 李安田自小在美国和台湾两地成长,属于性格派演员,并且曾在美国受过名师指导拍摄及导演。马杰飞曾经演出《音乐盒》话剧与《别说爱错》话剧,他也是多部电影、短片和MV男主角,深受大众喜爱。马杰飞也是一名导演,他将要推出的力作是与李安田导演携手执导的一部话剧名为《没有泪的天空》。马杰飞、李安田、林霆坚都是在大学主修戏剧及音乐表演系。

    ❤ “四大名著” 之一《红楼梦》描绘了人生百态, 是一部能够体现中华民族文化与智慧的经典完美结合著作。《红楼梦》话剧根据史实与原著改编,以荣国府为背景,情节以贾宝玉和林黛玉之间的故事贯穿全剧。

    ❤ 值得一提的是,许多人提到红楼梦中的林黛玉,都会觉得她就是柔弱的化身。事实上,林黛玉是一个勇敢聪慧的女子,她比任何红楼梦中的女子更加敢于挑战世俗。 很多人把林黛玉比喻为水芙蓉,只因这种植物有 “出淤泥而不染” 的赞誉。贾宝玉与林黛玉纯真又刻骨铭心的爱情,更是红楼最凄美动人的故事。至于林黛玉的眼泪,绝不能简单地理解为眼泪代表柔弱,就像王熙凤用银子来修炼自己在世俗中的能力一样,或许林黛玉她是用一生的眼泪来修炼爱情。

    ❤ 《红楼梦》话剧首次搬上大马舞台,带观众走进《红楼梦》的世界,体会《红楼梦》的深刻内涵,享受红楼作品的美学呈现,让观众深刻体验古典名著的艺术魅力。同时,透过根据史实与原著改编的《红楼梦》话剧,想带大家更深一层的认识出淤泥而不染的贾宝玉与林黛玉。❤🧡💛💚💙💜


    [第一场] 24/07/2020(五)
    [第二场] 25/07/2020(六)
    [第三场] 26/07/2020(日)
    [第四场] 31/07/2020(五)
    [第五场] 01/08/2020(六)
    [第六场] 02/08/2020(日)
    【联络号码】012-642 0336(负责人梁小姐)

    想要购买话剧入门票🤩?请点击这里 :
    📲📲📲https://wa.link/1zlg05 (012-642 0336)

    Symphony Theatre proudly presents the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions”, an adaptation of the most celebrated classical Chinese novel! 💥💥

    ❤ “The Dream of Red Mansions”, an early, lengthy masterpiece, is about to be performed in Malaysia for the first time in drama form. With the play based on the original historical novel of the same name, Symphony Theatre is bound to portray for you an unforgettable, passionate, and heart-rending love story.

    ❤This time, Symphony Theatre invited Jessie Chung to take the stage as lead actress, portraying the pure and unadulterated Lin Daiyu. The lead actor, Terry Lim, was chosen out of a ton of applicants from around the world. Joining the ranks is lead actor of “Meant to Be”, the romantic, princelike American director Paul Lee and lead actor of “Music Box”, the charismatic heartthrob Jeffrey Beh!

    💥 8 Reasons Why You Should Watch 💥
    ✨ This marks the first public performance of the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions” in Malaysia
    ✨ “The Dream of Red Mansions” is based on the original historical novel
    ✨ International artist Jessie Chung takes the stage with many experienced actors
    ✨ Stage backdrops created through the latest 3D technology for stunning, lifelike environments
    ✨ American musician brought on board to compose the theme song and soundtrack
    ✨ Accompanied by realistic sound effects and professional background music
    ✨ Stage design incorporates exquisite ancient Chinese elements and props
    ✨Actors wear elegant, refined, majestic and authentic period costumes

    ❤Jessie Chung has performed in stage plays including “The Quatrain of Seven Steps”, “Moonlight”, “Music Box”, “Meant to Be” and more. Her superb acting skills caught the attention of the media and audience alike. She is known for her sold-out performances that are popular with and praised by theatregoers. Paul Lee, who was raised between the U.S. and Taiwan grew to be a character actor and has learned the craft of cinematography and directing under a few renowned in instructors in the U.S. Jeffrey Beh, who has starred in the stage plays “Music Box” and “Meant to Be”, has also starred in several films, short films and music videos that are well-received. Jeffrey Beh is also a director, and he will be directing alongside Paul Lee in an upcoming masterpiece of his, the stage play “Tearless Sky”. Jeffrey Beh, Paul Lee, and Terry Lim all majored in performing arts and music.

    ❤One of the Four Great Classical Novels, “The Dream of Red Mansions” depicts various aspects of life and is a comprehensive, literary work that embodies the culture and wisdom of the Chinese. “The Dream of Red Mansions” was adapted from true historical events and traces the bittersweet tragedy at the Rong Mansion between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu.

    ❤It is worth mentioning that many people believe for Lin Daiyu of “The Dream of Red Mansions” to be the epitome of frailty. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Lin Daiyu was a brave and intelligent woman who dared—more than any woman in “The Dream of Red Mansions”—to challenge the worldliness around her. Many liken Lin Daiyu to a lotus, because the flower is known to grow out of the mud unsoiled. The pure and unforgettable love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu is the most poignant and moving story in “The Dream of Red Mansions”. As for Lin Daiyu’s tears, they should not be simply understood as symbols of weakness. Just as Wang Xifeng used money to perfect her materialistic ways, perhaps Lin Daiyu used a lifetime of tears to perfect her love.

    ❤ “The Dream of Red Mansions” is set to be staged in Malaysia for the first time, and will transport the audience into the world of the original novel so they can feel its profound literary treasures, enjoy its aesthetical presentation, and experience intensely the artistic charms of this classical masterpiece. Moreover, through the stage adaptation of the original historical novel—“The Dream of Red Mansions”—we hope that everyone will have a deeper understanding of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, who kept their purity even in a filthy world.

    ❤ “The Dream of Red Mansions” debuts on July 24 at Symphony Theatre. This stage play presented by Symphony Theatre will allow you to intensely experience the artistic charms of this classical masterpiece. Don’t miss it!

    📅🗓️ Six shows have been scheduled; the performance dates are as follows: 🏹🏹🏹
    First show: Friday, July 24, 2020
    Second show: Saturday, July 25, 2020
    Third show: Sunday, July 26, 2020
    Fourth show: Friday, July 31, 2020
    Fifth show: Saturday August 1, 2020
    Sixth show: Sunday, August 2, 2020
    Venue: Symphony Theatre
    Showtime: 8 p.m. ⏳
    Contact number: 012-642 0336 (Representative Ms. Leong)
    Performed in Mandarin with English surtitles

    Want to purchase tickets? 🤩 Visit the following link:
    📲📲📲 https://wa.link/lck748 (012-642 0336)

    The show is a fundraiser organized by the Malaysia Naturopathic Association (MNA) to help cancer patients in need. Stay tuned on Jessie’s Facebook for more updates and information!

  • lengthy中文 在 黃珊珊 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-10-03 06:16:02
    有 299 人按讚


    我們相信所有的誤解都會在中文版的The Slaughter中被澄清,其中會包含未收錄在英文版中的序言,會直接回應柯文哲醫師的疑慮。
    為了讓事情更明朗,我們必須要指出,對於書中225頁的理解,完全沒有英語語系的評論家,有著跟第一語言是華語的台灣讀者有著相同解釋。 在您給Gutmann先生的信件中,您對於255頁的敘述「所有器官都是來自於法輪功」有特別的疑慮。
    相反地,多數讀者讚揚柯醫師對於調查的貢獻。審查人員們均一致地如此回應,就像是觀眾們在華盛頓特區National Endowment for Democracy中舉辦的The Slaughter書本發表會的反應一樣。
    然而我們將全力確保在中文版的The Slaughter會越準確越好。
    克萊夫 安世立
    Re: Your Letter to Mr. Gutmann on October
    Please excuse us for having exceeded by a few days the three week time period within which we had agreed to expand upon our earlier letter to you of November 4.
    We take Dr. Ko's concerns very seriously and we have reviewed the relevant pages in his book together with our own records of interviews and notes on which those pages were based.
    We have concluded that the entire misunderstanding and the reckless accusations which have appeared in the Taiwan media would appear to be based on language and cultural differences between the English in Mr. Gutmann's book, on the one hand, and the understanding of the relevant pages when the latter have been rendered into Chinese.
    We believe that all misunderstandings will be clarified in the Chinese edition of The Slaughter, which will contain a special preface not included in the English edition. This preface will address Dr. Ko's concerns directly.
    For greater clarity, we would like to point out that no English speaking reviewer of the book has understood page 255 in the way it has apparently been understood in Taiwan by readers whose first language is Chinese.
    In your letter to Mr. Gutmann, you specifically mentioned the caption on page 255 reading "All the Organs will come from Falun Gong" as a particular concern.
    This book was peer-reviewed by three expert readers and subjected to a lengthy internal editing process by Prometheus. This review included not only the text itself, but also the author's notes, interview tapes, and electronic communications.
    No English-speaking reader has understood the caption or the text to mean anything other than that Dr. Ko was being given information, rather than making a statement about the availability of Falun Gong organs in some sort of personal "organ broker" deal.

    No English-speaking reader to date has understood for one moment that Dr. Ko was acting as an "organ broker".

    No English-speaking reader to date believes that Dr. Ko was trying to purchase organs himself or was in any way involved in any sort of profit-making venture.

    On the contrary, most readers have praised Dr. Ko for his contribution to the investigation. Reviewers have responded similarly, as did the audience at the author's book launch at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington DC.
    We believe that language, translation, and the heated environment of the political campaign for the mayoral race in Taipei may be playing a role in misconstruing the author's intentions and clouding the issue.
    Nonetheless we are interested in ensuring that the Chinese edition of The Slaughter is as accurate as possible. In conclusion, we reiterate that we think the Taiwan media has been unfair in its treatment of both Dr. Ko and Mr. Gutmann. Mr. Gutmann believes, and we think his book demonstrates, that Dr. Ko has acted honourably, that he has never been an organ broker, that he has never sought profit through China's organ marketing, and that he has contributed significantly to the international effort to expose the medical crimes which continue to be perpetrated in China.
    Yours Truly
    Clive Ansley