

在 kind形容詞產品中有23篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅C's English Corner,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #聞氫哥之亂 #文青的英文怎麼說? ☝️先說明一個概念: 語言之間本來就有很多字、詞語是永遠無法翻譯到百分之百正確,因為很多時候這些詞語都是在某個文化現象下被創造出來,不同國家、民族、地區裡的人很少會有完全一樣的文化,創造出來的字當然不會完全一樣囉! ☝️再想一下,「文青」到底是什麼意思? 我自己也...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅Uncle Siu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,與其R爆頭諗幾十個全無說服力的形容詞形容人,不如講一兩個生動的故事仲有效啦。 蕭叔叔 今集範文 演Harry Potter的Daniel Radcliffe為Alan Rickman寫的悼文: Alan Rickman is undoubtedly one of the greatest a...

kind形容詞 在 德語漢堡報|德語主題學習 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-18 21:23:23

【檢定德來速|字首字根】 本日字首👉über- 超過、自上方、完全 ⁡ 名詞 📍 die Überwachung|監測、監視 📍 der Überblick|概覽 📍 die Übersetzung|翻譯 📍 die Überraschung|驚喜、驚訝 ⁡ 動詞 📍 überzeugen|說服、使...

kind形容詞 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-02 05:50:21

琴日同vocabno founder去左迪士尼!! 咁今日就嚟介紹下白雪公主嗰七隻小矮人啦![#EnglishEverywhere🌋 ] [#每日生字🌋 ] - The Seven Dwarfs - Doc 🧐 is the leader of the seven dwarfs (小矮人). H...

kind形容詞 在 DSE英文|港大英文系+翻譯系 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-02 05:50:21

今日講吓香水,不過唔係講推介邊種,而係從一個牌子講吓啲big concepts同佢哋啲生字。 When talking about perfumes, people usually can hardly correlate them to sustainability or environment...

  • kind形容詞 在 C's English Corner Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-30 20:02:03
    有 177 人按讚


    I’m kind of interested in Susie. What is she like?
    Well, she’s pretty nice. She loves performing arts and works at Eslite Bookstore.
    Oh wow, she’s an art lover/enthusiast. 🤔

    He reads a lot of books.
    He’s kind of an artsy person.
    She’s a music lover/enthusiast.
    She likes to roam around a flea/secondhand/holiday market.
    She loves photography.

    A: Which one is Kevin?
    (哪一個是 Kevin?)
    B: That one. In super skinny jeans and a plaid shirt.
    A: The one with the horn-rimmed glasses?
    B: Yeah, that’s him.
    A: Oh, he’s such a hipster.

    Do you want to go to Blueprint Cultural & Creative Park? There are lots of great spots for pictures. I can bring my Canon.
    Nah, too hipster. I just want to have an ultimate food tour in Tainan. 🤣
    (不要,太文青了。我只想來趟大吃大喝之旅 🤣)

  • kind形容詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-14 19:00:03
    有 99 人按讚

    週五晚上,來和 Sonny老師的翻譯&教學札記 一起讀報

    以下為 Sonny 老師第一視角


    昨晚讀 CNN Newsletters 時

    標題:Facebook faces a huge decision today

    1️⃣ The Facebook Oversight Board will announce its long-anticipated decision on the fate of former President Trump's Facebook account at 9 a.m. ET today.
    (臉書獨立監察團今天將在美國東岸時間 9:00 ,宣布前總統川普臉書帳號的命運,這是個大眾矚目許久的決議。)
    👉 oversight 有「監察、督導」之意,動詞是 oversee
    👉 announce 宣布,常見的搭配還有 make an announcement(發表聲明)
    👉 long-anticipated 等待許久的,英文新聞中常使用「複合形容詞」,閱讀起來更生動傳神

    2️⃣ Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts were suspended indefinitely a day after the Capitol riot in January. (YouTube and Twitter made similar moves.)
    (今年一月國會大廈暴動的隔天,川普的臉書和 IG 帳號即被無限期停用。YouTube 和 Twitter 也有類似的動作。)
    👉 suspend 是非常值得學習的動詞,有「停權;暫緩;懸掛」等字義
    👉 indefinitely 可指「無限期的」或「含糊的」
    👉 make similar moves 是簡潔有力的說法,很適合用在寫作上

    3️⃣ The decision on Trump’s Facebook account is so contentious and historic, Facebook itself isn’t doing the deliberating. The oversight board is an independent body described as a kind of Supreme Court for the social network.
    👉 contentious and historic 兩個形容詞互不重複,是很棒的連用
    👉 deliberate 指「審慎考慮」;isn’t doing the deliberating 是很美式的說法
    👉 social network 指「社群網路」;social media 則是「社群媒體」

    4️⃣ Its decision today will set extremely important precedents for content moderation that could ripple through the social media -- and political -- worlds.
    👉 precedent (n.) 先例;判例/ unprecedented (adj.) 史無前例的
    👉 content moderation 內容審查;言論仲裁
    👉 ripple 當名詞時指「漣漪」,當動詞引申為「漾起漣漪;造成影響」

    繼續停權川普帳號,但要求臉書在 6 個月內提出「扣合其社群平台規則的處置方式」。


    加入 Sonny 老師耗時一年開發

  • kind形容詞 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-07 20:55:48
    有 92 人按讚

    1) 「ある程度」や「最低限は」などのニュアンスが含まれた「一応」
    ✔「To some extent」と言う表現も同じ意味合いで使われます。

    ・A little

    ・Kind of / Sort of

    ・More or less

    A: Do you exercise?

    B: Somewhat.

    A: Do you study English?

    B: Yeah I study English to some extent.

    A: Did you finish it?

    B: Kind of. I just need to look it over one more time.
    2) 「念のため」のニュアンスが含まれた「一応」
    Just in case
    もしものことがあったときのために確認をする「一応」を表します。「念のため」の具体的な説明はこちらの記事をご覧ください → 「念のため」や「一応」の英語フレーズ (https://hapaeikaiwa.com/?p=4744)

    ・Just to be sure/certain

    ・(Just to) make sure

    ・(Just to) be on the safe side
    I'll email him just in case.
    Let me check on it just to be sure.
    Just to be on the safe side, I'll make a copy.
    3) 「とりあえず」や「差し当たり」のニュアンスが含まれた「一応」
    For now
    「今のところ」や「差し当たり」を表す「一応」は「For now」が最もカジュアルな言い方になります。「For now」は日常会話とビジネス会話両方に使える便利な言い方です。
    ✔「For now」は文頭・文末で使われることが多いです。
    ✔「For the moment」も同じ意味ですが、ややフォーマルな言い方になります。
    ✔より詳しくは『「とりあえず」や「ひとまず」を英語にすると (https://hapaeikaiwa.com/?p=770)』の記事をご参照ください。
    This should do for now.
    For now, let's keep it like this.
    It should work for the moment.
    4) ビジネスでよく使われる一時的な決まり事の「一応」
    The event is tentatively planned for July 10th.
    I made a tentative plan.
    The tentative budget for next year has been decided.

  • kind形容詞 在 Uncle Siu Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-01-19 08:00:00




    演Harry Potter的Daniel Radcliffe為Alan Rickman寫的悼文:

    Alan Rickman is undoubtedly one of the greatest actors I will ever work with. He is also, one of the loyalest and most supportive people I've ever met in the film industry. He was so encouraging of me both on set and in the years post-Potter. I'm pretty sure he came and saw everything I ever did on stage both in London and New York. He didn't have to do that. I know other people who've been friends with him for much much longer than I have and they all say "if you call Alan, it doesn't matter where in the world he is or how busy he is with what he's doing, he'll get back to you within a day".

    People create perceptions of actors based on the parts they played so it might surprise some people to learn that contrary to some of the sterner(or downright scary) characters he played, Alan was extremely kind, generous, self-deprecating and funny. And certain things obviously became even funnier when delivered in his unmistakable double-bass.

    As an actor he was one of the first of the adults on Potter to treat me like a peer rather than a child. Working with him at such a formative age was incredibly important and I will carry the lessons he taught me for the rest of my life and career. Film sets and theatre stages are all far poorer for the loss of this great actor and man.