

在 lending意思產品中有10篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過34萬的網紅江啟臣,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 250萬劑的莫德納疫苗順利抵台,這是令人安慰的好消息。 我們誠摯的感謝美國對台灣嚴峻的疫情伸出援手。台灣人民過去這段時間強力發聲,「我們的民怨與民意表達台灣需要疫苗的聲音,國際社會聽到了」 這次的疫情下,我們已經有超過500位的國人喪生,同時也代表有超過500個家庭因此破碎,美國給予台灣250萬...

  • lending意思 在 江啟臣 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-20 17:48:19
    有 7,593 人按讚










    由國民黨發起的「台灣需要疫苗」「Taiwan Needs Vaccines」取代民進黨所稱「台灣不需要疫苗」的錯誤印象,才讓國際社會認識台灣民意的真正走向。







    2.5 million doses of Moderna vaccine landed smoothly on Taiwan; this good news is comforting. We sincerely thank the US for lending a helping hand to Taiwan during this grim time of pandemic.

    During this pandemic, we have already lost over 500 compatriots. By giving Taiwan 2.5 million doses of vaccine, the US is protecting over a million of our compatriots.

    A sufficient supply of effective vaccines is the only way to overcome the pandemic. Taiwan needs at least 30 million doses of vaccine; at the moment, we have acquired only 4.85 million doses. There’s still a long way to go.

    Thus far, Taiwan has acquired more vaccines from donations than from purchasing on our own. This originates from the DPP giving the international community erroneous information that we don’t need vaccines.

    It was only because the KMT launched the slogan “Taiwan Needs Vaccines” that the international community recognized the true direction of the Taiwanese people’s will.

    Today, I must note three items of importance:

    1) If there are foreign vaccines available, the government should fight for them.

    2) Taiwan’s past efforts in the democratic world and the strength of the assistance it provided to the world won Taiwan friends. Now, “Helping Taiwan is Saving the World” should be what the DPP explains to the world.

    3) Domestically produced vaccines have not undergone phase three clinical trials and these vaccine candidates have yet to obtain international verification. Instead of using the people as lab rats, the Tsai administration should fight for acquisition of more internationally verified vaccines and thus buy some time for domestically produced vaccines to go through phase three trials in order to obtain international verification.

    Pandemic prevention affects all levels of society; our only enemy is the virus. If we lose to the virus, neither Blue nor Green is the winner. President Tsai would do well to carefully reflect on this.

  • lending意思 在 蔡依橙的閱讀筆記 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-03 10:34:38
    有 2,162 人按讚

    「聯準會與聯邦財政部聯手,將紓困的借貸力量(Lending power)迅速轉換成為企業與個人的消費力量(Spending Power),這是市場能夠克服「財政赤字貨幣化」的恐懼原因之一。

  • lending意思 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-19 08:00:21
    有 71 人按讚

    5G 尚未普及
    Samsung已在研發 6G?

    🔥 Samsung Primed for 5G Foray as U.S., China Brawl Over Huawei
    美中就華為交鋒之際,三星獲得 5G 市場拓展良機

    - foray: 初次嘗試,在此是指三星跨足 5G 之戰取得先機
    - brawl over: 為⋯⋯爭吵、打架

    🧐 The U.S. and U.K. have barred from their 5G networks China’s Huawei Technologies Co., the industry’s largest player. Other European countries are weighing whether to follow suit. In response, Beijing is considering blocking two European suppliers and the industry’s next largest manufacturers, Nokia Corp. and Ericsson AB, from sending their China-made product elsewhere, The Wall Street Journal reported last week.
    中國的華為技術有限公司是 5G 網路產業的最大製造商,不過美英兩國已禁止其生產之設備,目前其它歐洲國家則在考量是否跟進。根據《華爾街日報》上周報導,中國正考慮影響規模僅次於華為的歐洲製造商(諾基亞和愛立信),阻止讓這兩家公司在中國製造的產品運往其它地方。

    - bar… from: 阻擋,阻撓…
    - follow suit: 跟著做, 照別人的方式去做

    ✏️ The geopolitical squabbling gives Samsung, the industry’s No. 4 player, a major chance to muscle into a telecom-equipment market it considers a pillar for future growth. Though deep-pocketed, Samsung has been a fringe networks player for decades, mostly servicing its home market. But with stagnating sales from its former cash cows in smartphones and televisions, Samsung has bet billions of dollars that telecom operators will prefer a supplier who sells both the network equipment and all the consumer products that connect to it.
    此地緣政治紛爭給了產業第四大競爭者——三星電子開拓 5G 設備領域的大好機會,且三星十分看好 5G 未來的成長趨勢。雖然擁有雄厚資金實力,但數十年來三星以服務韓國本土市場為主,極少投入網路領域的競爭。隨著智慧型手機和電視這兩項以往獲利豐厚業務的銷售停滯不前,三星已投入數十億美元資金,押注電信營運商會青睞其中一家 5G 供應商,該供應商需整合銷售網路設備及其他所有相連的消費者產品。

    - geopolitical: 地緣政治的
    - squabble: 爭吵、口角
    - deep-pocketed: 口袋很深,也就是資金雄厚的意思
    - fringe: 邊緣、附加的
    - stagnate: 淤塞;腐敗;沉滯;失去活力

    📈 Samsung also manufactures its network gear entirely in South Korea, lending it cover from the tit-for-tat restrictions that its main competitors lack.

    - lend: 提供;給予
    - tit-for-tat: 針鋒相對

    不只 5G,三星甚至已投入 6G 的研發?

    Because of the ¬¬______ squabble between the United States and China over Beijing’s growing clout on the world stage, the stock market has been _____ for many months.

    A. geopolitical/ stagmate
    B. geopolitical/ stagnating
    C. geocentric/ stagnating

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